Hero: terrific tank in PK mode with IGP (very expensive in honey terms though). Indirectly offensive powerhouse in WL mode thanks to Unity Force.
• Yeon: duh. After getting Rally I dumped Felix and made her permanent. Rally, Revive, Unity heal, all sorta offensive magic thanks to books. Only thing I missed from Felix is group AGI buff. Yeon is also kinda squishy.
• Gargan: dude/dudette got overpowered. Except for stun resistant/immune bosses like Barst I almost always use him. +5 TP for using Cape Stun? Hell yeah! Plus area stun. Then there's Coup de Grace. Don't forget Unity Force counter. That's insanely good against the Queen and her mooks. Sometimes I dump him for Bronwyn or offensive mage depending on situation.
• Bronwyn: except for Slenderman and mook-heavy boss fights I always use her in boss fights. Never found a boss (I think) immune to all her DoT attacks and Pinning Arrow. Didn't really feel she got nerfed one bit by +5 TP Pinning Arrow.
• Larelle: LQ makes her really strong. Starting to use her over Kyrie after finishing LQ and getting her item. I think by then she's better than Kyrie in mage-heavy parties thanks to MDF debuff. Plus later enemies tend to get resistant/immune to acid. Moxx item also gives her mana regen.
• Kyrie: still mainstay for mob clearing especially with golems/inanimate enemies. Not so hot anymore with AoE nerf and acid resists/immunities.
• Meline: also kinda weakened by AoE nerf. Censured still overpowered... when it works. Revelation still great for undead/vampire/werewolf/melee-heavy groups.
• Elaiya: great for Slenderman. Okay for magic reflect heavy mobs. Would be fantastic if Headshot works more frequently or more enemies you want to kill ASAP are not immune. I usually just bench her.
Felix is okay until I get Yeon. Doll is okay until I get Gargan or PK mode. The rest are kinda meh.
Where is your MC now located. Your Northmarket Manor? Not sure if you already know but you can only change guys in the party in certain places like home exits.
Go to exit at any of your houses.
Upper left corner. You get options. Press Change.
Upper right corner. Highlight party member you wanna replace.
Doll is 100% a tank + Healer. She does have some control in the way of evocation, like poisons, and debuffs via Cold and Nectrotic evocations. But they really aren't worth the momentum cost (If you can spare it, there is nothing wrong with using them, however make sure you enough to keep her taunt going, and in case of an emergency heal). She is the most sustainable tank, her taunt and her natural regen means you rarely have to heal her she does so passively. And if you've taken full advantage of the threat system she will be soaking up most of the damage.
Chimei is the boss killer, she can dish out so much damage to a single enemy it's staggering. However she is very costly, your best bet is teaming her up with Didi and using rush of spirit. If not you will have to resort to honey and her transfer essence, but be warned using transfer essence will eat up her mana faster than you might realize (You are basically paying mana twice for a spell)
Therese is sort of a hybrid between tanking, healing and damage. Basically she is a jack of all trades but master of none. Meaning she is a good versatile tank, but she won't have the same surviveability as Doll or the same amount of damage as Raina
Yamamaya... Eh wait for the newest release she is getting a major upgrade and her skills will have alot more syngergy and won't feel like all her skills are competing with eachother anymore.
-edit: oh shit forgot about the furnutire. Furniture will significantly speed up affection, in fact in most cases you can double the affection gain. So yes I will very much recommend it (But it's not like you can't max your girls without, it just faster and cheaper in the long run) the furniture page on the wiki is a good place to start learning it
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(I make it a point to always keep this page up to date, given how some of these things can be tedious to find out ingame, and I datamine often anyways so why not just spend a couple minutes updating the page)
Yep that's me, in case you are wondering I am also the RomeoPapa who is a wiki admin and the tester who hangs around the Discord server (Although I only go by Romeo there now).
• Meline: also kinda weakened by AoE nerf. Censured still overpowered... when it works. Revelation still great for undead/vampire/werewolf/melee-heavy groups.
• Bronwyn: except for Slenderman and mook-heavy boss fights I always use her in boss fights. Never found a boss (I think) immune to all her DoT attacks and Pinning Arrow. Didn't really feel she got nerfed one bit by +5 TP Pinning Arrow.
Yes, she is my prefered tank. Mind you there is no best tank, they all serve their own niche and it all comes down to your own playstyle. I for example are very big on action economy, and is probably one of the better characters for that. My standard setup is Warlord/Doll/Meline/Depends on the situation. That gives me healing, tanking, buffing and control, and the fourth member would be damage.
I don't think I used threat system that effectively. Mostly I used Attract in PK mode and that's about it. Do you have guide/videos for using threat system effectively.
Sadly no, there has never been a big need for it since you quickly become overleveled in this game and as a result there was never a need to go big into the combat mechanics. But with the introduction of hard mode it might be a good idea to make a page where I talk about combat mechanics more in-depth.
But in essence tanks use threat (Duh!), and then you put heave armour and helmet on your tank, light armour and helmet on those you don't mind taking a few hits and then clothes armour and helment on those you really don't want to take a hit.
Reason is heavy armour and helment increase threat by 10% each. light armour and helment and magical armour and helmets are neutral(Magic also gives 5% magic resistance each) and clothes armour and helmets decrease threat by 10% each.
There are also some accesories that increase/decrease threat, but there is no rule of thumb for those, I suggest checking the wiki.
I only call her the boss killer because when there are only one enemy (Which isn't all bosses) her single target dps shoots through the roof, her final skill is 8 hits. This doesn't mean she can't be used against groups it's just that the nature of evocations makes it a bit unpredictable. And you complete Nerys's LQ you will get the moonstone orb, equipping Chimei with this will give her the lightning rod skill, which will increase all lightning damage by 75% (Chimei use sonic and lightning), plus using standard magic buffs and mdf debuffs works for evocations too.
Is she better than Bronwyn? not really, Bronwyn is much easier to use and less situational than Chimei. But when you get Chimei right she can be satisfying to use.
Sadly there aren't any videos on Chimei + Didi combo. Not many people use Chimei for the exact reason you mentioned.
I know Conash wants to change her at some point, but that's really all I know at this time. Also I understand the confusion about stagger, but it's not actually a stun it's meant to make it easier for you to hit an enemy.
Need? Not really, I don't there is a situation where you NEED one specific character to finish a quest, just some that makes it easier. I will note that Therese is the one with the highest threat in the game.
Cool! Must be real hell migrating from old wikia huh?
I actually much prefer the new site with darker background. I use wide screen monitor so light backgrounds are kinda hard on the eyes.
Those enemy immunities/resistances/weaknesses guides are fantastic. I mean it's real fun figuring out the optimal team to clear particular dungeon and its boss.
Don't get me started on that fucking migration... While I think it was most definitely for the better, we have alot more freedom now. But FUCK was it a nasty surprise waking up to. I woke up to a message from Fandom saying they no longer wanted sex games and we had 2 weeks before it closed, "Cue panic".
It was mostly me and other user called lostone2 who moved the entire wiki, which we actually managed to do in only 1 weeks, but yes that week was hell.
Fun fact: despite having 2 weeks, after that migration was done 1 week I promptly got the old wiki closed early.... See I figured since we were finished and people were still editing the old one after multiple mentions of us moving, I would just empty all pages and add a small text about us moving and a link to the new wiki... Apparently that is against Fandom policy and they closed it early... I regret nothing!
The new wiki was also white theme when we moved, I just did some CSS magic so we would have the dark theme instead.
Ah it's always good to hear people using the enemies pages. Those are all me (Except for the strategies, I spend aloooot of time on strategy: See Slendermans on bonus bosses page and the one for Princess Bride as those are mine), and they take me a long time to make. But there aren't alot of people talking about them, so it's always good to see someone using them.
Warlord is usually busy buffing the party with Assault and UF, and if needed I use him as an off-healer with encourage which can also cure some status effects. I give him light armour, preferable Raider's for that sweet momentum regen.
Doll is mostly just taunting and guarding, I sometimes bring her out of going full turtle if incoming damage is high and Meline and Hero can't keep up with the healing by themselves. She get's heavy armour, if you can afford it Paladin set is the way to go. I usually don't give her a shield, I normally give her the amathyst orb to decrease magic. Her self healing allows you to spread out her defenses between resist and defense a little more.
Meline is my controller + healer. As you mentioned she has Heretical censure to fuck up mages, and if they are immune to that she can learn sonic prayers which inflict Deafened and that serves the same purpose as censured.
For melee she can inflict Daze which gives all physical skills a 60% chance of missing, which means that it's basically a 60% decrease in damage.
She can inflict burned which cut all healing effect in half to screw you healers.
And she herself can be used as healer by teaching her cure light wound. And teaching her clear mind and cleanse body she can cure aswell.
And if all else fail dark and stormy knight gives her static chain which is a damage type AoE spell, or book of love and passion teaches her Queen's Rhapsody which is a damage tupe AoE spell aswell.
And as mentioned the fourth member is usually chosen based on which quest, but it's most likely gonna be a source of damage, as the rest of the party lacks oomph in that department.
Hmm, now I wanna use Chimei for my next playthrough. It's just that I don't understand Japanese. I watch subtitled anime but I only remember mostly the swear Japanese words.
Eh. Depends on how much effort you are willing to put in. But in general getting the loan on day 1 and buying all the 10% ROI investments + the pink banana/Bitch's sixth tit investment (With that investment you can play the money making at Shally's bar, where the maximum profit to be earned will be increased by 2500 sil. And seeing as the pink banana investment costs 2000 means you can get it for free plus another 500 sil.) After that you should have enough for a 1 or 2 of the lower percentage investments or you can begin paying the loan back up to you.
Oh and always put your money in the bank before going on a quest, anything in the bank generate a 1% interest.
Also buying an investment will always be more profitable than letting them stay in the bank, because of math
Doing daily dungeon will net you a nice profit aswell, Giant's path will get your furs and tails which you should sell to the fur trader in huntersvale to get double the profit for them. And the slime fort gives you slimes in a jar which should be sold to the slime buyer in southport academy again for double the profit. See here for further details:
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Other than that we get into some nitpicky territory
What can you do man? Platform companies are bitches. Maybe you guys need to always allow for the possibility the website you're using will fuck up down the road. You know, backup plans.
Fantastic boss guide man! I struggled with those fights before looking at your tips. Speaking of Slenderman he can no longer vanish your party member permanently right?
Seriously? Are people so overleveled in this game they don't need to look up enemy strengths and weaknesses? I only play the random daily dungeons. I don't play the repeatable dungeons.