hope you learned a lesson hereI for one do not think this is right at alll and is shitty as hell.
this didn't work for me, do i need to have started a game for the money hack to take effect?I just randomly found a way:
View attachment 392138
I know nothing about hexa so this might be weird but at least it worked for me.
Just do windows+r and type regedit.
Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>DefaultCompany>FNAF
View attachment 392140
And there should be a file called "Cash_h2088846908" (i don't know if it's the same name to everyone)
Do right click in it and modify. Then delete all the values in the file and type "000000A07828FF40". It should end like this:
View attachment 392147
(You just need to type "000000A07828FF40" the rest will be done automatically)
Like i said, i know nothing about Hexadecimal, so this will give you a specific number of money, i don't know how to increase it or decrease it.
>Time based holiday events are now DLCSo i opened up the game's Data folder in Asset studio and umm well needless to say the cheat codes, Christmas stuff, The halloween skins and a shit ton of other stuff are all in the games files so This is like on-disc DLC.
whats new in 0.16 update
Just read the best way to get an uploader's attention is to report the post as a game update, so here's the build from my twitter:
Version 0.16
Patch Notes:
New Item HoneyPot
A miniaturized sex bot AI used to mine a special in-game crypto currency "FUX" which are sold at the end of the night for $12 each. Leaving Honeypot on for too long will cause her pleasure meter to overfill, making her moan and grabbing the attention of Springtrap.
Springtrap gameover scenes:
Misusing Honeypot by letting her pleasure build up too far will cause Springtrap to come to the office resulting in an unavoidable game over. The animation that plays after this game over depends on the player's settings, if they have pegging animations enabled a pegging animation will play and vice versa. By default the non-pegging animation is played.
Model changes:
Additional geometry has been added to every bot to cover up their endo-skeleton around the knees, hips, arm pits, and elbows. Springtrap's model has been reworked to make her more distinct from Bonnie.
Free camera improvments:
Pressing F anywhere free cam is available will allow the camera to be controlled with WASDQE, pressing F again will switch back to orbit mode.
Minor bug fixes:
Fixed an issue causing Springtrap's AI to not update when winning or losing a night on dynamic difficulty mode
The christmas and halloween content is time locked so you need to change your time to the holiday date to see them, of course once you finish all the weeks for the holiday you get all the character skins for toybox. Also cheatcodes of course are on the games data it just checks patreon to make sure you are the right level to activate them, most people simply use cheatengine to do similar cheats for free.So i opened up the game's Data folder in Asset studio and umm well needless to say the cheat codes, Christmas stuff, The halloween skins and a shit ton of other stuff are all in the games files so This is like on-disc DLC.
...Have you not seen Toy Chica? Have you seen FUNTIME Chica? Porn of this series wasn't just eventual, it was inevitable.How? Why? . . . How?
its just visual. a bunch of them are just skins like g fredrika, golden bonnie, pheonix, panda, the christmast stuff, etc, etca question: does golden fredicka's skin change something in the scenes or is it just visual?
you need to buy honeypot from the shop then have springtrap set to futa in the options then let honeypot reach max pleasure while in a nightHow do I get pegging scene in this game?
Patreon codes and one trick to get infinite money. Just check first page and scroll down a littleIs there any working cheat to get more money on version 0.16?