Ok - Grinding around I have found a few more scenes - a couple at 14.00 where instead of freezing with 'numb fingers' or finding Uncle and Aunt indulging, I spoke to Ann. The right choices lead to TWO different scenes helping Melinda.
One is the aforementioned backache dishwasher scene, and the other is quite interesting

but doesn't look like it progresses at this stage. These two scenes seem to happen a couple of times during weekdays - Ann behaves differently on the weekend.
14.00 in Aunt's room - exaggerate - the underwear she changes into is red one day, and white the next??
Haven't got the 'THAT'S ALL tag in this one or in the milking scene in the new braless dress, or in the nighttime scene reward "Can I feel your boobs" end.
How many times can we grind it to be sure it is the end?
Still you can make 10$ most weekday nights.
There is a new end to one ending of the 16.00 meet with Rhonda. (Which has the 'THAT'S ALL tag)
Saturday night Ann goes to the club, but is still at the poker party!!