Big Brother. DarkSilver's previous game that had to be cancelled due to a change in Patreon's rules.
It didn't have to be canceled. He just chose to do so because(despite being a self-proclaimed successful game dev), he's got basically zero marketing expertise/creating content his players actually wan-......... Disregard, he's exactly what you'd expect from a social troglodyte developer.
If he spent even half the time on the game itself as he does DRMing his regurgitated BB-knockoff, he might actually earn the patreon support he's garnered.
I spent 70$~ US dollars on 'im, I won't spend a cent more on any of his future releases. I mostly download and skip-dialogue through these updates out of professional spite. "Yep, spider quest - skip" "Yep, bathroom stuff - skip". In terms of the Max(male) playthrough, it's big brother 2.0 with the twin/younger sis having a new hairstyle.
I hope DS gets COVID, maybe a few weeks of suffering might temper his immense capacity for being a complete cunt. What a fuckin' scumbag.