I have just finished new content, now i will wait a week and try another route(s) and waifus

Sometimes it is hard (even for me) to change paradigm -
we play games for win (some people even pay for win = cheat/ hack ... but that´s another story). We are hunters and gathers, mighty conquerors we want to beat/ outsmart/ punish enemy (computer, player) - like Conan´s:
What is best in life? To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.
This game is different. It is like
Swedish table. You pick what you want - chef don´t try (mostly

) to confuse you. So you have freedom. And rewards are different too: piece of information, nice picture or animation, clue, interesting story twist, witty dialogue ... - i think creator r
ewards our imagination - curiosity (what if ?) more than our ego.
So first things first - one (not so) simple question:
Is it going to be fun ?
Damn Yes, but ... (kill me there is but

There are (for) me three layers of gameplay:
* detective story
In every paradise is venomous snake - there is whole nest
This one is most tricky one - there are so many motives, hidden agendas, personal character goals that average writer will write 5 book space opera series ... I like that even characters who looks like their motives are clear want to manipulate, use you - they are not passive ....

We are somewhere in the middle of story so hard to say where it will lead (and that´s great).
I ´m not sure how will creator handle all these clues - will we have opportunity to use them, make good/bad/questionable choices and actions and deal (die ?

) with consequences ?
* romancing walker
I love them all - Nottravis has created unique characters. They are like flawed gems - realistic, interesting - i can imagine them as whole people.
* engineer
For me least interesting part - but maybe it will lead to interesting things.
Btw with all those aliens, mens/womens, villains (hot/mysterious/vicious) is this really mission for mundane engineer ? Someone like
captain Jack Harkness is man for this work, or not ?
This is problem of every game (for example Alpha protocol) that is
really non-linear (authors don´t kill you when you go two steps another direction) -
narrative looks sometimes unfocused. With so many choices and consequences author reacts to your actions and sometimes things have l
ess emotional impact than when your story is straight as arrow.
Second thing is
gameplay on a map screen - you do something (not so important) and suddenly there is evening. Maybe this is where
realism has gone too far. I had always
feeling that i missed something important (did i missed ? - i´m not sure). Maybe something like
timer on screen and highlight important meetings will make game more clear.
When i see insane amount of effort, love and time that Nottravis invested into this game i can´t say anything bad. It is unique and better than 99% of games on this forum. It can be even better (after some polishing and balancing)
PS: I hope i´m not Thea Lundgren .... you never know ...