You know, all things in the internet, there's proably a fetish for being shot....Ooohhh! Whilst we're talking about paths and choices? Can I ask you guys what's been your favourite route so far and why?
(We can probably exclude getting shot by Annie)
But hmmm, not easy, I'm pretty flexible when it comes to things, so for me will probably end up as much as the story/writing potential. There's nothing I'm going to actively avoid while trying different paths to unlock stuff.
I'd say that my least fav character wise is Sarah, just because there's lots of bimbo stuff out there. So not a dislike. She's a sympathic character (I'd go out of my way to help her gameplot wise even if means trouble).
Chris my fav in lots of ways, but also just because it's rare.
Annie might become my fav story wise (non porn) as she gives me a best buddy vibe. Like her advice about the up coming fight with Chris. Hints or descriptions of upcoming events/plots, useful tool. Like Amnesia the Dark Decent is scary because you don't see the creature. The thought of what's around the corner is worse than actually seeing it. So her description of what I sighed up for in the fight is more funny or worrisome heh. It's like that line in Deadpool2 "they keep a monster down there, right next to a steaming bowl of forshadowing" *as he looks to the camera* heh.