I plan fixed all CG Scene of R13!
(You can found some wrong code and fixed it.{Use NotePad to open the file, find the <Original_Code>, then Paste in the New Code replace the <Original_Code>.})
(After fixed CG scene, You must load and play at begin of the scene, if you load and play in the middle of the scene, you can not find anyting change.)
(Please Backup the Game first, before modifying the game!)
(Don't copy lines marked with /#/ into the original code.)
1.File[PUBParty.fd] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\external\]
Condition $gameVariables.value(30) > 10
Script $gameVariables.setValue(30, Math.min($gameVariables.value(30) + 10, 100));
Condition $gameVariables.value(30) >= 10
/#/After change file[PUBParty.fd], load game. You can play Nina_Trevor_First scene follow the Walkthrough.
/#/[Forest_Fairy_Battle scene completed]-->[go home]-->[go bar]
/#/-->[PUB_Party scene1(Trevor Friendship>=20)]-->[Choose 'Help Him' (Trevor talk to Alex)]
/#/-->[PUB_Party scene2(Auto outside the BAR)]-->[Choose 'I guess' (Nina talk to Alex)]
/#/-->[Talk to Derek at the Mine]-->[go home]
/#/-->[check in fairy]-->[Auto enter Nina_Kiss scene]
/#/-->[Nina_Kiss scene]-->[Choose 'Bad idea']-->[Choose 'We are Friends']
/#/-->[go home(to next day)]-->[talk to Nina in her room after 6:00 oclock]
/#/-->[talk to Trevor at the damaged Bridge]-->[Choose 'I should totally watch them doing it!']
/#/-->[go to Trevor house(The door of Darius's house) at 22:00-24:00 oclock]
/#/-->[You can see NiTr_CG(19 CGs NTR)]
2.File[Map023.json] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\]
together before!"]}
together before!"]},{"code":355,"indent":3,"parameters":["Galv.QUEST.activate(30);"]}
/#/After change file[Map023.json], load game. When you completed the quset 'She loves her shrooms', You can obtain the quset 'Oh My Goddesses!' immediately.
3.File[Map052.json] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\], need to change two places.
{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[12,"$gameVariables.value(350) === \"Laura\""]}
{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[12,"$gameVariables.value(350) === \"Heather\""]},
{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["<wrap>Pretty Heather!"]},
{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["<wrap>Well, so be it."]},
{"code":355,"indent":2,"parameters":["Galv.QUEST.objective(30,3,1); "]},
{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[12,"$gameVariables.value(350) === \"Laura\"" ]}
/#/Need to change two places. There are two same <Original_Code> in the file that all need to be changed.
/#/After change file[Map052.json], load game. When you play quest 'Oh My Goddesses!', You can peep Heather at the Lake without any mistakes(Heather_Lake1.PNG,Heather_Lake2.PNG).
/#/Only when Day is the Odd number day(1,3,5,7,9...), can Peep Bath.
4.File[Nina_MoonScene.fd] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\external\]
Condition $gameSwitches.value(315) === TRUE
Condition $gameSwitches.value(315) === true
MovePicture 2 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 255 0 blendType TRUE
MovePicture 2 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 255 0 60 TRUE
/#/After fix file[Nina_MoonScene.fd], load game. If Nina_friend>=85 then you can see Nina CG(NW.PNG-show her boobs to Alex) in Nina_Moon scene before Alex going to the Goblin’s Mountain.
5.File[NikkiHome.fd] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\external\]
ShowPicture 1 NikkiMC31 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 255 0
ShowPicture 1 NikkiMC32 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 255 0
/#/After fix file[NikkiHome.fd], load game. If (Honor-Corruption)>=60 then you can see NikkiCG(NikkiMC32.PNG) in Nikki_Home scene after sleep to next day.
6.File[Mia.fd] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\external\]
ShowText None 0 2 <wrap>Thank the maker for blackberries!
/#/<Changed_Code and Add New_Code:>
ShowText None 0 2 \n<Mia><wrap>MM hmmm...
ShowPicture 2 MP11-2 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 0 0
MovePicture 2 ULEFT Const 0 0 100 100 255 0 60 TRUE
ShowText None 2 2 <wrap>
ShowText None 0 2 <wrap>Thank the maker for blackberries!
/#/After change file[Mia.fd], load game. If (Honor-Corruption)>=40 then you can see MPCG(MP11-2.PNG) in Mia_BlackBerry_Pie scene.
7.File[Eddie.fd] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\external\]
ShowChoices 0 2 ['Expensive Gift (Amanda): 2000G', 'Swimsuit (Heather): 500G', 'Strawberry Seeds (Nina)', 'Nothing'] -1 -1
ShowChoices 0 2 ['Expensive Gift (Amanda): 2000G', 'Swimsuit (Heather): 500G', 'Strawberry Seeds (Nina)', 'Nothing', 'Black Barries + Spiked Fruits + Soap'] -1 -1
End Choice
/#2/<Changed_Code and Add New_Code:>
Choice 4
ChangeItem 146 ADD Const 100
ChangeItem 148 ADD Const 8
ChangeItem 140 ADD Const 15
PlaySE Item3 90 130 0
End Choice
/#/After change file[Eddie.fd], load game. In the Game, when Alex helped fix the bridge, Alex can obtain Black Barries, Spiked Fruits, Soap enough for the Quests form Laura's father(Eddie) at the damaged Bridge.
/#/You need Talk to Laura's father(Eddie) at the damaged Bridge and choose 'Black Barries + Spiked Fruits + Soap' option.
8.File[Map023.json] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\]
/#/The file[Map023.json] is very complex, if you not find wrong_code, forget it!
/#/After fix file[Map023.json], load game. Use the oclock placard in fornt of Sam's house, you can jump to the right 6:00 oclock(no longer the wrong 9:00 oclock).
9.File[Map020.json] in Dir[Farmer's Dreams R13\www\data\]
/#/After change file[Map020.json], load game. In Storm Sense, if Nina_friend>=55, you can peep nina without hand covering when she take off her wet clothes(nina_changing.PNG).