Here is my 6.11 beta walkthrough
whats in my walkthrough zip/rar file
a text document of the walkthrough itself
2 images, 1 showing you the locations of the wedding ring, stones/hide eggs and worms, the 2nd one showing you where the hole is at in your bathroom
what's in my save zip/rar file
week 1 complete, start of week 2
week 2 complete, start of week 3
week 3 complete, start of week 4
week 4 complete, start of week 5
week 5 complete, start of week 6, the start of sunbathing and meeting gina
week 6 complete, start of week 7
week 7 complete, start of week 8
week 8 complete, start of week 9
week 9 complete, start of week 10
5.0 final complete, with a text document that shows how to see the 5.0 final content
6.11 beta complete save
saves go in
if you want to move it to a different spot or page or page and spot here's how, the first 1 is the page number, the 2nd 1 is the spot on the page
example:, i want to keep it on page 1 but move it to spot 4 so i will rename it to,
i want to move it to page 2 spot 3, then i will rename it to
for mac, i have know idea since i don't own a mac
how these saves are made, i followed my owned walkthrough that i made
5.0 final complete save stats
Rhonda Relationship: 580
Melinda Relationship: 630
Ann Relationship: 620
Melinda Suspicious: -16
Massage Points: 20
Rhonda Inhibitions: -50
Money: 615
6.11 beta save
Rhonda Relationship: 655
Melinda Relationship: 1390
Ann Relationship: 635
Melinda Suspicious: -17
Massage Points: 29
Rhonda Inhibitions: -16
Money: 1220
Melinda 100%
Rhonda 100%
Ann 100%
from now on, when every update gets release, i'm just going to keep adding to it, not doing another one from start to end again, took way to long