Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
That's interesting what is it about the blonde hair that looks dyed to you? Personally I notice darker hair being "fuller and thicker" with a glossy sheen to it as opposed to natural blondes/redheads which usually look thinner and "whispy". In the samples the dark hair looks thin and whispy like blonde/red hair looks but its black which feels visually out of place. The red option is "obviously" dyed when to compared to natural real world red hair.
Case in point: The Eyebrows don't match the hair. Not even remotely. I know it happens in nature sometimes as well but not to such high levels of contrast.
And her shade of blonde is actually a touch too yellow.

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
I agree she looks better as a blonde with that tan and lipstick, but i stand by my statement the game needs more redheads. :ROFLMAO:
Yeah but its better to design a character to actually look good with it rather than halfass "paste" it onto a character that was designed for blonde hair. At the very least he should redesign her hair and give it a natural color.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Какое отношение имеет Оливия к Кейт, если Оливия бывшая одноклассница Лизы?
What does Olivia have to do with Kate if Olivia is Lisa's former classmate?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Нет бы создать для Кейт уютный уголок с большой двуспальной кроватью где бы она могла общаться с друзьями и подругами, а не БОМЖевать по чужим кроватям с риском быть добровольно изнасилованной.
There would be no way to create a cozy corner for Kate with a large double bed where she could communicate with friends and girlfriends, and not homeless on other people's beds with the risk of being voluntarily raped.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Nothing, where are you seeing someone say she does?
Ник тоже в начале только в гости заходил, но это не значит что Лиза ему должна миньет
Nick, too, at the beginning only came to visit, but this does not mean that Lisa owes him a blow job

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
Ник тоже в начале только в гости заходил, но это не значит что Лиза ему должна миньет
Nick, too, at the beginning only came to visit, but this does not mean that Lisa owes him a blow job
I'm sorry but I am confused and I have no idea what you are talking about or how a discussion about Olivia's hair prompted it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
I'm sorry but I am confused and I have no idea what you are talking about or how a discussion about Olivia's hair prompted it.
С таким же вопросом "Каким цветом должны быть волосы у Эрика? А нужен ли Эрик в данной версии игры?"
With the same question "What color should Eric's hair be? Is Eric needed in this version of the game?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Вводить Оливию чтобы она только загорала голышом у бассейна - паразитирование на настальгии
Introducing Olivia so that she only sunbathes naked by the pool - parasitizing on nastalgia

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
Вводить Оливию чтобы она только загорала голышом у бассейна - паразитирование на настальгии
Introducing Olivia so that she only sunbathes naked by the pool - parasitizing on nastalgia
so your unhappy that she is getting introduced and all she is doing so far is sunbathing and maybe staying the night?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
so your unhappy that she is getting introduced and all she is doing so far is sunbathing and maybe staying the night?
Мне кажется история с Оливией закончится также как с Софией - неоконченный квест и фиксы которые будут исправлять сами игроки
It seems to me that the story with Olivia will end in the same way as with Sofia - the unfinished quest and the fixes that the players themselves will fix


Aug 3, 2017
... so we've decided to ask your preference before we start working on 0.32.
During the 0.32 content poll a week back he said "We are approaching the release for 0.31", but looks like he's still working on it :cry:.

0.30 came out ~12 days after 0.29 part 2. It's been ~20 days since 0.30 came out now. The previous update was Kate only cleaning one room. This one is Kate cleaning two rooms, so, with any luck, we might get almost double the content from 0.30 for having to wait nearly twice as long - but that's probably just wishful thinking :p

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
Мне кажется история с Оливией закончится также как с Софией - неоконченный квест и фиксы которые будут исправлять сами игроки
It seems to me that the story with Olivia will end in the same way as with Sofia - the unfinished quest and the fixes that the players themselves will fix
The unfinished quests are at least half the fault of the voting patrons since they are at least nominally steering the direction of the updates. As far as bugs yeah that's and issue but not really one you can fault new characters for unless you would rather DS take another update for bugfixes.

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
During the 0.32 content poll a week back he said "We are approaching the release for 0.31", but looks like he's still working on it :cry:.

0.30 came out ~12 days after 0.29 part 2. It's been ~20 days since 0.30 came out now. The previous update was Kate only cleaning one room. This one is Kate cleaning two rooms, so, with any luck, we might get almost double the content from 0.30 for having to wait nearly twice as long - but that's probably just wishful thinking :p
maybe... hopefully, the increased time is due to testing and bug fixing. Unlikely but we can dream right. :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
maybe... hopefully, the increased time is due to testing and bug fixing. Unlikely but we can dream right. :ROFLMAO:
Сделай виноватого другого чтобы не отвечать самому, а потом строй обиженную мордочку и долго обижайся
Make the other guilty so as not to answer yourself, and then build an offended muzzle and take offense for a long time


Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Вот для чего нужны вопросы с цветом волос Оливии
That's what Olivia's hair color questions are for
Я думаю чтобы потянуть время. Видимо релиз еще не готов

I think it's to stall for time. Apparently the release is not ready yet


Jul 9, 2017

People remember Olivia as a blonde, here's an image who never played BB.
We're not married to her hair color, so we've decided to ask your preference before we start working on 0.32.

People remember Olivia as a blonde, here's an image who never played BB.
We're not married to her hair color, so we've decided to ask your preference before we start working on 0.32.



Already existing characters have dark hair, think Olivia must be a blonde. Also think it suits her best by far...thanks
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Я думаю чтобы потянуть время. Видимо релиз еще не готов

I think it's to stall for time. Apparently the release is not ready yet
"We are approaching the release for 0.31"
Apparently? I think it's pretty obvious and not a secret. They've said many times that they are currently working on 0.31.
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