Well, there is actually a game, animated, with more than great visuals, which story is kind of a merge of both BB and Glamour plots. With differences ofc. This game actually works and is showing a lot of talent for a porn thing, and promises.
It has quite low grind, a lot of porn scenes (A.N.I.M.A.T.E.D), and not just endless teasing. It has a replay galery, an integrated WT for those who like to skip the use of their brain (I'm using it, I put my brain on hold when playing porn. Because I need my blood to flow elsewhere). You'll not have to endlessly repeat each porn scene to unlock its full galery pic by pic (no incremental reward pics whatsoever).
It's called Photohunt, and it's developped by Moochie. There is a page on F95z for this game, so go take a look.
And before anyone reproaches me to advertise for another game here. Let me remind Glamour is dead in the water, DS conned (again) each and everyone of their paying customers. I have no respect left for this joke of a dev. I'm just helping people here to rebuild after this very tragic loss (a).
Beware : I'm not moochie. He's not my friend, he's not paying me to advertise. He doesn't need me too (go look at his patreon If you have a doubt). And even if I were one of these, how would it matter ? You're grown-ups right ? Capable of judging by yourself.
Voilà ! That's all I have left to say about the Glamour/BB remake failure.