7 pages again...
2) before she assumes an identity she (because her latest body was female) needs to learn that person's history and behaviour patters, this takes time but if she hadn't made her presence known it can only mean she's preparing
3) even if she studies a person, there's one problem... people have dark secrets and obviously there can be someone knowing about thenm so unless she knows even the most hidden part, she could be demasked if for example the commander has a MLP secret fetish and Thea doesn't know about it, a brony greating the commander with their secret handshake could discover it's a body double. This is where a truth inducing drug would come in handy....
Just like a certain story about someone's pet...?
Yeah not even talking about the Ceres painting, the situation of the LGM, Trisha's obsession and remarks of Amanda and then I am probably still forgetting a shitload of clues ;P
Or a certain 'test' render we saw the other day...
I bet it has something to do with Iowa!
They do cause a lot of problems, but at least it's not Florida.
Look at that movie by James Cameron, the blue man group one.
Had an element called unobtanium, yet they had it. Good work naming guys, you are hired for the sequels.
Yeah! They should have called it 'Hardtoobtainium'!
Nah, Phoebe doesn't need to have a secret.
Also Thea is stupid - rich people still need somebody to throw the trash out, so they will need poor sods on it. Not to mention the industrial base of Earth for anything worth-while.
The only thing I couldn't really get was the resource scarcity - if there is casual short-distance space travel, there is no real reason to not have an abundance of almost everything except oil and natural gas and both those can be replaced with hydrogen and electricity at that point. There is something going on, but I guess we will find out later in the game.
Well, considering the resource problem, there is a limit to how many people they can take, add in robots for most tasks, and then you have the fact that everything is relative. Think on this, if one guy has a million dollars, and another guy has ten million, which of them is the 'poor' one? Once all the rest of what we currently call poor people are out of the picture, suddenly Mr. One Million is now the poor kid in school.
"His momma so poor, she had to open a G-Mail account to eat the spam!"
For those who like delving into the plot (and of course I appreciate that not all of you do - and so I give you options to skip bits in game, after all one of the design feaims is to make H5 the game -you- want to play) I'm sure when you report to Amanda in the morning they'll be the opportunity to deep dive on this....and, other things...
FEAIMS! I want to live forever! I want to learn how to fly ...HIGH! FEAIMS!
You mean there are still people out there who haven't found it?
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Kodachi FTW!
I'm sure Annie has plenty of spares, more than enough for all of us! I mean she already gave one to
Hard to say, I mean resources are limited, maybe it's really made out of a certain liquid metal... I doubt it's as effective.
I hope that one day we can see Thea smiling, or at least not scowling - you know that image is from a video where she was sneezing or something and they just picked the most unflattering frame. "Oooh, look, when you pause it on frame 12,287 she looks positively mean!" "Yeah, let's use that!"
That's an easy one, for that to happen, you just need to overthrow the autocracy! Damn the man!
So many rebels here...
Did we watch the same news? Since the media was clearly on her side.
But that was the fake news channel! XD
With Chapter eight out and most of nine ready to go, I was wondering what you thought about the reveal?
Did you pick up the clues it was Mr Muffles all along, or did it take you by surprise to find he'd been hiding in the loo mind controlling Annie?
I KNEW IT! That is why I made the Mr. Muffles sig, and said it was the perfect one for this game!!!
...Come on, you KNOW you want to pet the pussy.