1.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Mar 25, 2018
i promess i no play agin

Awfully similar to Lab Rats in concept. Except Lab Rats works.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
[QUOTE = "Yggalf, post: 1751150, member: 225607"] Eu não sei como tocar isso. Nada diz a você o que diabos fazer e metade do tempo você encontra um bug ou um beco sem saída. Como falar com a mãe, então nada acontece ... [/ QUOTE]
[QUOTE = "Yggalf, post: 1751150, member: 225607"] Eu não sei como tocar isso. Nada diz a você o que diabos fazer e metade do tempo você encontra um bug ou um beco sem saída. Como falar com a mãe, então nada acontece ... [/ QUOTE]



Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
[QUOTE = "Yggalf, post: 1751150, member: 225607"] Eu não sei como tocar isso. Nada diz a você o que diabos fazer e metade do tempo você encontra um bug ou um beco sem saída. Como falar com a mãe, então nada acontece ... [/ QUOTE]
[QUOTE = "Yggalf, post: 1751150, member: 225607"] Eu não sei como tocar isso. Nada diz a você o que diabos fazer e metade do tempo você encontra um bug ou um beco sem saída. Como falar com a mãe, então nada acontece ... [/ QUOTE]

Thats nice but i dont get to the menu to make serum or anything else im stuck at screens leading me nowhere.


Mar 25, 2018
How to unlock Serum:
1. Talk to Mom
2. Go to the Bank
3. Talk to Twin Sister in the Kitchen at Noon or Afternoon
4. Go talk to Simon
5. Go to School in the Afternoon with 50$ to get the first ingredient
6. Go to Mom's Room at Night to steal the key
7. Go to Mom's Workplace at Night to get the other ingredient
8. Talk to Twin Sister in the Kitchen at Noon or Afternoon
The rest of the introduction is pretty self-explanatory.
Note: If you can't progress a step, just spam the Mall (you need the money anyways). Not sure if this event is important for the serum or not, that's why I didn't mention it.

From this point on you can get the first ingredient simpy by visiting Simon and paying him, the second can be gained by visiting Mom's Workplace at night. You can make the Serum in your room. Then you just have to give the girls serum over and over again to unlock scenes and that's about all there is to the whole game.
The animations are OK, but the horrible dialogue AND grammar decreases the value by a lot.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Alright... I'll try again...

Please @RSSINFRos take the time to learn a little about Ren'py before the next update. It will really help the game to have more supporters. If the Skip and Auto-Advance feature don't works with a Ren'py game, it' the undeniable proof that the code is wrong.

Not only use called label like I previously said, but also learn to properly use screens, because it's the main reason why the game is broken. They can be, and in fact for a game like yours should be, . The game is broke with both Skip and Auto-advance, because both feature don't take count of the pause, while your whole game rely on them to handle players free roaming.
By example, you have this in your code :
label corridor:
    show screen fullshud
    show screen phonebuttonfulls
    show screen infobuttonfulls
    show screen mapbuttonfulls
    show screen timeforwardfulls
    show screen money_display
    show screen kitchen
    show screen bathroom
    show screen toilet
    show screen garden
    show screen basement
    show screen lobbycorridor
    if dtime == 0 or dtime == 1 or dtime == 2 or dtime == 3:
        scene corridormapbase
        scene corridormapbasenight

label lobby:
    show screen fullshud
    show screen phonebuttonfulls
    show screen infobuttonfulls
    show screen mapbuttonfulls
    show screen timeforwardfulls
    show screen money_display
    if dtime == 0 or dtime == 1 or dtime == 2 or dtime == 3:
        scene lobbybase
        scene lobbybasenight
    show screen entrance
    show screen corridor
    show screen lobbytwostairs
    show screen livingroom

label lobbytwo:
Due to the way Ren'py works, the Skip and Auto-advance feature will display all those screens (that can be only one), display the background according to the actual time of the day, then continue with the lobby label, hide all the screens, display all the asked screens, display the new background, then continue with the lobbytwo label, and it will continue like this until there's an effective interaction with the player. So if dtime is 3, it will continue until the line 2484, which is the first effective interaction.

What should be done, is this :
# The common part of the HUD
screen mainHUD:
        pos (1550, 0)
        image "fullshud"

        #  If only /idle/ is defined, the image will be used
        # for all the other properties.
        idle "phonebuttonfulls"
        xpos 1740 ypos 10
        # It will show a screen, so just show it !!!
        action Show("phonebuttonfulls")

        idle "infobuttonfulls"
        xpos 1820 ypos 12
        action Show("infobuttonfulls")

        idle "mapbuttonfulls"
        xpos 1600 ypos 10
        # Even the map can just be shown.
        action Show("map")


# You absolutely don't need two screens for this !!!
screen phonebuttonfulls:
    #  Make the screen modal, so the player can't click on
    # whatever isn't this screen.
    modal True

    # It's just an image, why using /imagebutton/ ?????
    add "fullphone":
        xpos 755 ypos 55

        idle "phonecrossexit"
        xpos 930 ypos 765
        # The action is to hide the screen, so just hide it.
        action Hide("phonebuttonfulls")

# Same than above.
screen infobuttonfulls:
    modal True

    add "fullinfo":
        xpos 653 ypos 243

        idle "phonecrossexit"
        xpos 930 ypos 765
        action Hide("infobuttonfulls")

screen map:
    add map

        idle "bank"
        xpos 850 ypos 435
        #  Here you effectively need to Jump somewhere else.
        # But before you hide the map.
        action [ Hide( "map" ), Jump("bank") ]

        idle "momwork"
        xpos 1300 ypos 225
        action [ Hide( "map" ), Jump("momwork") ]


    # Include the screen for the common HUD
    use mainHUD

screen corridorHUD:
        idle "gardenbutton"
        xpos 50 ypos 875
        #  It's a called screen, it expect that you return
        # a value. Here the value is the location where the
        # player want to go.
        action Return("garden")
        idle "kitchenbutton"
        xpos 300 ypos 875
        action Return("kitchen")
        idle "bathroombutton"
        xpos 550 ypos 875
        action Return("bathroom")
        idle "toiletbutton"
        xpos 800 ypos 875
        action Return("toilet")
        idle "basementbutton"
        xpos 1050 ypos 875
        action Return("basement")
        idle "lobbybutton"
        xpos 1750 ypos 875
        action Return("lobby")

    # Once again, include the common HUD.
    use mainHUD

label corridor:

    #  Display the background according to the day time.
    # The value need to be one on the given list.
    if dtime in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
        scene corridormapbase
        scene corridormapbasenight

    #  Call the screen that display the buttons for the free
    # roaming part. Ren'py will wait that the player click
    # on one of them before doing anything else. The screen
    # will be automatically hidden after this.
    call screen corridorHUD
    #  The value returned by the screen is stored in the
    # /_return/ variable. Just test the asked destination
    # and jump to the right place. There's others way to
    # do this, but less easy to understand.
    if where == "kitchen":
        jump kitchen
    elif where == "bathroom" :
        jump bathroom
    elif where == "toilet":
        jump toilet
    elif where == "garden":
        jump garden
    elif where == "basement":
        jump basement
    elif where == "lobbycorridor":
        jump lobbycorridor
    #  And that's all. The code will works as intended and
    # the game will no more be totally broke.
Now, it's up to you to continue with your actual code or start using one like this. But if you expect to have a game enjoyable to be played, well a game that isn't broke is always the best way to achieve this...


Fat, Italian and perverted
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Alright... I'll try again...

Please @RSSINFRos take the time to learn a little about Ren'py before the next update. It will really help the game to have more supporters. If the Skip and Auto-Advance feature don't works with a Ren'py game, it' the undeniable proof that the code is wrong.

Not only use called label like I previously said, but also learn to properly use screens, because it's the main reason why the game is broken. They can be, and in fact for a game like yours should be, . The game is broke with both Skip and Auto-advance, because both feature don't take count of the pause, while your whole game rely on them to handle players free roaming.
By example, you have this in your code :
label corridor:
    show screen fullshud
    show screen phonebuttonfulls
    show screen infobuttonfulls
    show screen mapbuttonfulls
    show screen timeforwardfulls
    show screen money_display
    show screen kitchen
    show screen bathroom
    show screen toilet
    show screen garden
    show screen basement
    show screen lobbycorridor
    if dtime == 0 or dtime == 1 or dtime == 2 or dtime == 3:
        scene corridormapbase
        scene corridormapbasenight

label lobby:
    show screen fullshud
    show screen phonebuttonfulls
    show screen infobuttonfulls
    show screen mapbuttonfulls
    show screen timeforwardfulls
    show screen money_display
    if dtime == 0 or dtime == 1 or dtime == 2 or dtime == 3:
        scene lobbybase
        scene lobbybasenight
    show screen entrance
    show screen corridor
    show screen lobbytwostairs
    show screen livingroom

label lobbytwo:
Due to the way Ren'py works, the Skip and Auto-advance feature will display all those screens (that can be only one), display the background according to the actual time of the day, then continue with the lobby label, hide all the screens, display all the asked screens, display the new background, then continue with the lobbytwo label, and it will continue like this until there's an effective interaction with the player. So if dtime is 3, it will continue until the line 2484, which is the first effective interaction.

What should be done, is this :
# The common part of the HUD
screen mainHUD:
        pos (1550, 0)
        image "fullshud"

        #  If only /idle/ is defined, the image will be used
        # for all the other properties.
        idle "phonebuttonfulls"
        xpos 1740 ypos 10
        # It will show a screen, so just show it !!!
        action Show("phonebuttonfulls")

        idle "infobuttonfulls"
        xpos 1820 ypos 12
        action Show("infobuttonfulls")

        idle "mapbuttonfulls"
        xpos 1600 ypos 10
        # Even the map can just be shown.
        action Show("map")


# You absolutely don't need two screens for this !!!
screen phonebuttonfulls:
    #  Make the screen modal, so the player can't click on
    # whatever isn't this screen.
    modal True

    # It's just an image, why using /imagebutton/ ?????
    add "fullphone":
        xpos 755 ypos 55

        idle "phonecrossexit"
        xpos 930 ypos 765
        # The action is to hide the screen, so just hide it.
        action Hide("phonebuttonfulls")

# Same than above.
screen infobuttonfulls:
    modal True

    add "fullinfo":
        xpos 653 ypos 243

        idle "phonecrossexit"
        xpos 930 ypos 765
        action Hide("infobuttonfulls")

screen map:
    add map

        idle "bank"
        xpos 850 ypos 435
        #  Here you effectively need to Jump somewhere else.
        # But before you hide the map.
        action [ Hide( "map" ), Jump("bank") ]

        idle "momwork"
        xpos 1300 ypos 225
        action [ Hide( "map" ), Jump("momwork") ]


    # Include the screen for the common HUD
    use mainHUD

screen corridorHUD:
        idle "gardenbutton"
        xpos 50 ypos 875
        #  It's a called screen, it expect that you return
        # a value. Here the value is the location where the
        # player want to go.
        action Return("garden")
        idle "kitchenbutton"
        xpos 300 ypos 875
        action Return("kitchen")
        idle "bathroombutton"
        xpos 550 ypos 875
        action Return("bathroom")
        idle "toiletbutton"
        xpos 800 ypos 875
        action Return("toilet")
        idle "basementbutton"
        xpos 1050 ypos 875
        action Return("basement")
        idle "lobbybutton"
        xpos 1750 ypos 875
        action Return("lobby")

    # Once again, include the common HUD.
    use mainHUD

label corridor:

    #  Display the background according to the day time.
    # The value need to be one on the given list.
    if dtime in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
        scene corridormapbase
        scene corridormapbasenight

    #  Call the screen that display the buttons for the free
    # roaming part. Ren'py will wait that the player click
    # on one of them before doing anything else. The screen
    # will be automatically hidden after this.
    call screen corridorHUD
    #  The value returned by the screen is stored in the
    # /_return/ variable. Just test the asked destination
    # and jump to the right place. There's others way to
    # do this, but less easy to understand.
    if where == "kitchen":
        jump kitchen
    elif where == "bathroom" :
        jump bathroom
    elif where == "toilet":
        jump toilet
    elif where == "garden":
        jump garden
    elif where == "basement":
        jump basement
    elif where == "lobbycorridor":
        jump lobbycorridor
    #  And that's all. The code will works as intended and
    # the game will no more be totally broke.
Now, it's up to you to continue with your actual code or start using one like this. But if you expect to have a game enjoyable to be played, well a game that isn't broke is always the best way to achieve this...
I appreciate your suggestion and information, i saw your last reply. I didn't fix the bug not because i don't care about what you wrote or things like this but just because i tried in a lot of ways and i also asked in lemmasoft, i read the documentation but i didn't understand it, it's the first time on my life that i try to approce something like coding i want to learn and i want to fix these issues, i have a post-it of things to do for 0.5.0 and fix this huge problem was wrote in it, i didn't remove it so i also have this thing to fix i hope for 0.6.0, im sad about it and im angry to myself because im doing a lot of mistakes and not solving them, this isn't easy for me, this give me an amount of stress that i never had but i want to finish this project, i want people that says me that i did a good job and i promess you and everyone else there in past present and future that i will do my best to make you happy. Thanks again AON!


Aug 29, 2017
btw mr. @RSSINFRos, have you considered an Italian version along side the english version, having a version in Italian might also help you with the translation, or help others help with it :)


Fat, Italian and perverted
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
btw mr. @RSSINFRos, have you considered an Italian version along side the english version, having a version in Italian might also help you with the translation, or help others help with it :)
I thought about an italian version translated with google translate but im scared that the result can be even worst...


Aug 29, 2017
I thought about an italian version translated with google translate but im scared that the result can be even worst...
Do you mean English -> Italian with google, or Italian -> English with google? Because my guess is that Italian is your mother tongue, but of course I do not know for sure.


Fat, Italian and perverted
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Do you mean English -> Italian with google, or Italian -> English with google? Because my guess is that Italian is your mother tongue, but of course I do not know for sure.
Italian to English, yes my mother tongue is Italian!


Aug 29, 2017
Italian to English, yes my mother tongue is Italian!
It is good practice for you to do the translation yourself, an Italian version would allow you to focus on the translation from a clean Italian text, instead of writing it down in english without Italian in the middle. ;)
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Jun 18, 2018
I really want to like this game but having it crash when you hold control on text you've already seen (not unseen or flipping through scenes just TEXT) is a real fucking ball buster.


Fat, Italian and perverted
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
I really want to like this game but having it crash when you hold control on text you've already seen (not unseen or flipping through scenes just TEXT) is a real fucking ball buster.
Are you talking about the ctrl bug? If you are talking about it i hope to solve it in the next release
1.50 star(s) 8 Votes