So what are those? Enjoying having sex with this kind of things might be even worse.
If you check the databanks in the game, it goes over what they're from (and cutscenes in the eventual remake of the Fire Level demo will cover this even more), but here's the story on them and the rest of the enemies in that level;
The Fire Level, aka the Volcanic Separation Mine, is centered and built around/due to an alien being that was extracted from the depths of said volcano around 2985 AD.
When the WORM found out about it, they ran tests on it, and found that as part of a natural shedding process, the "Demon Spawner" as they called it, would have these gelatinous red blobs pop off of it.
The red blobs, when touching a human being (or any organic life), would quickly begin to take its cellular structure over, turning it into a liquid substance that was pretty similar to the original blob itself.
With a lot of testing though, the WORM was able to analyze and refine the material from the blob itself, realizing that at low dosages, the fluid from the blob could be bonded to human beings to increase their IQ, strength, reflexes, etc. all around the board. Additionally, and important for the Volcanic Separation Mine itself, it also provided them shielding to the high heat in that particular Module (a part of a Facility, the area you're at in the game, think of it as a neighborhood and a Facility would be a town).
This testing wasn't perfect from the start though, and so you ended up with examples like the enemies that you posted above.
The skinnier one (the scraper) is the result of an imperfect meld of 25% "demon fluid" and 75% human, while the other one (the berserker) is the result of 75% "demon fluid" and 25% human.
Both of them retain intelligent thought and can communicate in english, but due to the imperfect melding, their physical forms were distorted. (You can see a perfect 50/50 meld in the animation below, with the "Flier" enemy; as a result of the perfect meld, there's no physical imperfections or distortions like in the other two.)
As an additional note, the Demon Spawner itself was discovered to have intelligence and communication abilities of its own; anyone bonded with the "demon fluid" was able to hear its voice and thoughts, which were telepathically communicated to all who were bonded with it at the same time.
Generally though, the Demon Spawner doesn't speak, unless something major is going on that would give it a crisis enough to actually communicate and ask its "brethren" to come help it...
Should be clarified too that the Demon Spawner, demonic fluid, and so on, aren't actually from Hell or demonic literally, they're just called this colloquially.
And yes, sex with these enemies is actually pleasurable for her. She comes from 1000 AD Europe, do you realize what kind of cleanliness habits they had at that point in history? Compared to year 3000 AD people that've been biologically altered with mind-bending technology from her perspective, they'd be incredibly clean by comparison.
Not liking necrophilia makes me an SJW?
There's no necrophilia in the game, as detailed above. They're alive and well, lol.
But, that does not make this game a Mac and/or PC game.
Some of the PC games in F95 can be run using Wine, but having explicitly written that it is a Mac game is not correct.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all on this, I was just clarifying that you could run it in WINE for people who did want to

but yeah, I have no control over that part of the OP. When people come in here and post new builds of ours, they update it and reset it back to saying "Mac", or at least that's how it's happened multiple times before.
I have run and played a bit by the way. It's a nice game - well done! I just didn't get well how those three collectable "add-ons", on the left side, work.
Thanks a lot! For the powerups, you'd need to press Up on powerups when you're standing on top of them, and then you can add them to your current powerups, or put them away in storage to switch them out at any time and swap them with other powerups you've picked up by pressing the ESC key at any time and navigating to the powerups window.
(Making sure, did you play v0.27P? That'd be the version to play, other versions have little to no powerups and are effectively tech demos.)