Polyamory, my preferred playstyle, is one that is barely ever catered for in games. Harem comes close, with one critical distinction, which is that the harem has a
keeper. An owner. Since I am strongly of the belief that it is not possible to own another human being (no matter how much they may wish to be!), this goes against my grain. I'm also a big fan of honesty and openness; I once wound up in what I thought was love with both my wife-to-be and another woman, and immediately told everyone involved what was going on and asked for time to sort my head out. Indeed, that my wife had the patience to bear with me through this time is one of the many reasons that we are together. So underhanded shenanigans and deception is also generally not my cup of tea. I can roleplay all of this when needed, but it's always for the benefit of others when I do.
Which returns me to my point - that I appreciate the complexity, depth and
independance of the characters presented. Because it affords me the very rare opportunity to genuinely try to make everyone happy. Sarah will want protection (serious), and yet is fun and teasing incarnate (playful). I want to give her this. Chris needs someone she can both trust and respect, so she doesn't feel either the need or the want to control them, and yet still be sure that her own interests will not be dismissed. I want to giver her this! Annie is determined not to be used or betrayed - I'm not interested in inflicting damage, and so honesty will be key here. I want to give her this, too.
I haven't played Chapter Two yet, so I only have the initial offering to go on, and I am certain that these synopses do not do the characters justice. What I am hoping for is that we have the chance to please each and every one of these people in the way that they need, so that we can - in the ends - cum together as one big loving sopping wet happy family