The only reason this is such a long thread is because you're so involved. I've noticed all the threads with the developers stopping in are pretty busy threads...….unless the game sucks of course. Good game + involved developer = long thread
Worth it, even if just for the camera work. It's always a problem that you have to be zoomed in all the time, otherwise the ships look tiny. But if you do, you never see the space the ships are fighting in (and it's stupid that ships are also always on top of each other, no distance) or just travelling through, gives you a lack of perspective. And lack of range is an issue considering your light/energy based weapons should have long ranges if you're looking at Star Wars/Trek.
BSG had its thing where it start out on a wide shot, so to give you the tactical layout, then would zoom in for the action shots. It had some of the best space battles to date imo.
The only reason this is such a long thread is because you're so involved. I've noticed all the threads with the developers stopping in are pretty busy threads...….unless the game sucks of course. Good game + involved developer = long thread
I get an awful lot out of the engagement to be honest. Either in terms of critique or ideas or even from just knowing that I'm not just working in isolation on this little thing. Also, keeps me amused when tied to the rendering process
They are all softies it seems Sadly nobody asked me for some punishment methodes I would've recommended you to a dungeon room on the spaceship equiped with the tools that are needed for that task
Don't forget all the magic space metal that can be reshaped into whatever. I predict unlocking some blueprints will be a task. Do you butter up Annie (SEE WHAT I DID THERE), or study and design it yourself, or blackmail Mr. Plant to do the work for you and hope the device isn't too complex to be a Trojan horse, or just pick something out the catalog, or do a little B&E into crew databases to find the smutastic plans you require?
And now we gonna have to enjoy that some random npc have her way with her while we are reading a book or something i guess... maybe we should install a few solar panels too.
Don't forget all the magic space metal that can be reshaped into whatever. I predict unlocking some blueprints will be a task. Do you butter up Annie (SEE WHAT I DID THERE), or study and design it yourself, or blackmail Mr. Plant to do the work for you and hope the device isn't too complex to be a Trojan horse, or just pick something out the catalog, or do a little B&E into crew databases to find the smutastic plans you require?
I get an awful lot out of the engagement to be honest. Either in terms of critique or ideas or even from just knowing that I'm not just working in isolation on this little thing. Also, keeps me amused when tied to the rendering process
We are all just part of a vr simulation you are running in the space future. Everything has been going well up till now, but you are just one holodeck malfunction from shenanigans. Just don't give away any important information, we might be Romulan spies.
We are all just part of a vr simulation you are running in the space future. Everything has been going well up till now, but you are just one holodeck malfunction from shenanigans. Just don't give away any important information, we might be Romulan spies.
Man, now I kinda wanna see a simulator with all kinds of nonsense programs full of outtakes, impossible scenarios, or any other crazy silliness that could somewhat make sense in this setting. Though, I could easily see it growing too far in scope that it would be a proper game in its own right, and then questions of 'what chapters could it fit in?' or 'how much would it detract from the main game?' pop up.
Man, now I kinda wanna see a simulator with all kinds of nonsense programs full of outtakes, impossible scenarios, or any other crazy silliness that could somewhat make sense in this setting. Though, I could easily see it growing too far in scope that it would be a proper game in its own right, and then questions of 'what chapters could it fit in?' or 'how much would it detract from the main game?' pop up.
With Sarah liking her VR games I've already got the realistic excuse
But you're right, the scale problem can be a hurdle. But where I have the capacity, and hopefully as my IT equipment gets better that capacity will grow, I've the option of putting all sorts of odd madness in with the blonde gamer. At the moment though, although gaming with Sarah is on the cards quite a bit, it all comes down to render output. I can write it easily enough - it's more can I make enough images in time.
With Sarah liking her VR games I've already got the realistic excuse
But you're right, the scale problem can be a hurdle. But where I have the capacity, and hopefully as my IT equipment gets better that capacity will grow, I've the option of putting all sorts of odd madness in with the blonde gamer. At the moment though, although gaming with Sarah is on the cards quite a bit, it all comes down to render output. I can write it easily enough - it's more can I make enough images in time.