Idk if you've heard of it but I figure it might interest you!
I have, one of the people on my server is actually working on a translation for it

I haven't gotten to play it yet though, I don't get to play many games nowadays, haha.
I just wanted to say I hope you're having good progress right now, and if it's possible (pretty please?) to give us an estimate on how things are going right now? + How do you think you're going to approach the side B Faye route?
Thank you for all your hard work, I hope you know it doesn't go unappreciated dude.
Things are going pretty fine as usual, nothing really bad to report, so yeah, everything's good!
If Talia's game is a cross between Contra Hard Corps, Megaman X, and Blackthorne (among others), then Faye's game will be a cross between Metal Gear Rising and Super Metroid; much more action-based and faster gameplay, less story-based.
And thanks, that means a lot
So... are we not going to see the milking facility? All the talk about it and the databank about female grunts made me really curious. :heartcoveredeyes:
I also wonder what are those animations with Vie gonna be like. Is Talia gonna get some much deserved love and even milk from her? XD
Unfortunately not, as it's at a facility entirely separate from the one you're in; sorry!
For Vie's stuff, she's not going to hook up with any of the cast you've seen so far, as she's still very devoted to Seeber (her husband), so no Talia action with her (sorry again!)
Connected universe? I must've missed this. More information pretty please.
All the games I'm working on/have made are in the same universe, just in different time periods, on a true single-timeline theory setup; meaning, there's no alternate universes or alternate realities (canonically), there's just the one the games take place in.
So the effects of one game can (and does) affect another, and while you don't need to have played all the games I'm making/have made to get a grasp on things, there are some plot elements of one game that will pop up in others (and they will be explained in those other games, so again, you don't have to have played any of my games to understand the plot of any given game).
Timeline-wise, right now we're looking at something like this, from the "oldest" game chronologically in the timeline to the "newest" chronologically;
Future Fragments (1000 AD) > Magic Matchup (1900's) > Eroding Ego (2050 AD) > Magic Matchup (2150 AD) > Reclaim Reality (2200 AD) > Artificial Apocalypse (2500 AD) > Future Fragments (3000 AD)
There's about another 10-15 games I have planned, but they're just game concepts at this point, they fit into the timeline, though.
Magic Matchup is completed, and as to why it's on the timeline twice, you'll get it if you play it. For Future Fragments, the story takes place in both those time periods, so that's why it's on there twice.
Artificial Apocalypse is pretty planned out, but it's currently on hiatus until we complete Reclaim Reality.
All of these games though affect the games ahead of it in different ways, some subtle, others not so subtle.