In addition to what others have said, the MC's name can't be changed [not a big deal for me, but a lot of people prefer it] and also;
He's pretty creepy as is and even worse with no eye-brows while also having a boy-band haircut.
Another common problem is you typing "Omg", it might make sense if the MC was a 13yo girl who was actually saying the acronym "OMG" out-loud but outside of that it doesn't make sense, just type all 3 words in full, as a normal person would say them.
The same thing applies to typing "HEHEHEHE", if the MC was Michael Jackson and was actually making that noise then fine, but he isn't, so use
*laugh* or
*giggle* or
*chuckle*, you can use italics as well as a colour change to help delineate speech, thoughts and actions but the main point is something that isn't just "HEHEHEHE" in the middle of a sentence, while also using font size to help convey the 'volume' or 'vigor' of the thought or action.
Oh and you don't have to use just a plain astrix either, you can use other symbols such as ♪ or ♫ to help convey sounds if you'd prefer. [alt-13 and alt-14 for those 2 btw]