Mar 21, 2020
I see that ppl still hate eric . so I wanna give some thoughts and ideas if anyone care
eric idea is a gem . a diamond. but unfortunately its was used a nut cracker. he should be the one that start to corrupt the family . ann as a control freak want to control everyone and make her kids behave. after eric comes in he sweet talk her about punshmint and she trust him more . alice want independent in her life .but because of her mom she can't find a job and she can only use her blog to make a makeup tutorial. but she can't make enough money. eric give her the idea to make langrie blog convince Ann about it and as a return of giving her free langrie he can see her try them on .
Lisa wanna have fun a and have a boyfriend but Ann doesn't allow that . eric promised her that if she says yes she will have her boyfriend and he convince Ann about sex education lesson . aka everything is a deal between the girls and eric .
Max see the change of behaviour of the girls and start to do his on research and peeping . he dicover eric is harassing the girls and the girls allow it but not happy about it . he confront eric with multiple option . main 2 would be swinging path . where eric makes a deal with max the he could sleep with the girls (including his mom ) and same with eric . or war path . where max wanna seve the girls but ended up getting corrupted and sleep with the girls .
there are multiple roots u could create using choices. and u could even bring up max dead father and his brother (max uncle) in the story for why free house and free school and why eric picked Ann as a target to hustle.
too bad that ppl arent ready to take Eric challenge even though DS said it will b an optional . I really enjoyed all paths in the previous version even though there is a lot of grinding. Personally i really njoyed the sharing route and when things were abt to get spicy DS totally scrapped the game and started this game. Even though this game is good even without eric challenge it would have been great if DS included Eric back. When i saw DS post to give i was really excited,too bad that patreon most members arent open to this idea again.
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Jun 7, 2018
in Max story missing challenge with was important in BB story, family go down with money and start e.g filming adults film, Katie has many troubles...

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
too bad that ppl arent ready to take Eric challenge even though DS said it will b an optional . I really enjoyed all paths in the previous version even though there is a lot of grinding. Personally i really njoyed the sharing route and when things were abt to get spicy DS totally scrapped the game and started this game. Even though this game is good even without eric challenge it would have been great if DS included Eric back. When i saw DS post to give i was really excited,too bad that patreon most members arent open to this idea again.
pfft "challenge".
My main issue with the whole Eric thing is how poorly written it was.
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May 1, 2021
too bad that ppl arent ready to take Eric challenge even though DS said it will b an optional . I really enjoyed all paths in the previous version even though there is a lot of grinding. Personally i really njoyed the sharing route and when things were abt to get spicy DS totally scrapped the game and started this game. Even though this game is good even without eric challenge it would have been great if DS included Eric back. When i saw DS post to give i was really excited,too bad that patreon most members arent open to this idea again.
Same here.

Eric made BB feel more like an actual game than your typical VN. Because you could actually lose the game thanks to Eric, the grind sort of made sense. You had to grind various events to keep Eric's influence low, so there was a certain logic to it. The stakes were always high, and getting to the sexy scenes felt like an actual achievement.

I actually liked that there was an obstacle to Max turning into the typical alpha-male/Mary-Sue type protagonist that you find in pretty much every other game. Eric made the game challenging and quite frankly, if there wasn't any scope for NTR, Eric would've been a pretty lackluster, unmemorable antagonist.

That we all hate Eric with such a passion, is a sign that DS did something right with the character. He is quite iconic whether you like it or not. In most games, at worst you would have NPCs that you dislike or find annoying. But to have an antagonist that you despise so viscerally that you want tear his limbs off, was something unique to BB. The prime example is someone like Oscar from Kate's playthrough. I doubt there's anyone here that actually likes Oscar, but no one cares enough to write seething rants about him the way they would about Eric.

Even after Eric gets kicked out, there were some outstanding scenes, especially the movies, but the grind started to get pretty boring. The story became a linear sequence of events that you had to grind a bit to get to. Don't get me wrong, they were fun events, but there was no longer any challenge in getting to them, which is fine, but IMHO they could've been potentially even more satisfying.

Disclaimer: To all the Eric haters, please don't gang up on me :). I hate him as much as you do. Just saying that an enemy you hate so damned much is a sign of a well written enemy, not a badly written one.
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Active Member
May 5, 2017
let's say that for max's story, once he fucked everyone in the house, had 3somes and filmed porn and whatnot, adding eric would be the solution to not make it boring (like some other long lasting games are now *cough* DMD *cough*) and creat more content opportunities.

For now I think DS created this poll knowing extremely well how people would respond and kill that topic before it gets too big.
Or maybe he's testing waters to maybe suggest it again in another year ?
A year from now (a good few max updates) introducing Eric, with the same optionnal system ofc, might be something with more enthusiasts.

Now, let's imagine that for a second :
you're already the man of the house (pun intended), your mom, sisters and aunt are basically subbing to you. Ann knows you're fucking Kira, Lisa's sex ed is far beyond done, Alice doesn't need any help for her blog, and Ann doesn't really need to work that much since you're taking care of everything with the website. - website everyone knows about or almost -.
What leverage does Eric has ? Either none and he only is after ann and the task is a little bit easieer or DS finds new leverage points against max to get the women and it leads to new interesting unseen challenges and situations WHICH I HIGHLY DOUBT.

Any cases, if Eric comes in too late - because people voted him in pretty late in - he can only get after ann - romantically - if he's an enemy or be Max's pet from the start because he has no power and that's pretty pointless.

My guess is either its going to be not as entertaining/frustrating depending on your feelings on this in glamour as it was in BB, unless DS invents new blackmail situations such as "i bought your house and evicted you" "i reported you to authorities and your website and money are gone" or whatnot

And last but not least, if you want to add him, it might be interesting to add him for kate too. Let's not do things half way here
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Jan 25, 2018
Hi, it's my last quest but i don't how to progres with ? plz
with Ann i have the 2 option to be punish (boobs and hand)



Jun 18, 2017
too bad that ppl arent ready to take Eric challenge even though DS said it will b an optional . I really enjoyed all paths in the previous version even though there is a lot of grinding. Personally i really njoyed the sharing route and when things were abt to get spicy DS totally scrapped the game and started this game. Even though this game is good even without eric challenge it would have been great if DS included Eric back. When i saw DS post to give i was really excited,too bad that patreon most members arent open to this idea again.
I agree with the idea of eric . but not the execution. ppl hate him because his more like cuckoldry path not ntr path . watch me sleep with all the girls and u have money while u watch . and what makes him even annoying is war path u do everything right but still he gets alice and kira . with no warning . it would be more fun if time event happens . like each event need a week or 2 to active. in that week u need to reach influence point . relationship point. money skill etc ... if u dont have these eric will start the event . otherwise u start . of war path in the end of game u could kick Eric out if u have a higher points of finished events (help the girls more )otherwise game over . that would be a challenging and fun
btw when I played the orginal I thought it's the only game game that could covers highest amount of fetish and still make it possible and logical . u could have up to 4 root with the combination of the answer of the 2 confrontation. example 1st yes 2and yes cuckoldry root . 1st no 2and yes swinging root . 1st yes 2and no currption root . 1st and 2nd no harem root (where max start with wanna help the girls and they will start have feeling for him and will u know the rest )
I usually see anything and will start thinking how it could have been batter . this game especially made me grieve that DS had a brilliant idea outside of of the box . then he force it to fit a box and started make it a like any other game


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Really? I don't see it that way...

View attachment 1243251
Yeah, that's perhaps creepier than Max.

One point stands, though. The models in Glamour only have a limited number of fairly wooden (sorry, Woody) expressions. It's almost as if they are fashion models posed with an frozen expression they can maintain for a number of photographs instead of actors trained to express a range of emotions. I feel it is one thing that makes the game look a bit dated compared to many of the other projects out there. At least that's how I'm perceiving it.
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Mar 21, 2020
I agree with the idea of eric . but not the execution. ppl hate him because his more like cuckoldry path not ntr path . watch me sleep with all the girls and u have money while u watch . and what makes him even annoying is war path u do everything right but still he gets alice and kira . with no warning . it would be more fun if time event happens . like each event need a week or 2 to active. in that week u need to reach influence point . relationship point. money skill etc ... if u dont have these eric will start the event . otherwise u start . of war path in the end of game u could kick Eric out if u have a higher points of finished events (help the girls more )otherwise game over . that would be a challenging and fun
btw when I played the orginal I thought it's the only game game that could covers highest amount of fetish and still make it possible and logical . u could have up to 4 root with the combination of the answer of the 2 confrontation. example 1st yes 2and yes cuckoldry root . 1st no 2and yes swinging root . 1st yes 2and no currption root . 1st and 2nd no harem root (where max start with wanna help the girls and they will start have feeling for him and will u know the rest )
I usually see anything and will start thinking how it could have been batter . this game especially made me grieve that DS had a brilliant idea outside of of the box . then he force it to fit a box and started make it a like any other game
like u said it really sucks that ppl r forcing the creator to go in a certain route rather letting him tell a story how he wanted. i also understand that ppl not wanting eric and get rid of him(I also hated him when i was playing but i also enjoyed the part where max get to blackmail him,turned him into impotent part also). SHARING/ NTR (cuckolding) is not everyone's preference,I can uinderstand that. BBAS (from another creator) is trying with that idea but personally i wanted to see that from the original creator DS. Once max has sex with everyone in the home the story becomes slow and a bit of grind in the original game even with the porn studio sequences (at least for me). It could turned into even more interesting if new characters are introduced in porn studios (both male and female) to make things more spicy and new interesting developments and challenges if DS chooses not to introduce eric as patreons's are not warming up to the idea of welcoming eric back into the story. It doesnt have to b eric to make things even more interestings/worse for max(even though i wanted eric to b back) It can be from Lisa's classmates or from Alice friends/classmate or from porn studios or from new setting .A little pushback/rivals are needed for max.It can open up new paths/genres but it is upto DS.I jus want him to tell a story how he originally intended to do rather than as you said trying to fit him in the box.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
It kind of works, given this game's name.
Yup. I realized talking about them as fashion models (though sometimes they seem more like mannikins), was very appropriate as far as the title. Decided to go with it anyway. There certainly isn't any "glamour" in the story.
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May 6, 2017
I think Ann finally gets jealous of everyone else having Max's attention. Hopefully these previews are implying that the villa dress code gets a lot less "formal" for everyone.
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