I found a glitch that disables the doors and prevents a gameover with SpringBonnie. You can't mine fux, but if you buy a fredrika dildo, keep Mangle paid, Bonnie from hacking, and Marionette happy, you can knock out four animatronics. Let the fux machine max out, when SpringBonnie comes to the door, close it, then open it as she tries to open it herself. This will cause her to block the way for Foxy and Chica, but also disable use of doors, that's why you need to get Fredrika a didlo, is the chance she'll stop by to say hi. Smutcube can try it and I'm sure they'll find more than that if they tried. Good luck!
Kinda curious how Bonnie's maledom will work since running out of power is game over. I would also appreciate a female guard with Futa options for all the models sometime in the future.