Oof that's a lot of debt and mostly for "cherry on top" stuff as well like voice acting and music, I didn't know those things cost that much.Pardon for asking but is it really worth it in the end to have this level of quality in those departments?
Personally, I believe music, voicework, and sound effects are just as essential to a game as art, programming, gameplay, and writing are.
Imagine Chrono Trigger, Undertale, or Final Fantasy 7 without their soundtracks; the games wouldn't be as enjoyable, for sure.
Or imagine something like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or Detroit: Become Human without voice acting; the characters wouldn't be nearly as believable or empathetic.
And then there's stuff like FPS games and fighting games where the sound effects may not be that noticeable because they're well done, but if they were missing, you'd definitely notice it and like the other examples, it'd lower the game's immersion and quality.
But for a more specific example to our game, I captured two videos of our game which I'll embed below; I'd say to listen to them normally muted first, and see what you think about them.
Then, try unmuting them and listening; let me know if they're now more enjoyable to watch as a result.
First, here's a cutscene/story based sequence.
This is from an earlier build of the game, so a few things are a bit off, but it gets the general idea across.
And here's a wholly action/gameplay based sequence.
This build I'm playing this on has had the voicework stripped from it for testing purposes/file size purposes; normally, the boss would be shouting out bursts of voicework/attack lines at you.
I obviously have no idea about the numbers or scene, but I guess what I'm asking is if having this amount of polish in the voice and music side of things will directly correlate to an increased volume in sales that make it worth the investment, specially when compared to the hypothetical scenario where you released FF without that expenditure.
Even if it wouldn't relate to a higher amount of profits, I'd still want to include it in the game just because I want to give players the best possible game; I'm the opposite of the kind of companies that want to rake in as much profits as possible at the cost of game quality.
That said, don't get me wrong; we
do want to make a profit so we can make future games faster/easier/with higher quality. We just don't want to make a game that is "solely for the purpose of making profits" over "the enjoyment of the players" so to speak, no matter how much money we'd make by doing so.
And we think it'd be a lot more enjoyable to have all 250+ NPCs voiced, giving them variety and making them each more distinct, rather than having just the writing alone to go off of.
As far as the game making more money because of the audio work though, if you check the F95 reviews, almost every review mentions that the voicework or music or sound quality in general was a selling/positive point for them, so we're pretty confident that'll be a big plus for sales.
Anyways I hope that my little bucks when I purchase on steam will help you pay off your debt lol
It absolutely will; every purchase counts. Not only because of the financial reasons, but also because each person who enjoys the game means that we did a good job at what we set out to do.