Is this game a free sandbox, or are there restrictions? E.g. maximum number of days/time limits to get access to certain scenes or girls, locking yourself out of scenes or girls (unless it’s easily avoidable), etc.?
You can lock yourself out for some girls if you do not like the kink or unlock early condition that is so high, that you have to be cheating to miss it. There is some talking about how you need to act arround Kurumi to unlock her but I think this is really just a bug that has already been fixed because I have done the opposite and still got her.
Anyway these are the paths in incest path you need to travel to not lock yourself out.
-Impregnate Kurumi several times then when you lately impregnated her go to the HFF building to upgrade your card.
-Shiori, choose the options that make you desire her.
-When Ise want you to sign an NDA, sign it.
Oh and be carefull if you fuck Stephanies ass, because if you overdo it, you will never fuck her ass again.