You don't have to use it. The update patch is only if you have the v11 versionDo i still need to use the update patch when downloading the latest updates? or nah?.
All right with you,as i said before..........Condoms, gloves, Stif-247, “No touching, no kissing”...
Are you for real?
Who the fuck has just written this shitty plot? Who’s the fucking ghostwriter? ...DoctorFauci?
The latest versions almost all have galleries of closed images,you play the version until you open all the images corresponding to this update, for example, version 11-gallery 6, version 12-gallery 7...Go through the version, save and wait for the new version.. It is almost impossible to get confused,since the plot scenario has not changed for 6-7 updates..If there are any changes on the path, you will see it immediately..I play like this.i feel like ive been playing this forever with out new senes i tries the cheat mod to speed it up not after a few scenes it stopped again can some one help me progress the story faster
i also ectracted the images.rpa file to see if i am dont and im not
the galary seems to be showing somthing totally different
please help the walkthrough is way to long to follow and enjoy the game at the same time
What does Ann's new prank consist of?
Page 761Were i can foun the walkthrough for version 11 ?! There is no link on it in op and the link Help is dead !
Walkthrough is on page 761Hey guys I really struggle with getting to bang any of the girls - most events feel sooo out of touch with each other, I honestly just try around random stuff...
I got Melinda at 44% and the other girls at supposedly 0% eventhough Ann gives BJs and lets the MC fuck her (bought her a dress) and Rhonda occasionally does some lewd stuff but only goes as far as giving MC a handjob.
With Melinda I progressed up until her sunbathing and getting to massage her boobs or her scrubbings the MC's dick while bathing him... if anyone knows a good walkthrough or can give some good advice it would be highly appreciated! The hints up until a certain point won't tell you anything new...
if you think you finish everything, on monday go to the living room at 11:00 and go to yoga class with melinda, you will get a different scene and a message saying end of v12How I know I finish V12 ,?
the answer is on page 767how to get it The lock screen
if you are talking about my wt, i set it up as weeks and days, so if you need a break from the game and want to continue working on it later, you can mark your place or remember where you stopped at, but for ingame, there isn't a way to check, you will just have to rememberHow do you guys know which Week you are on? Is there a way to check? This is so confusing...
at 13:00, instead of going to the kitchen for lunch, go to the living room, that will get you back on trackI've been trying to get a second cigarette for Cynthia when I take her to the lake, but I just don't know from where. Is there a hidden time and day from where to get it? I'm a sitting duck right now, I can't move on until I find me the last cigarette for her.
I'm not using any walkthroughs, I'm fairly new to the game.