You're very welcome!
This shit is so well written it's scary.
Hope it eventually evolves to town/city/worldwide infestation
Haha. Sexy too, I hope? Thank you
I've got plans that might stretch to those sorts of scenarios, but that's all I'm saying...
Will Zoe always look like she's pregnant? Wearing baggy clothes can only go so far. What happens when she starts interacting even more intimately with her family? Yes, they're getting corrupted by her but even they would question the fact that she's suddenly pregnant.
She looks pregnant if she's carrying unborn broodlings, yes. But it's not exactly a huge bulge. I was thinking a four month bump for one, and five month bump for the double. For the time being, that's the extent of her pregnancy. And yes, of course they'll question the pregnancy, but how do they know she hasn't accidentally gotten pregnant. But yes, I'm aware of this potential snag but don't think it's a particularly tough one to work around. One though was to make broodling birthing in the morning more automatic. More complicated and extreme pregancies will happen later in the game when the family are part of the nest. Still thinking my way around this though.
On the subject of pregnancy, will she still be able to get pregnant with the producer in her womb? Or would we need to choose anal for that.
Well, the mutagens in the slime will be able to adapt her body to anything it needs, so if that's more room in the womb then sure! But Zoe will never be bearing any human offspring, if that's what you mean, no. It's just some I'm interested in for this game.
a fantastically done game with very well written lines and a story that made me wanna keep playing ...im very excited to see where you end up with this
Hey! Thanks for saying so! Might be a while until the next update as I'm back at my day job now, but I'm crawling along regardless.