The last two updates have made me think that a lot of this game is style over substance. 4 chapters in and it still feels like we are in the prologue. Even if you find that to be exaggerated, you have to agree that the plot is still in it's early stages.
It's a thriller-like story, except that in place of having a murder as starting point, it's a space station having strange issues. And like with any thriller, the prologue ended the instant MC was put on the case, therefore here when (s)he boarded the Vanguard. Everything that follow is the investigation, with its unrelated mysteries, false leads, usual and unusual suspects, and so on.
Therefore, what are you expecting from the plot exactly ?
You are on a space station, with for mission to fix it and decide of its faith. To this add some optional tasks, like finding if your orders are legit or not, uncovering the crew secrets, if even they have some, uncovering some of Ophions' secrets, if there's some, not killing biscuit, and so on. But as said, they are optional tasks, and you can just do the minimal, fix nothing, enjoy a holidays week, then say that the station can't be fixed and need to be closed.
Everything is up to you. While the game mechanisms aren't exactly common, it's a pure sandbox story. You are presented some paths that can be followed, and it's you to decide which ones you'll care about, which ones you'll totally ignore. Whatever the choice you make, it's a legit choice in regard of the story.
Of course, what is interesting is to try to understand what is happening, what is hidden, what is everyone motive, and all. But none of this is mandatory ; it's just an option gave to the player. And, as I said, even doing nothing is a legit option. Strictly speaking there isn't wrong choices (except when you try to seduce Chris in the spaghetti route). You use the pieces that Notty crafted to build your own story, and build it the way you want.
This mean that anyone who expect the story to be fully set up is missing the point and waiting for something that will still not have happened when the game will be finished. Simply because you are waiting from Notty to do something that she decided as being your task. It's you who set up the story, with the choices you make.
If you want, see it as a real time mega poll with personalized results. Each time you have to make a choice, it's Notty asking you "ok, about what should I write next ?", and you answering what you want the story to be about.