Yeah i know

i had it when i first played it in the R17-18 version, but this time i playe from scratch to get the scenes i didn't get last time, but the thing is i usually play at my own pace which i think messed with that quest, i did get the 20 fp with him and i got 20 ** after completing the blue flower quest and party quest, i think that's why i can't do it now without messing with the editor

oh and btw i don't know if anyone got this too i tryed having some pts with marcus at the sophie letter quest but i couldn't show it to him, everytime i try, it doesn't trigger, i think he just says cool and thats it, again i didn't do it right away may be thats why
i know i made some stupid mistakes but hey i might start over again, i really love this game and i don't mind doing that