tbh, this game makes me .. sad.
what I see is an - extremely - talented story-writer, and a hard-working and dedicated DEV, if I have ever seen one. Notty created a lovely narritive, plausible characters and a stellar story arch. In addition, she believes in fairness, pausing Patreon every time her life goes off the rails and she cannot deliver, which is a rare trait in these time.
so why is she not living on a yacht? In my opinion, she does: WAY too much. 4 (!) different MCs (gender, skin color), unique dialogues, a revision of the - remastered - chapter. And I felt lost, over and over.. My male - primal - brain is merely digital, it was able to comprehend a win/lose, "what do I need to do to shag the highness amount of characters I like?" But with all this opportunities I felt lost, most of the time. If she wants to write to what I believe to be her primary audience, then please don't re-do the GUI, rather re-imagine why the majority of player are downloading your art: to be the player of the game and: not feel "missed out"
if you like the game as-is, do not hate me. I have the highest amount of respect possible toward Notty.