Sry for all Bug-Reporter.
Started the Kate Route again, played a couple of Hours and no Bugs.
- I can answer the Questions, but they are laggy.
- Can buy the Butt-Plug
- Can buy all Laptops
- So Far I can trigger all Events in Class and at Home.
Played on Patreon 0.27 Offline Version.
with 1920x1080 on Windowed Mode
It is Laggy, and Sometimes I need to try again cause of the Laggs I miss the Right Spot.
Definetly DS need to work on this!!! And I see why the Bugs are Reported. But it seems the Engine is just Laggy and the Triggers are not on Point. But with trial and Error you can figure out the right point to click.
And don´t missunderstand me: I totaly agree with that the Version has Problems and Errors. And the Dev need to work on it.
But with a new Client I expected that this Version has Bugs. (Like no Save transfer without Tools, Tricks and a lot of Work)
So I decide for myself just to be patient. Give some other Games a Shot. and wait until next Month with some new Stuff too.