
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Maybe it is a test for her animation skill, but I have your same doubt, since she could have animated a scene of the new update she is working on.

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
Only a few more months and then it will be two years without an update. Why post a video, instead of actuall work on the game. I do not understand.
Maybe it is a test for her animation skill, but I have your same doubt, since she could have animated a scene of the new update she is working on.
She has three PCs, she has said on multiple occasions that she finds it difficult to keep all three busy all the time.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Maybe it is a test for her animation skill, but I have your same doubt, since she could have animated a scene of the new update she is working on.
Well, you know, Notty is a part time amateur, not a full time professional, so don't stress her because she can't respect your schedule...

I mean, it wouldn't be fair and, coming from you, totally hypocritical, right ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Actually you haven't understood nothing of what I have written; in fact I haven't written nothing about the delay of this update. Nor I have ever complained about that.
Last edited:


Active Member
Dec 26, 2018
Maybe it is a test for her animation skill, but I have your same doubt, since she could have animated a scene of the new update she is working on.
She wrote on Twitter.

"I've been playing around with voice animation for a while for some game content and thought I may as well go all in. This seemed a reasonable test."

She is probably not showing details of the game because she thinks it is not perfect. I've seen details, I think they're very good. But Satan will take up Christianity before Notty lets up on the quality.


Message Maven
Mar 25, 2021
I Love that picture at the top of the page with Chris damn she is awesome
I just want to cuddle her and never let go, That's right I'm a romantic


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
Well, you know, Notty is a part time amateur, not a full time professional, so don't stress her because she can't respect your schedule...

I mean, it wouldn't be fair and, coming from you, totally hypocritical, right ?
anne O'nymous , let's be honest...(or perhaps "factual" is a better word?)

Notty is a full time amateur and her game progression shows that this is a hobby game for her.

If everyone would put that in context, they could see that Notty has done 'miracles' in relation to most amateurs with what she has done and they would realize that ANY regular scheduled future production can NOT be expected. Don't yell, scream or shout. Just enjoy what you get, if and when you get it.
I still believe that most of her appeal comes from her being attractive, personally, which is why we have a 1,000 + entry thread for a 3 chapter 2 year old VN/game of high visual quality and little plot progression.


Woof, woof, woof!
Jun 1, 2018
anne O'nymous , let's be honest...(or perhaps "factual" is a better word?)

Notty is a full time amateur and her game progression shows that this is a hobby game for her.

If everyone would put that in context, they could see that Notty has done 'miracles' in relation to most amateurs with what she has done and they would realize that ANY regular scheduled future production can NOT be expected. Don't yell, scream or shout. Just enjoy what you get, if and when you get it.
I still believe that most of her appeal comes from her being attractive, personally, which is why we have a 1,000 + entry thread for a 3 chapter 2 year old VN/game of high visual quality and little plot progression.
Stop recycling your old stuffs, you've basically said the same as more than two months ago and got ignored for that:
(OOooo. . .I just can't help myself.... I just gotta point it out...)

I think you hit the nail on the head!!! . . .as to why there is such a impassioned following of this one Dev's long running production of a game that, while having excellent images and a seemingly impressive intended story, has gone almost nowhere forward in the plot and keeps re-working and re-writing previous work.
I think you guys are psychologically in love with Notty's image!

Other Devs get roasted for not producing or 'milking' the story...but not here!! How else could you explain 1235 pages of this thread for a 3 year old game where chapter 4 is still 'setting up' the plot, the last update was 18 months ago and if someone points out the obvious, they're the ones who receive the 'tar and feathers'?

Ok guys you can form up the firing squad now... I'm ready.
Spam, spam, spam!

And using a larger font size than the standard 15 in your posts won't get you to being more noticeable. :cautious:

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
let's be honest...(or perhaps "factual" is a better word?)
Thanks you very much to think about my old age. But I can assure you that there's no need to shout, and that my glasses works.

So, stop making a fool of yourself by relying on artifacts in order for your posts to attract the attention that their vacuity wouldn't get otherwise.

Don't yell, scream or shout.
L... O... L...

I still believe that most of her appeal comes from her being attractive, personally,
I said it and will say it again: Thanks, but not anyone is a hungry virgin incel fapping furiously on Becca image, believing that it's a representation of Notty.

I'll be 52yo in few weeks, do you really believe that being a widow made me pathetic to the point to fantasy on a game creator ? Man, if I have to fantasy on someone it will be Jennifer Lawrence... I mean, at least I know what she looks like, including nude (hunk hunk hunk) and that for sure she isn't a guy in disguise.

Do you really believe that all the others are pathetic to this point ?
Most of them are over 35yo. There's more rational to do than to fantasize on what is in the end nothing more than a pseudonym and words behind which perhaps hide a woman between 25yo and 60yo, who can looks like anything between the average Rambo girl (she'd been commissioned officer in the British Army) and the usual British country old lady.

Please, do not project your live on us, thanks a lot. We appreciate Notty, it's true. But we do it for her writing, that effectively tell a lot about her personality. We are grown adult, all born and became adult before the age of virtuality, we know the difference between the real world and Internet, and we can make it.
She's at most a virtual friend, someone that exist but we will never encounter, and for which we know perfectly that a part of this person mostly rely on the representation that we made up in our head. Being appealed to this is perhaps something possible for the youngest generation, but it's something that pass largely above our heads.

And also, please, learn to write normally...


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
If I may, I'd like to answer a couple points... to "anne O'nymous, post: 10834771, member: 63812"
Thanks you very much to think about my old age. But I can assure you that there's no need to shout, and that my glasses works.

I wish my eyes worked as well as yours. I go to an 18pt text to assist my viewing them. I'm not shouting, I just have difficulty seeing. . .and yes, my glasses work but, are of marginal use. If I make a misspelling please forgive it as I can't see this text very well when I type.

So, stop making a fool of yourself by relying on artifacts in order for your posts to attract the attention that their vacuity wouldn't get otherwise.

OH...."vacuity" great word... looked it up to make sure I quoted your right.

So, if my words were so foolish or empty of meaning or fact, why do they bring out such a reaction of defensiveness from yourself and others? hmmm? Is it empty of meaning to call a dev an 'amateur' because she/he has admitted such? ...and his/her output and reworking of material indicates a non-professional background? Such a statement shouldn't offend anyone, why is every one so upset with my statement of facts? (besides my use of a larger font?)

I said it and will say it again: Thanks, but not anyone is a hungry virgin incel fapping furiously on Becca image, believing that it's a representation of Notty.

Hmm, perhaps I wasn't clear. But to be explicit, it seems to me as though some on this thread do act as though her image of Becca is if not actual, a close resemblence of Notty. I'm not judging her, just the tone of all the responses I read.

I'll be 52yo in few weeks, do you really believe that being a widow made me pathetic to the point to fantasy on a game creator ?
No, I do not. BTW, 52 us a great age. Wish I was.

Do you really believe that all the others are pathetic to this point ?
No I'm pointing out that this is an uncommonly long thread....perhaps the longest... on a project with little movement which has to say something about the motivation of the posters. There is little/nothing new to talk about but besides the genuine interest in the VN, but look at the venom that comes out should any one DARE to criticize the DEV or any of her/his helpers for their lack of movement or production or anything.

Please, do not project your live on us, thanks a lot.
I'm Not... I'm holding up a mirror to what I see. There is a lot of irrational attachment in this thread.

We appreciate Notty, it's true. But we do it for her writing, that effectively tell a lot about her personality. We are grown adult, all born and became adult before the age of virtuality, we know the difference between the real world and Internet, and we can make it. (as have I)
She's at most a virtual friend, someone that exist but we will never encounter, and for which we know perfectly that a part of this person mostly rely on the representation that we made up in our head. Being appealed to this is perhaps something possible for the youngest generation, but it's something that pass largely above our heads.

I can certainly agree with what you say about being attracted to her/his writing and what has been produced. It is good to excellent. I understand that if you consider a vertual friend that you would be upset if someone attacked her personally or unfairly. I did not. I admire what she/he's done, to date. May she/he continue someday.

And also, please, learn to write normally...

Gladly, as long as I don't have to follow the herd blindly. And, dear madam, if I may, I understand that you have been a great help to many Dev's and for that I admire you and respect your opinion. I too would defend my virtual friends should they be unfairly criticized. In my defense, the observations I posted are not personal (nor will they be except in self defense) nor without evideince to support them. I hope you all can see that. Personally I wish you the best. Live long and prosper.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
If I may, I'd like to answer a couple points... to "anne O'nymous, post: 10834771, member: 63812"
Thanks you very much to think about my old age. But I can assure you that there's no need to shout, and that my glasses works.

I wish my eyes worked as well as yours. I go to an 18pt text to assist my viewing them. I'm not shouting, I just have difficulty seeing. . .and yes, my glasses work but, are of marginal use. If I make a misspelling please forgive it as I can't see this text very well when I type.

So, stop making a fool of yourself by relying on artifacts in order for your posts to attract the attention that their vacuity wouldn't get otherwise.

OH...."vacuity" great word... looked it up to make sure I quoted your right.

So, if my words were so foolish or empty of meaning or fact, why do they bring out such a reaction of defensiveness from yourself and others? hmmm? Is it empty of meaning to call a dev an 'amateur' because she/he has admitted such? ...and his/her output and reworking of material indicates a non-professional background? Such a statement shouldn't offend anyone, why is every one so upset with my statement of facts? (besides my use of a larger font?)

I said it and will say it again: Thanks, but not anyone is a hungry virgin incel fapping furiously on Becca image, believing that it's a representation of Notty.

Hmm, perhaps I wasn't clear. But to be explicit, it seems to me as though some on this thread do act as though her image of Becca is if not actual, a close resemblence of Notty. I'm not judging her, just the tone of all the responses I read.

I'll be 52yo in few weeks, do you really believe that being a widow made me pathetic to the point to fantasy on a game creator ?
No, I do not. BTW, 52 us a great age. Wish I was.

Do you really believe that all the others are pathetic to this point ?
No I'm pointing out that this is an uncommonly long thread....perhaps the longest... on a project with little movement which has to say something about the motivation of the posters. There is little/nothing new to talk about but besides the genuine interest in the VN, but look at the venom that comes out should any one DARE to criticize the DEV or any of her/his helpers for their lack of movement or production or anything.

Please, do not project your live on us, thanks a lot.
I'm Not... I'm holding up a mirror to what I see. There is a lot of irrational attachment in this thread.

We appreciate Notty, it's true. But we do it for her writing, that effectively tell a lot about her personality. We are grown adult, all born and became adult before the age of virtuality, we know the difference between the real world and Internet, and we can make it. (as have I)
She's at most a virtual friend, someone that exist but we will never encounter, and for which we know perfectly that a part of this person mostly rely on the representation that we made up in our head. Being appealed to this is perhaps something possible for the youngest generation, but it's something that pass largely above our heads.

I can certainly agree with what you say about being attracted to her/his writing and what has been produced. It is good to excellent. I understand that if you consider a vertual friend that you would be upset if someone attacked her personally or unfairly. I did not. I admire what she/he's done, to date. May she/he continue someday.

And also, please, learn to write normally...

Gladly, as long as I don't have to follow the herd blindly. And, dear madam, if I may, I understand that you have been a great help to many Dev's and for that I admire you and respect your opinion. I too would defend my virtual friends should they be unfairly criticized. In my defense, the observations I posted are not personal (nor will they be except in self defense) nor without evideince to support them. I hope you all can see that. Personally I wish you the best. Live long and prosper.
We know for a fact that Notty doesn't actually ressembles Becca has she admitted to have a lookalike in the game which isn't her but haven't disclosed the characters name.
You can drop the she/he nonsense has we've had several first person accounts confirming she's female. There even was a recording of her voice floating around at some point.
It's funny that you danced around her gender but got fooled by Anne O'nymous :D (don't worry, I thought he was female the first few interactions I had with him as well).
I don't particularly recall earlier posts but imho you didn't even criticize Notty, unfairly or otherwise, you defended her by reminding that she's an amateur and shouldn't be held to the standards of AAA studios like some users seem to do.
Saying that most of her appeal is her attractiveness is insulting our intelligence and her work though. I think it comes down to semantics, had you used some instead of most I wouldn't have an issue.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2018
We know for a fact that Notty doesn't actually ressembles Becca has she admitted to have a lookalike in the game which isn't her but haven't disclosed the characters name.
You can drop the she/he nonsense has we've had several first person accounts confirming she's female. There even was a recording of her voice floating around at some point.
It's funny that you danced around her gender but got fooled by Anne O'nymous :D (don't worry, I thought he was female the first few interactions I had with him as well).
I don't particularly recall earlier posts but imho you didn't even criticize Notty, unfairly or otherwise, you defended her by reminding that she's an amateur and shouldn't be held to the standards of AAA studios like some users seem to do.
Saying that most of her appeal is her attractiveness is insulting our intelligence and her work though. I think it comes down to semantics, had you used some instead of most I wouldn't have an issue.
There is a lot of room between an amateur and a AAA developer, but that is not really the point, or is it? it should be made quite clear, that someone who makes (or made) several thousand dollars a year with this job no longer passes for an amateur. Even not beeing an AAA developer. This is simply due to the definition of the term "amateur", which depends on whether someone makes money with his hobby (usually sports) or not.

Also, In general, I think it's always a good idea to view statements about the gender (or sex) about somone practically anoym simply as a statement and not as a fact. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon in the internet for some guys to pretend to be a girl. In the end, it doesn't matter. Notty should be measured by the same standards as all other developers here. It's not enough to just promise new features when you haven't delivered anything for over a year and a half.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I wish my eyes worked as well as yours. I go to an 18pt text to assist my viewing them.
You can perfectly configure your computer to use a more readable font and/or a bigger character size. You can do the same for your internet browser. And in top of that you can have your browser zooming on the current page.
So, sorry, but "I'm using a big font in my messages because I don't see much" is not a valid excuse.

OH...."vacuity" great word... looked it up to make sure I quoted your right.
Or, you know, you could click on the "reply" button at the bottom right of the post...

So, if my words were so foolish or empty of meaning or fact, why do they bring out such a reaction of defensiveness from yourself and others?
Read again. There's no defensiveness in the reaction you got, but a clear lassitude. We all explicitly addressed the, "and here we go again", feeling that we got reading your post.

Is it empty of meaning to call a dev an 'amateur' because she/he has admitted such?
What is empty of all meaning is to state an obvious reality that everyone agree on since months, and that was already pointed out as being a fact in the post you answer to. Especially when it then turn into the affirmation of a fantasy situation that have been debunked so many times during the few last months.

No I'm pointing out that this is an uncommonly long thread....perhaps the longest... on a project with little movement which has to say something about the motivation of the posters.
Really ? It's against the rules to name games in a game thread, and we are already at the limits of the said rules, but I can assure you that there's worse in terms of filling content.

I'll not starts to make stats, but I know for a fact that more than two third of this thread address directly the game, story and characters. I know it because the thread is under relatively close monitoring due to the amount of off topic in the past.
Were we talking about Notty instead of the game and its development progression, you can be sure that the moderators wouldn't hesitate to strike again. And this wouldn't pass unseen since they would also close it to all reply for few days.

[...] but look at the venom that comes out should any one DARE to criticize the DEV or any of her/his helpers for their lack of movement or production or anything.
Look again. There's a tons of calm and nice reply to the persons who talk about the slow progression, the fact that refactoring the story isn't the best idea that Notty had, even if the result is amazing, and so on.
It's only the main recurrent troll who ended receiving bitter answers. And for cause, it's been four months that he circle, saying the same pitch again and again ad nauseum. This for a game that he declared himself none interesting two years ago. It's not the criticism that is the issue, but the behavior.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Sorry for the double post, but those needed to be addressed independently to not add to the confusion.

You can drop the she/he nonsense has we've had several first person accounts confirming she's female.
To be fair, this is on me. I'm the one raising the doubt on her gender to emphasis the pure relativity behind feeling for a virtual "friend".
Know that I payed it. Since I wrote yesterday, I can't get rid of the image of Silvester Stallone playing (abs' fab') Patsy Stone... And I guaranty that all the feelings that I could possibly unconsciously have for Notty are now gone forever.

Saying that most of her appeal is her attractiveness is insulting our intelligence and her work though. I think it comes down to semantics, had you used some instead of most I wouldn't have an issue.
It was my point. While there's surely some players who are here because of this (too bad, Becca will be no more as narrator), believing that people follow the game, and/or support her for this reason is insulting for her hard works and the quality of her writing and scene building. It also don't tell good about us, but personally this I don't care.

Notty is working her ass out to offer top quality content. It have its bad side (the delay between each updates), but since she don't count her time, and tend to care more about the game than about herself, it's hard to let pass this kind of affirmation that tend to place her hard works and undeniable skills in the background and to puts it as something secondary and nearly insignificant.
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