Thanks for sharing information, I didn't thought about that, but generally for file or folder names is better to use only letters and numbers and avoid special characters like ;:"$%^&*<>,?/\| since they are either unsupported by filesystem or can be used in programming language. ; is the later case.
; is the only symbol close to : that the folder and file names support on Windows, and it just seems much more aestethically pleasing to the eye than "Wanda - the girl who could - because she was strong."
In that example I used, I'd rather have it "Wanda; The girl who could - because she was strong." or "Wanda - the girl who could; because she was strong." (most likely going for the former than the later in my case.)
Although in any case, this game is the only program, game, or otherwise, that I have noticed doesn't like the folder name including the ; symbol, that's why I hadn't thought it mattered at all.
What prompted me to find out what was causing the issue, was that I had had some games in the past that required the game files be in the folder that it had been compressed into a zip while with, and wouldn't work if renaming the folder or moving the game files outside of the folder.
So, I unzipped the game files and moved them first to my desktop directly, not using the folder the game files had been in when unzipped. The game worked fine.
Then unzipped the game into the folder it had come in when unzipped. The game worked fine.
This is when I decided to test my theory of renaming the folder while including the ; symbol. The game didn't work.
So there I had it, for some confusing reason, this game in particular, just didn't like the ; symbol at all, and wouldn't work unless it was removed from the folder name.
So, taking from my own personal experience of having downloaded probably over 150 games and running all of them without fault, many of which had included ; symbol in the folder name when I renamed the folder, I don't understand how this game should be any different.