Yeah, just a tad
Don't get me wrong - I don't expect anyone went "Yay!" at that scene (although as I've said earlier, it opens up different paths and shouldn't be regarded as a bad end) but equally I tried to lay it out in such a way that no one should be thinking "
Well, that was damned (insert expletive of choice as you see fit) unfair!"
From memory, as any time on the PC is dealing with you scamps, making some naughty schoolgirl becca renders or playing/checking Chapter Three, the nudges were as follows:
- Chapter One, Annie raises concerns about getting together with the MC as they could get into trouble
- Chapter One, Chris can raise a flag if the MC comes across as too familiar with her crew
- Chapter One, Annie's staff record does suggest she has a nose for trouble with her constant demotions.
- Chapter Two, Chris says she'll visit
- Chapter Two, Chris mentions during the walk with Marcus that Annie is a bit of a booze hound
- Chapter Two, the MC's thoughts that Chris will visit prior to making the choice
- Chapter Two, Annies rather copious thirst and pursuit of carrying on drinking even when drunk
- Chapter Two, the MC's thoughts during the drinking session are practically screaming this is a bad idea (and on more than one occasion) and he has the option to bail out on several occasions.
So, the set up that getting caught with Annie is not a good thing; that Annie is likely to get drunk; that she's the type to do what she wants to do and sod the rules; and that Chris was going to turn up was, I feel, fairly signalled. a consequence based game, the player made his choice and got the consequences...
Your mileage, of course, may vary
Oh, it might be worth mentioning for the faint hearted that this is a really minor consequence compared to some down the road - but fair words butter no parsnips of course, so I'll get my lazy arse back in gear in getting better and getting more H5 out