
Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Yes, but I was wondering if other platforms were more lenient in what they consider as selling a product or giving a service.
That is not Patreon but the EU nations and US states, it is just as Patreon got bigger, they took notice that Patreon and devs provided services that are taxable.


Jan 10, 2018
Well I think that how different Chris reacts to a male mc instead of female mc shows partly how deeply she is affected by the going on in her marriage and that she is way less perfect as she may seem on the outside. :) Also not sure if you ever read the Chadwick files, they were free on Patreon I think. :p
Ah, no, I haven't seen the Chadwick Files yet. Is there a convenient link somewhere?

As far as her perfection goes, though... Nope, refusing to see it. She's absolutely perfect in every way!

...Joking aside, though, I think we're going to need way more information on their marriage before we can draw any strong conclusions. It could be something as innocuous as "They got married way too early in their relationship, and realized that they were ridiculously unsuited for each other in a long-term relationship; now they both do their own thing while staying together for tax reasons until they find what they want elsewhere - that doesn't stop Harris from being a bitch about dating her husband, though", or as serious as "Chris still hopes to reconcile with her husband, and refuses to really cheat on him (in her eyes) - but "pets" aren't cheating, and they agreed long ago that she could go after as many women as she liked. She has yet to realize herself that she gave up on reconciling long ago, with a constant stream of 'distractions' left in her wake.". So far as I know, all we really know is that she has a burning hatred of Harris, and Annie believes that whatever happened with her husband cheating has lead her to go "all amazon".

One of my personal suspicions though is that all three females have a bet going on over MC. :)
Chris: [glancing at her datapad, confirming that Harris has been switched out with Cooper] "We've gone two days without sleep to get this ship ready; let's liven things up with a bet to keep us on our toes. Whoever gets furthest with the Lieutenant by the time we return to the Intrepid gets to do whatever they want with the other two for a full day."

Annie: [She must have forgot who the self-loading cargo is! All I need is a hug - I've got this in the bag!] "Sounds great! Just don't cry too much when you see the bill at the all-you-can-drink buffet..."

Sarah: [I'm likable! Chris is too aggressive, and Annie too rude - if the Lieutenant is a normal person, I can win this! And it's a great excuse to spend more time with someone who can save my career.] "We're counting miles spent showing them around the base, right? This will be an easy win for me! Count me in!"

[Lieutenant shows up, and Annie swears]

Annie: (Okay, okay, I can still win this. Chris might be better with women than I am, but we're both engineers - I can use this. I'll just... Break a couple of connectors on the backup systems, and ask for her help fixing them once we're on the ground. We're not going to need those, and I'll blame it on a harsh re-entry or something. A few more hours together in cramped quarters should let me cop a feel or something to win the bet)

Chris: (With the ship still struggling, I can have Annie spend all her times on repair, while having Sarah spend more time behind the console - it'll look good on both their records, while I spend all the time with the prey. I'll need to see to departure and docking, but other than that, I just need to be there long enough to look professional... Perfect.)

Sarah, alone: (Damn it, I didn't think I'd spend the entire trip on the bridge! I'm never going to get enough time together to ask her to join me for VR while making it look natural, and she's probably already agreed to spend that time drinking with Annie! I know they're going to spend all the rest of their time on the base working! Time for desperate measures to ensure we're on the planet long enough to spend some time together...) "SONYA, run Catastrophe.exe in one hour for me please." "Of course, Mistress of the Blue."

[Everyone, on the ground after the disaster]

Chorus: I have no idea how this could have happened!


...So you're saying that something like that happened, then :) ? Yeah, I can see it.

(Apologies for butchering the character's voices!)


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
For Chris I was more thinking of the fact that a just as friendly male MC does not get invited to drinks, while Chris is looking for a friend. Chadwick files there should be a copy on Notty's own forum I think but have no quick link myself.

The bet who knows, it does sound like the Swiss cheese that could happen and is not impossible with those ladies. :ROFLMAO:


Jan 10, 2018
For Chris I was more thinking of the fact that a just as friendly male MC does not get invited to drinks, while Chris is looking for a friend. Chadwick files there should be a copy on Notty's own forum I think but have no quick link myself.

The bet who knows, it does sound like the Swiss cheese that could happen and is not impossible with those ladies. :ROFLMAO:
Mmm... I guess I interpreted that a bit differently. Both times that Chris asks fem!PC out for drinks, it seemed pretty clear to me that she's looking for something more physical even if the drinks themselves don't immediately go in that direction. On the ship, she was already flirting with you at multiple points in the conversation, while on the ground, she explicitly links it to the talk of whether you're interested in women or not.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Mmm... I guess I interpreted that a bit differently. Both times that Chris asks fem!PC out for drinks, it seemed pretty clear to me that she's looking for something more physical even if the drinks themselves don't immediately go in that direction. On the ship, she was already flirting with you at multiple points in the conversation, while on the ground, she explicitly links it to the talk of whether you're interested in women or not.
Maybe cause your MC was flirty, besides the male MC can be pretty flirty as well and even make Chris blush later on. :) still no invites for drinks. Though I might overthink that part admittedly, but when I first played female MC after having played male mc for the first three chapter of original and first run of remake it really stood out.


Jan 10, 2018
Maybe cause your MC was flirty, besides the male MC can be pretty flirty as well and even make Chris blush later on. :) still no invites for drinks. Though I might overthink that part admittedly, but when I first played female MC after having played male mc for the first three chapter of original and first run of remake it really stood out.
Mmm, well, the flirty moments that stand out to me are if the fem!PC talks about boxing (which inspires Chris to fish for a compliment), and when you talk about Mia (where the PC gets to add her own thoughts on Mia's breasts after Chris comments). Without either of those (and I think you may have to respond in a way that makes her think you're interested in order to get the points, now that I think about it) I don't think fem!PC has the affection points to get invited to drinks - I don't think the other conversation options have an influence on affection either way (except to tick her off by criticizing her crew).

Incidentally, the lead in to either of those doesn't strike me as especially flirty from the PC's end - it's just making casual conversation, really, talking about her hobby and talking about a magazine lying around. The PC opens the door admittedly, but Chris is the one who takes it there.

I think it's pretty much the same as with m!PC, actually - it's just that in his case, his only option is to do the boxing, with the magazine just being an interesting story.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Mmm, well, the flirty moments that stand out to me are if the fem!PC talks about boxing (which inspires Chris to fish for a compliment), and when you talk about Mia (where the PC gets to add her own thoughts on Mia's breasts after Chris comments). Without either of those (and I think you may have to respond in a way that makes her think you're interested in order to get the points, now that I think about it) I don't think fem!PC has the affection points to get invited to drinks - I don't think the other conversation options have an influence on affection either way (except to tick her off by criticizing her crew).

Incidentally, the lead in to either of those doesn't strike me as especially flirty from the PC's end - it's just making casual conversation, really, talking about her hobby and talking about a magazine lying around. The PC opens the door admittedly, but Chris is the one who takes it there.

I think it's pretty much the same as with m!PC, actually - it's just that in his case, his only option is to do the boxing, with the magazine just being an interesting story.
Yeah Chris likes to do the hunting instead of being hunted. :p Thing is to me it felt more like Chris was looking for a friend of her own rank when invited female mc for drinks, but male mc that is as much her target for sexual hijinx and flirting is not. Not even with higher respect and affection points, I know I tried with save editor. :p


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Do all platforms charge VAT for subscribing to a dev now (or will do so soon)? If not, I'd appreciate that additional platforms were considered, as it would make a noticeable difference in the long run.
I concur. VAT is annoying given that I don't see pledging as a purchase of a product or service. Nothing taxable IMO. At least not on "releaseless" months. Direct donation without it (Paypal perhaps?) would be more cost efficient alternative.

Sulring Durgul

Active Member
Sep 2, 2018
Dr Jones gets kind of... Intense, for black men, doesn't she :ROFLMAO: ? Just looking at Chris's reaction makes me want to see what that scene looks like in-game, actually...
Damn right, her reaction is quite over the top...


Jan 10, 2018
Yeah Chris likes to do the hunting instead of being hunted. :p Thing is to me it felt more like Chris was looking for a friend of her own rank when invited female mc for drinks, but male mc that is as much her target for sexual hijinx and flirting is not. Not even with higher respect and affection points, I know I tried with save editor. :p
But she shows up to the drinks dressed like it's a date, and the only time she really talks that much is when discussing your appearance - looking at their date, it didn't really read to me like she was looking for a friend, so much as deciding whether she really wanted to do this with you or not.

To illustrate my point, compare her drinks to the drinks you share with Annie, who definitely isn't looking for a sexual thing with the PC; they talk a bit about the past, make up some funny stuff about hobbies, and generally jokes around. Chris, by contrast, is almost allergic to talking during your date, but is happy to toy around with you a bit - and we know she's not that reticent a person in general, considering the way she talks with Annie, and flirts with you.

(And I also remember how her affection screen is practically frozen at "If she wanted another friend, she'd get a dog" :) )


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Incidentally, the lead in to either of those doesn't strike me as especially flirty from the PC's end - it's just making casual conversation, really, talking about her hobby and talking about a magazine lying around. The PC opens the door admittedly, but Chris is the one who takes it there.
Funny, I felt the other way around. Yes, Chris does the inviting, but it's like all the flirting initiative is on the MC. Chris doesn't really make much of an effort.
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Sulring Durgul

Active Member
Sep 2, 2018
I rather see it as a kind of one-upmanship with Chris: if you show interest in her and are pleasant (woman or man) she returns the favor, just to see how far you'll go.
But deep down she's a very guarded person (everything you learn about her is from other people) and it takes a lot of finesse to convince her to let her guard down. She has her own demons and if you understand and respect that, you're golden.


Jan 10, 2018
Funny, I felt the other way around. Yes, Chris does the inviting, but it's like all the flirting initiative is on the MC. Chris doesn't really make much of an effort.
Eh, here's how I remember things... All paraphrased, to be clear.


"So you were a boxing champ? Doesn't that involve getting hit a lot?" -> "Yeah, but I'm still hot right?" -> [Ignore, Joke, or Flirt] -> (either way get invited to a friendlier spar than m!PC)


"So is Mia a good pilot?" -> "Nah, an idiot. Good breasts, though." -> [Ignore, expand, or agree] -> [if agree] "Ah, so you're into women too?" -> [Deny, Confirm]

In both cases, it's Chris who takes the initiative; the player can set it aside, stay at the same low-key level, or escalate as they please, but it's Chris who starts things and continues with them.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Eh, here's how I remember things... All paraphrased, to be clear.


"So you were a boxing champ? Doesn't that involve getting hit a lot?" -> "Yeah, but I'm still hot right?" -> [Ignore, Joke, or Flirt] -> (either way get invited to a friendlier spar than m!PC)
I see it as Chris offering the MC to take the initiative. "I won't compliment you, you have to compliment me".

"So is Mia a good pilot?" -> "Nah, an idiot. Good breasts, though." -> [Ignore, expand, or agree] -> [if agree] "Ah, so you're into women too?" -> [Deny, Confirm]

In both cases, it's Chris who takes the initiative; the player can set it aside, stay at the same low-key level, or escalate as they please, but it's Chris who starts things and continues with them.
Chris just makes a passing comment and then (possibly) asks a clarifying question. Little bit of an initiative but still very reserved. She doesn't make much of a response to MC's comments and answers. :)
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Jan 10, 2018
I see it as Chris offering the MC to take the initiative. "I won't compliment you, you have to compliment me".
While this is true, it's also an entirely neutral conversation before Chris invites the player character to flirt - nothing that she said prior to this point was really expressing any sexual interest in Chris.

I'll also add that the original comment was in the context of "Was Chris asking the PC out for drinks as a date, or as a friend?" - the fact that she was inviting the player to flirt helps characterize how the drinks should be interpreted.

Chris just makes a passing comment and then asks a clarifying question. Little bit of an initiative but still very reserved. She doesn't make much of a response to MC's comments and answers. :)
She doesn't say much either way, but her body language was certainly expressive both when you said you preferred them smaller, or that you had an interest in them :p .

That said, it's more notable to me for being one of two ways to get invited for drinks, in my opinion - if boxing wasn't brought up, the only other way to get an invitation is if she has reason to think that you'd be open to her advances.
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Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
While this is true, it's also an entirely neutral conversation before Chris invites the player character to flirt - nothing that she said prior to this point was really expressing any sexual interest in Chris.
She opens the door... ;)

That said, it's more notable to me for being one of two ways to get invited for drinks, in my opinion - if boxing wasn't brought up, the only other way to get an invitation is if she has reason to think that you'd be open to her advances.
Hmm... Curiously, if you don't flirt at all - brush comment away, refusing to spar, and not commenting Mia - you'd still get invited. :unsure:
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Jan 10, 2018
Hmm... Curiously, if you don't flirt at all - brush comment away, refusing to spar, and not commenting Mia - you'd still get invited. :unsure:
Mmm - but (assuming you didn't read Bored Pilot) if you talk about every topic except boxing and the invitation to flirt that comes with it, she's not interested in drinks with you.

She doesn't care to talk more with you if you share talk about her past (usually a good way to build rapport), or any amount of talking about the mission - she's only interested in drinking if she can invite you to flirt, or if you tell her you're interested in women.
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Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
She doesn't care to talk more with you if you share talk about her past (usually a good way to build rapport), or any amount of talking about the mission - she's only interested in drinking if she can invite you to flirt, or if you tell her you're interested in women.
That's true. I suppose simply taking interest in her boxing prowess does sparkle an interest from her.:)
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Yes, but I was wondering if other platforms were more lenient in what they consider as selling a product or giving a service.

Edit: Never mind, I see that she has already set it up so only a small fraction of the pledge is taxed. All is good under the sun!
Yep. All sorted.

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