Looks like need to add a gentle route for feral girl. It's too mean sometimes.
Just show her MC's dick and go too sleep, without all that "Oh, you stupid cunt, touch my dick with your dirty hands" lol
Yeah more choices during the feral girl interaction would be nice. The current route wouldn't feel as jarring if they weren't the only option/ you didn't feel like the MC was rail roaded into acting like a creep. Similarly with the panty scenes, ideally we'd also get a choice in whether he actually goes through with stealing them in the first place.
Personally for example, if given the choices to do so in game. I'd have him resist the temptation to steal Norma's panties, but have him cave at the prospect of getting Grace's. But yeah with the feral girl, the notion of sexualy grooming her and hiding her away for personal use rather than getting help for her should probably be a player choice to be a creep, rather than the MC inherently being that irredeemable.
(It also seems pretty short sighted on the MC's part. Cause if anyone else does finds her and discovers some of the only things she's learned so far are a nickname for the MC, his penis, and a fixation on the smell of said penis. Then it's gonna be exceedingly obvious that he knew about and was taking advantage of her.)
If you want to keep things sexualy charged even on a route where the MC doesn't automatically opt to try grooming a socially stunted girl, it might be a good idea to have her take a bit more initiative/ interest in the smell of the MC's cock. IE something along the lines of her taking the initiative of pouncing on his crotch to take a sniff or whatnot. Violating his personal space out of her own interest/ curiosity rather than the MC urging her into doing so.
Similarly for the sake of better justifying why a relatively decent MC wouldn't tell other people about the girl to get her help. She could perhaps display a particularly violent reaction to the MC suggesting such a notion. Make it clear that while she tenously trusts the MC, she might consider it a betrayal of that trust if he brings more people around to her.