Well, each new AVN's chapter or update is basically defined by the number of its new renders and their visual quality.
With that in mind, when a Dev makes a remaster of a previous chapter(after another), it means a significant increase in that number or in visual quality or both, imho.
That's exactly what happened to HeavyFive in January 2020 with Chapter-1R and up to Chapter-3R.. It made the previous version look like a demo.
The R suffix remained for Chapter-4R even if it was completely new at that time to avoid any confusion.. Chapter-4R included all the previous chapters after all.
So, what's about the new RS chapters, one and two at this instant?
The RS suffix means Rebuilt and refreShed, imho.
Rebuilt and refreshed with the new polished GUI, a new PDA UI with new and more refined intel and also introducing text message with characters and a more exhaustive achievements panel per chapters(active path and also overall), new animations(with VA for the lewds ones), new tweaks for some gameplay, new refreshed writings, new ambient sounds, etc..
No significant increase in render's number or visual quality even if they have been converted to webp, and a few renders were redone tho.. The length and visual quality of the animations is completely something else, also.
The RS version can't be considered as another remaster version, imho.
And the old saves from Chapter-4R should still be compatible with the new incoming Chapter-5(RS), anyone of them prior to Becca's debriefing...
All this work on Chapter-1RS through -4RS has been made with her Patreon on pause, I should point out.