Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
LOL, It's okay, NeimadFR, I saw the clever hints first! Thanks to you both. Yeah, I think I only went barhopping as a guy and as a girl spent all my time with Sarah. Whew! This game has a lot of options! This may sound weird, but personally I consider it a testament to this game's quality that I am willing and excited to try so many of the different paths/options. With a lot of games, when the freedom gets to be so much that I need more than two or three on-going save files, I just feel overwhelmed and stop playing altogether (this is where completionist meets defeatist), but this is so fun I can actually handle putting in the work to see as much as it has to offer.
Sidenote, I also really like the layout and getting to read all the ship/mission detail briefs etc. On advisement, I waited for the reboot, so I never saw the old layout (I think I have copy saved for posterity on a drive here somewhere...), but this version is very well put together.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
How exactly does one learn about witches? The walkthrough is not exhaustive enough for that kind of detail, and I am very curious!
As others said, oddly this is something you won't learn with Sarah as one might expect.;) The walkthrough does cover it, but basically Neimad's advice could be enough to get there.
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Just starting playing for first time, and I am filling up the save slots with favorite scenes and various play-paths. The game is a lot of fun!
That pleases me enormously that you think so. My own view is that a game should be fun, or at least entertaining. I mean...that's what a game is for, right? :)

I signed up for the $5/month. Don't know how long I'll be subscribed, but Nottravis definitely deserved some support from me on this one. Can't wait for the next update! Thanks for making Heavy Five.
Thank you :) As many know, I do have a battle in respect to hardware and it all helps. I know how the game should be/look and it's starting to get there now (hence the remaster) but with a single card it can be a struggle at times.
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Oh! Progress updates are free to view on the Patreon page btw. I have open posts in that respect in case anyone is curious.

But the important bit is that the next release is looking like mid-August. There's a fair bit of new coding for some of the new games and interfaces and I need a ton of frames for the lewd animation (just under 3,000 for a single scene).

Take care, laters.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
The horror! ;)

I think you're totally on point with this one. Although, as my testers have seen, there are a lot of lewds down the line I feel they have to fit the story. Others may and can disagree ofc, but unless the scenes make sense in respect to the characters and the story then it just doesn't have any impact or meaning for me. To be fair I suspect part of the reason some people object is that they're not seeing the delay as part of the storytelling but, from experience, seeing it as being part of a process to drag out the development and do some patreon milking. Hard to blame them for that ofc. There are enough examples around. But, I digress. I'd agree the more complex relationship the more meaning and impact the sex scenes have when they happen.
Yeah that is in my opinion the difference between a natural burn that fits the characters and situation and a slow burn that is only there to delay the inevitable that has already been set up and needs weird situations and plot devices to prolong it even longer from happening or that unrealistic as hell so called stairway to heaven progression between two people that are sexual experienced.


Jan 10, 2018
So way back when the original Chapter One was first released, I decided to wait until the female main character option was included, and... Then totally missed when it was actually released. Oops. I... Kind of feel like Sarah now.

But now that I've actually played it, it's great! The interaction between all of the characters is wonderful, there's plenty of setup to establish that Something Is Weird Here, the humor lands well, and there's plenty of minor things to find if you poke around enough. Pretty much the only thing that didn't really work for me was the CoC game, and that's both Sarah's fault (give us a real plot and tactical options, Sarah!), and extremely optional.

Here's a collection of specific points I'd like to include:

-I looked through the game files after a few playthroughs, and was pleasantly surprised by just how many minor things I'd missed, when I'd thought I'd been pretty exhaustive (as well as making me wonder how I missed the catbowl, which was very obvious once I knew it was there, and why I hadn't checked my locker that thoroughly despite clicking on everything else a few times to see what happened) - as well as just how many of those things actually came up in other contexts later, like with the drinks with Chris. That said, I kind of wish that there was more of a hint that the two were linked, since I did most of my exploration on my first playthrough, and... Drinks with Chris the second, so I didn't get an opportunity to bring the topics up.

-Your Channel 7 Parody reward for repairing the remote was hilarious! I was seriously laughing by the end of it, and kind of wish there was an expanded version to lampoon more overused porn tropes.

-I love the relationship between Flirty!Fem!PC and Annie - it strikes a great balance between the player being genuinely interested, and still being friends with her without that overshadowing the entire relationship - like her whole joke about your "cunning plan" and detour into witchland while you share drinks. Even if nothing were to ever come of it sexually, because she actually is straighter than the game would suggest, I'd still think the relationship between the two was worth pursuing.

-Conversely, the other approach the PC can take to pursue Annie is entertaining in a different way - it feels like it's going to end up either blowing up in the player's face one day in a thoroughly amusing fashion, or Annie's going to wake up with the PC in bed one day saying "Okay, that was fun, but how the hell did I end up having sex with another woman?". It's almost like you're trying to confuse her into having sex with you at points (and I don't mean that in a bad way, to be clear).

-With that said, though, it kind of feels like we enter the flirting stage a bit too early with Annie - you're pretty much interrupting her work so that you can hit on her, and it's the first time you talk to her. But, well, when's a better time? After that, it would be while she's blaming herself for her ship almost killing everyone while she gets smashed - and after that, it would be during increasingly frustrating attempts to find out what's wrong with the ship, while you're supposed to be fixing the base or dealing with the Plot. The timing feels awkward, but there's definitely not a better way to handle it that I can see.

-I genuinely felt like a total bitch on the Asshole!PC route (and that's a good thing). I don't even mean blackmailing Sarah, either (though that felt a bit like kicking a puppy) - it just felt bad going around yelling at everyone for not hopping to my whims, when they were already extremely rushed and doing their best and it was only supposed to be a two hour hop gosh darn it omg whatiswrongwithyouPC! ...Ahem. To say that more coherently; it just plain felt bad to be a petty little bitch for no good reason to all of the characters you came to like on the other routes, when they were already dealing with a rushed and stressful situation. And it's a sign of good writing, in my opinion, that the penalties for that aren't forced - you feel bad because you behaved badly, and everyone's kind of ticked at you for it.

-Conversely, I'm glad to see that there's a penalty associated with pursuing friendliness at the expense of professionalism, though I didn't notice any effects thus far - it's nice to see a game acknowledge that, yes, there's a reason that people aren't always super-casual when they go into life-threatening danger, and that it's important that they listen to their officers and not just who they like most at a given moment. Eating an ensign for breakfast isn't a bad thing, so long as you don't take it too far.

-Relatedly, while I'm a bit disappointed to see that fem!pc can't go on a spacewalk, I appreciate the attention to detail that establishes why she can't save the day - namely, that without something like that, there's absolutely no reason why Annie couldn't save the day, considering that she's the space engineer. It'd be nice for the player to save the day, but not at the expense of making the crew look incompetent.

-Though on another note, it'd be nice if fem!PC could still die for blackmailing Sarah. It might be a bit harder to explain, but you are still alone in a room with Annie; maybe she could find another way to deal with you?

-While this isn't in the game yet... I'm very much looking forward to the talk on Patreon of how we're actually going to go about fixing the base! It's honestly all to common for the main character's job to just kind of be background noise and not actually matter - it's nice to see that we're actually going to be doing some engineering here to fix things, instead of just being told "Okay, you went to work and it's evening now, what are you going to do?".

I think that's all of the broader points... So now it's time to talk about the characters specifically!


Well, on the one hand, I do love her. She's funny, she's smart, she has great chemistry with the PC, and she'll kill anyone who messes with her friends. There's a lot to like.

But... At the same time, she's a conspiracy theorist, has a drinking problem, and appears to have issues following the chain of command.

As a player, I like her, and don't care about her issues - because they don't affect me. But through the eyes of the player character, I'd be frankly worried; things are already weird on Orphion. If a person predisposed to believe weird theories were to latch on to one of those oddities as proof that something nefarious was happening, and she wasn't willing to listen people with the authority to tell her to stop, what kind of consequences could that lead to? Even off of Orphion, I could see it going someplace bad.

And an engineer with a drinking problem just sounds like an invitation to problems - going off on a bender because you almost all died is fine. Empty bottles in the cargo hold and a warning from Chris that she has a habit of this kind of thing suggests she needs to cut back.


She's... Kind of extremely perfect? I mean, what's not to love? She's an amazing pilot with a strong sense of justice who looks out for her crew, and she darned well knows that she's perfect. If she existed in real life, I'd be tempted to try out women just so that I could date her.

That said, it really looks more like she's interested in friendship and a fling than a real relationship, so I don't really know how far I want to go with her. Flings are fun, but if there's a real relationship to be found with someone else, that feels like a waste. ...Even if it is a fling with Chris.


I... Don't actually trust her, if I'm being honest. Not since looking through the files, and noticing the Flirt route that I'd missed. Oh, not in a "She's the one who sabotaged the spaceship!" way, to be clear - just in a garden-variety "She's deliberately trying to get on your good side by any means necessary" way. Which isn't a bad thing, per se, just a "How much of this is the real Rah-Rah" way.

I mean, I thought she was just a ditz with a penchant for technology and accidental innuendo, with a poor grasp of clothing - but seeing her flirt path, you see that she absolutely does understand what she's saying. So her "accidental" innuendo in other contexts - such as when she's talking about shaving her cat for charity - she absolutely knows what she's doing. Which, hey, I've done the same thing before, playing the innocent ditz so that others can have a laugh, but... I was still putting on an act so that others would have a better time. And if she's willing to do that here, it definitely makes me think that she knew her top was slipping in the other cases.

This is further reinforced in my mind when you see that she still leaps to invite you to VR no matter how horrid you're being to her, unless you outright attempt to blackmail her. For all of the other characters, you have to at least avoid being a total bitch to them - but she's willing to put up with any degree of abuse from you.

Maybe she's just being friendly, and has absolutely terrible self-esteem - but to my eye, it looks a lot more like she's about to be drummed out, and is desperate for a higher officer to put in a good word for her. Which isn't something I blame her for; it just makes me wonder about her sincerity.

That said, I still like her well enough when she's not DMing - even if it's an act, it's a good one. I just hope that I'll be able to push her onto a Research path later - she's smart, and (to oversimplify) you only have to get things right once there. Engineering, like Annie suggests, also plays well to her strengths, but I'd worry about a catastrophic accident if she spaced at the wrong moment. Her current position... Well, it doesn't play to any of her strengths that I can see, and I wonder how she ended up there.

Dr Jones

I don't really know what to say about her, honestly. She shows up, she dumps a big ton of personal drama on us, then disappears until Chapter 3 (I assume). I'd say I wonder which of them is more to blame, but I really don't - that's their problem to work out, so long as it doesn't affect anyone else.

Dr Jones

We really got off on the wrong foot. Not horribly so, but in definite "If our next interaction doesn't go better, I'll start to dislike you" territory. First he dumps a ton of personal drama onto us, then he's very insistent about our need for contraception (even if it is regulations, you don't have to be a dick about it!), then he blows off everyone else's research to brag about his own (which is admittedly impressive)... He's reallly not showing off any of his good points here. Except for being good at his job, which is appreciated.

But hey, he's not actually a bad guy or anything - he's willing to joke around a bit, and seems to have a conscience, so I get the impression that we can get along well enough so long as we're not talking about his colleagues. Just, a bit of a rough first day.

Though, it was totally fun to tell him that I thought it would be a fine idea to round up some ensigns to hunt Orphions for the good of humanity. Even on a non-total-bitch run I might be tempted to do that, just to be amused by his reaction (which should probably be a bigger affection hit, by the way).


I'm reminded of a puppy. A big, stupid puppy. I'm not entirely certain why - just because he seems befuddled by the current problem doesn't mean he's an idiot, and the other signs that he's not that great at his job aren't massive red flags either. Maybe the plant's just not having any other major issues, and that's why the cabinet is bare - and maybe the power logs are a "throw your hands up in the air and look at anything else that could be the cause!" kind of situation. Really, there's no strong reason for me to think he's an idiot.

Just... Something about him comes across as not very bright. And combined with his respect for you and your talent, just makes you think "puppy", at least for me.

Well, he's hot enough at least, so I could imagine a fling with him. I'm not really into dumb guys, though, so I kind of hope he's either brighter than he first appears, or that I have more options than him...


And with the last of the characters discussed, I'd also like to bring up a theory, though it may appear insane at first glance.

First, that after playing CoC with Sarah, it is now my official headcanon that the Gloria series of books actually are bona-fide masterpieces, filled with complexity and conflict - and that Sarah is just absolutely horrible at describing anything that happens in them, especially when it doesn't involve orcs.

"Tensions have always been high between the Empire and the Orcish warbands that surround them - especially as the Empire's power wanes, wasted on conflict between the petty lords who hope to ascend the vacant Velvet Throne. The Orcish Warbands still remember the old genocides, and the humiliating demands for Orcish women as tribute; now, with the outlying towns abandoned by their once-protectors, they can do little to stop a new generation eager for revenge from claiming what they believe is due, even if they worry about the Empire's fury if it can once again unify under a strong leader"...Just ends up becoming "Gloria slaughtered a bunch of orcs after they pillaged a town! Isn't that so cool!?".

What I'm basing this on? Poor little Rah-Rah might be brill when it comes to technical matters, but she obviously needs a bit of help when it comes to describing other things - and she's not the only one to enjoy this series, so it's presumably at least a little bit better than she makes it sound.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
This made my evening. Thank you.

It's always a joy to see someone new discover my little game and even more so when they "get it". As you have so wonderfully laid out, and you'll forgive me for not confirming or denying anything plot wise, it is a very deep game, especially in respect to the characters. That said it can, ofc, be played very much at a surface level - but equally for those who wish...well, it's all there.

"Tensions have always been high between the Empire and the Orcish warbands that surround them - especially as the Empire's power wanes, wasted on conflict between the petty lords who hope to ascend the vacant Velvet Throne. The Orcish Warbands still remember the old genocides, and the humiliating demands for Orcish women as tribute; now, with the outlying towns abandoned by their once-protectors, they can do little to stop a new generation eager for revenge from claiming what they believe is due, even if they worry about the Empire's fury if it can once again unify under a strong leader"...Just ends up becoming "Gloria slaughtered a bunch of orcs after they pillaged a town! Isn't that so cool!?".
*laughs* Yep, sounds about right!

I thought it would be a fine idea to round up some ensigns to hunt Orphions for the good of humanity.
You monster! ;)

-Though on another note, it'd be nice if fem!PC could still die for blackmailing Sarah. It might be a bit harder to explain, but you are still alone in a room with Annie; maybe she could find another way to deal with you?
Becca has plenty of black dresses in her wardrobe is all I'll say... ;)

Your Channel 7 Parody reward for repairing the remote was hilarious! I was seriously laughing by the end of it, and kind of wish there was an expanded version to lampoon more overused porn tropes.
*grins* Glad you liked it. There is another used screen in the lounge that I haven't done anything with yet...

-While this isn't in the game yet... I'm very much looking forward to the talk on Patreon of how we're actually going to go about fixing the base! It's honestly all to common for the main character's job to just kind of be background noise and not actually matter - it's nice to see that we're actually going to be doing some engineering here to fix things, instead of just being told "Okay, you went to work and it's evening now, what are you going to do?".
Have you seen this It gives a little overview over how it will all work. The tricky bit was designing something that would allow those who wanted to deep dive to be able to do so, yet also allow those who really weren't that bothered not to be forced to do a load of stuff they didn't want to. Where possible I want the player to be able to play the game the way they want to - and not the way I think they should.

Oops. I... Kind of feel like Sarah now.
Been there! I worry she's my spirit guide some days...

But I'm glad you so obviously enjoyed my work, and even more so that you've appreciated all the attention to detail that has gone into it. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it as we go forward. :) Although I can't promise that Sarah's GM'ing gets any better I'm afraid...
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Jan 10, 2018
This made my evening. Thank you.

It's always a joy to see someone new discover my little game and even more so when they "get it". As you have so wonderfully laid out, and you'll forgive me for not confirming or denying anything plot wise, it is a very deep game, especially in respect to the characters. That said it can, ofc, be played very much at a surface level - but equally for those who wish...well, it's all there.
I'm looking forward to learning more about the characters as the game progresses, then :) ! I just hope that in the future, I don't end up reading too much into the characters and end up with completely ridiculous conclusions about what they're "really" like...

You monster! ;)
I prefer realist. Besides it could be fun. See if we can get Sarah blooded.


Have you seen this It gives a little overview over how it will all work. The tricky bit was designing something that would allow those who wanted to deep dive to be able to do so, yet also allow those who really weren't that bothered not to be forced to do a load of stuff they didn't want to. Where possible I want the player to be able to play the game the way they want to - and not the way I think they should.
Ah, that was what prompted my comment, actually! My apologies if my bullet point was a little vague about that.

*grins* Glad you liked it. There is another used screen in the lounge that I haven't done anything with yet...
...Oh, dear. I'm going to have to choose between doing my job finding the power issue, chatting up my coworkers, and watching a hilarious porn parody, aren't I? There's definitely not going to be enough time for all of this...

This really is a game about making hard choices, isn't it :oops: .

But I'm glad you so obviously enjoyed my work, and even more so that you've appreciated all the attention to detail that has gone into it. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it as we go forward. :) Although I can't promise that Sarah's GM'ing gets any better I'm afraid...
Do you have any plans on putting this up on Itch or something, by the way? I don't do monthly payments as a general rule (though this is one of two games that I'd support if I did), but I'd definitely buy it if it were available for a one-time payment - even at this early point.

As far as Sarah's GMing goes, though... She could at least include a couple of twists about how the Princess was actually an evil witch, or something :( ! And even if she doesn't let us use the fun classes, she could at least let us use Power Attack if we're dealing with something with no AC :( !

No, I'm quite afraid I'm going to have to do the blackmail route to punish her for these sins against Pen and Paper... /shakes head sadly.

(Or just stick to VR. I mean, that was her first offer of shared fun, after all; aren't I the one to blame for asking her for another choice?)

EDIT: Oh, and thank you for responding, by the way! Whenever I offer feedback, I don't really expect a reply, since I'm really just offering a mountain of my own opinions, but... It's always nice to see when those impressions were helpful in some way :) .

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
Do you have any plans on putting this up on Itch or something, by the way? I don't do monthly payments as a general rule (though this is one of two games that I'd support if I did), but I'd definitely buy it if it were available for a one-time payment - even at this early point.
On Patreon, you can do a one-off payment by pledging then cancelling your pledge the next day (Since Notty has pay-up-front enabled), that way you pay what you want and it's not recurring (unless you come back for more ;))


Jan 10, 2018
On Patreon, you can do a one-off payment by pledging then cancelling your pledge the next day (Since Notty has pay-up-front enabled), that way you pay what you want and it's not recurring (unless you come back for more ;))
Mmm... That works, true, but that's not really what I'm looking for; among other things, it would still require me to sign up for a Patreon account that I would then never use again, which feels kind of rude towards their service.

What I'd prefer is to be able to pay, say, ten dollars for a chapter, which I would then be able to redownload in perpetuity whenever I want to replay the game - or maybe 60 dollars for the entire game at once, though that feels a bit frontloaded.

EDIT: Frontloaded for her, to be clear (since that would mean she wouldn't get future revenue), not frontloaded for me.
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
This really is a game about making hard choices, isn't it :oops: .
Yep! :)

Do you have any plans on putting this up on Itch or something, by the way? I don't do monthly payments as a general rule (though this is one of two games that I'd support if I did), but I'd definitely buy it if it were available for a one-time payment - even at this early point.
Tbh I hadn't. I think part of the problem is I already feel I'm juggling quite a lot and H5 is pretty time intensive so spreading my wings further has sort of passed me by. Plus, no doubt, I'd make a mess of it :)

Maybe when I have more chapters done perhaps?

As far as Sarah's GMing goes, though... She could at least include a couple of twists about how the Princess was actually an evil witch, or something :( ! And even if she doesn't let us use the fun classes, she could at least let us use Power Attack if we're dealing with something with no AC :( !
To be fair to Sarah, she does try. Her next tabletop session will allow you to go shopping - and has no orcs in it...well almost no orcs...

(Or just stick to VR. I mean, that was her first offer of shared fun, after all; aren't I the one to blame for asking her for another choice?)
I like to think the player is always to blame for their choices. I merely give the player options... :)
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Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Yep! :)

Tbh I hadn't. I think part of the problem is I already feel I'm juggling quite a lot and H5 is pretty time intensive so spreading my wings further has sort of passed me by. Plus, no doubt, I'd make a mess of it :)

Maybe when I have more chapters done perhaps?

To be fair to Sarah, she does try. Her next tabletop session will allow you to go shopping - and has no orcs in it...well almost no orcs...

I like to think the player is always to blame for their choices. I merely give the player options... :)
Well now I expect to be attacked by an orc shopkeeper as soon as I enter his shop :ROFLMAO:


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
On Patreon, you can do a one-off payment by pledging then cancelling your pledge the next day (Since Notty has pay-up-front enabled), that way you pay what you want and it's not recurring (unless you come back for more ;))
TNT, was there not an option to contribute on Notty's private forum or was that onlyfor the forum?
  • Thinking Face
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018

Well, on the one hand, I do love her. She's funny, she's smart, she has great chemistry with the PC, and she'll kill anyone who messes with her friends. There's a lot to like.

But... At the same time, she's a conspiracy theorist, has a drinking problem, and appears to have issues following the chain of command.

As a player, I like her, and don't care about her issues - because they don't affect me. But through the eyes of the player character, I'd be frankly worried; things are already weird on Orphion. If a person predisposed to believe weird theories were to latch on to one of those oddities as proof that something nefarious was happening, and she wasn't willing to listen people with the authority to tell her to stop, what kind of consequences could that lead to? Even off of Orphion, I could see it going someplace bad.

And an engineer with a drinking problem just sounds like an invitation to problems - going off on a bender because you almost all died is fine. Empty bottles in the cargo hold and a warning from Chris that she has a habit of this kind of thing suggests she needs to cut back.


She's... Kind of extremely perfect? I mean, what's not to love? She's an amazing pilot with a strong sense of justice who looks out for her crew, and she darned well knows that she's perfect. If she existed in real life, I'd be tempted to try out women just so that I could date her.

That said, it really looks more like she's interested in friendship and a fling than a real relationship, so I don't really know how far I want to go with her. Flings are fun, but if there's a real relationship to be found with someone else, that feels like a waste. ...Even if it is a fling with Chris.


I... Don't actually trust her, if I'm being honest. Not since looking through the files, and noticing the Flirt route that I'd missed. Oh, not in a "She's the one who sabotaged the spaceship!" way, to be clear - just in a garden-variety "She's deliberately trying to get on your good side by any means necessary" way. Which isn't a bad thing, per se, just a "How much of this is the real Rah-Rah" way.

I mean, I thought she was just a ditz with a penchant for technology and accidental innuendo, with a poor grasp of clothing - but seeing her flirt path, you see that she absolutely does understand what she's saying. So her "accidental" innuendo in other contexts - such as when she's talking about shaving her cat for charity - she absolutely knows what she's doing. Which, hey, I've done the same thing before, playing the innocent ditz so that others can have a laugh, but... I was still putting on an act so that others would have a better time. And if she's willing to do that here, it definitely makes me think that she knew her top was slipping in the other cases.

This is further reinforced in my mind when you see that she still leaps to invite you to VR no matter how horrid you're being to her, unless you outright attempt to blackmail her. For all of the other characters, you have to at least avoid being a total bitch to them - but she's willing to put up with any degree of abuse from you.

Maybe she's just being friendly, and has absolutely terrible self-esteem - but to my eye, it looks a lot more like she's about to be drummed out, and is desperate for a higher officer to put in a good word for her. Which isn't something I blame her for; it just makes me wonder about her sincerity.

That said, I still like her well enough when she's not DMing - even if it's an act, it's a good one. I just hope that I'll be able to push her onto a Research path later - she's smart, and (to oversimplify) you only have to get things right once there. Engineering, like Annie suggests, also plays well to her strengths, but I'd worry about a catastrophic accident if she spaced at the wrong moment. Her current position... Well, it doesn't play to any of her strengths that I can see, and I wonder how she ended up there.

Dr Jones

I don't really know what to say about her, honestly. She shows up, she dumps a big ton of personal drama on us, then disappears until Chapter 3 (I assume). I'd say I wonder which of them is more to blame, but I really don't - that's their problem to work out, so long as it doesn't affect anyone else.

Dr Jones

We really got off on the wrong foot. Not horribly so, but in definite "If our next interaction doesn't go better, I'll start to dislike you" territory. First he dumps a ton of personal drama onto us, then he's very insistent about our need for contraception (even if it is regulations, you don't have to be a dick about it!), then he blows off everyone else's research to brag about his own (which is admittedly impressive)... He's reallly not showing off any of his good points here. Except for being good at his job, which is appreciated.

But hey, he's not actually a bad guy or anything - he's willing to joke around a bit, and seems to have a conscience, so I get the impression that we can get along well enough so long as we're not talking about his colleagues. Just, a bit of a rough first day.

Though, it was totally fun to tell him that I thought it would be a fine idea to round up some ensigns to hunt Orphions for the good of humanity. Even on a non-total-bitch run I might be tempted to do that, just to be amused by his reaction (which should probably be a bigger affection hit, by the way).


I'm reminded of a puppy. A big, stupid puppy. I'm not entirely certain why - just because he seems befuddled by the current problem doesn't mean he's an idiot, and the other signs that he's not that great at his job aren't massive red flags either. Maybe the plant's just not having any other major issues, and that's why the cabinet is bare - and maybe the power logs are a "throw your hands up in the air and look at anything else that could be the cause!" kind of situation. Really, there's no strong reason for me to think he's an idiot.

Just... Something about him comes across as not very bright. And combined with his respect for you and your talent, just makes you think "puppy", at least for me.

Well, he's hot enough at least, so I could imagine a fling with him. I'm not really into dumb guys, though, so I kind of hope he's either brighter than he first appears, or that I have more options than him...

I do not know if you did a male play through as well, but you do get sometimes very interesting information about the other characters based upon whom you play. It is not needed and me for example normally do never a female play through, but for this game I made an exception.

Considering Mike, according to his files he is no dummy, so what does that say about his character? (Now do not take me too seriously I am the founding member of the KillMikeKill club:p).
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Jul 14, 2017
Do all platforms charge VAT for subscribing to a dev now (or will do so soon)? If not, I'd appreciate that additional platforms were considered, as it would make a noticeable difference in the long run.
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Jul 14, 2017
The VAT thing depends on your location.
Yes, but I was wondering if other platforms were more lenient in what they consider as selling a product or giving a service.

Edit: Never mind, I see that she has already set it up so only a small fraction of the pledge is taxed. All is good under the sun!
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  • Thinking Face
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Jan 10, 2018
Tbh I hadn't. I think part of the problem is I already feel I'm juggling quite a lot and H5 is pretty time intensive so spreading my wings further has sort of passed me by. Plus, no doubt, I'd make a mess of it :)

Maybe when I have more chapters done perhaps?
Makes sense; Patreon is probably better for most people at this point anyway, since it's easier to get regular announcements there :) .

But as soon as it's up for sale somewhere (other than Steam), I'll be happy to buy a copy :) .

I like to think the player is always to blame for their choices. I merely give the player options... :)
Well, it's not as though I lacked fair warning... I should have expected a lack of plot and interesting NPCs as soon as she suggested Caverns of Creatures over Land of Dusk.

I do not know if you did a male play through as well, but you do get sometimes very interesting information about the other characters based upon whom you play. It is not needed and me for example normally do never a female play through, but for this game I made an exception.

Considering Mike, according to his files he is no dummy, so what does that say about his character? (Now do not take me too seriously I am the founding member of the KillMikeKill club:p).
I didn't, but I did see the other perspectives when I looked through the files (though I didn't retain it as well). Dr Jones gets kind of... Intense, for black men, doesn't she :ROFLMAO: ? Just looking at Chris's reaction makes me want to see what that scene looks like in-game, actually...

It was also interesting to see how much more I liked the romance(?) paths for fem!PC with Annie over the m!PC's - and how much more friendly competition fem!PC has with Chris, without any bets being brought up.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Makes sense; Patreon is probably better for most people at this point anyway, since it's easier to get regular announcements there :) .

But as soon as it's up for sale somewhere (other than Steam), I'll be happy to buy a copy :) .

Well, it's not as though I lacked fair warning... I should have expected a lack of plot and interesting NPCs as soon as she suggested Caverns of Creatures over Land of Dusk.

I didn't, but I did see the other perspectives when I looked through the files (though I didn't retain it as well). Dr Jones gets kind of... Intense, for black men, doesn't she :ROFLMAO: ? Just looking at Chris's reaction makes me want to see what that scene looks like in-game, actually...

It was also interesting to see how much more I liked the romance(?) paths for fem!PC with Annie over the m!PC's - and how much more friendly competition fem!PC has with Chris, without any bets being brought up.
Well I think that how different Chris reacts to a male mc instead of female mc shows partly how deeply she is affected by the going on in her marriage and that she is way less perfect as she may seem on the outside. :) Also not sure if you ever read the Chadwick files, they were free on Patreon I think. :p

One of my personal suspicions though is that all three females have a bet going on over MC. :)
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