Damn, 6 pages when I woke up today, FIFTEEN by the time I got caught up! and they are still flying in faster than I can respond!
...3 new pages while I typed this up!
I don't feel like I did a terrible job, tyvm. ;p
Though I admit, it could be a lot better...
I wish it was something fun like that, but no, I am dyslexic, so it just takes me hours to read ...anything really. Took me 3 hours just to read this and I skimmed a LOT. In high school, I tried to read Misery by King, 350 page book, I read it 6-8 hours a day. It took me 3.5 months to finish it. I love reading, but it is hard work for me, anything that matters, it takes me reading it about 6 times before I can even be sure I read the correct words on the page/screen.
So with you all seemingly reading BP asap I need to launch it early in game during a quiet bit, so like when Chris left you get to changed in Three. That sorta thing?
*is thinking at the wake up stage or something for Four*
I am sure, whenever you put it in, that will be the time they go wild.
...That came out wrong ...or did it?
Y'know I'm starting to think that Jane might actually be more attractive than Becca...
I hate to say it, but I always did.
So this is all -his- fault but....
...whilst I render like a fury over the next few weeks, I'm going to write something. Proper writing, not what I end up having to do for H5 where I'm restricted somewhat.
Dunno how big it will be. Time depending etc I suppose. Mebbe a thousand words or so. Maybe two, or three...Well let's see. I'll pop it on the $1 tag as a small bonus thingy whilst people wait for Four (and I wait for piccies to fall out of the hamster cage).
Will advise when it's up.
Yeah, writing for a game and a story are completely different beasts. Some people just can't make the switch.
New theory... what if Thea never did any terrorist attack and instead it was the commander that killed people and framed her?
Maybe she did something mean to Sarah, and Annie and Chris found out?
But the PPF quote her all the time, no?
Thea told me to tell you that she is dead ...she heard it on the news.
I've just seen what RomanHume has done to his planner.... It's awesome and cheek reddening at the same time! (the little sod has named it after me...)
Yeah, back in January, when he first found your game, and saw your little PDA, he was profoundly inspired by it. He has been revamping his UI ever since, and this is the (so far) final culmination of that effort. It really looks great.
Kiss the ring?
You shale bend the knee!
Kneel before Jane!
My rig might not be good enough yet to do fancy renders, but I don't see why that means they should be boring
Don't sell yourself short, your renders are plenty fancy for what it is, the realism of them is one of the things that drew me here. Though I admit, I do wonder what things will be like when you do get some more upgrades.
Notty emphasized the hygienic importance to have grates on devices like these. This specific one doesn't seem to have any, which could be problematic.
It is always important to keep clean down there! You do not want to get an infection!
Side note: my wife is a switch - everyone knew her only as a brutal top (still is), until they learned she was my "owned" girl - she's still domme to everyone else.
Writing one of those right now as well.
Or he's just not interested in a literal man-eating vamp with the romantic subtility of a five-year-long hunger striker in a free for all buffet!
But if not for the virtual world, he would also be on that same 'hunger strike'. What normal guy would refuse a beautiful woman who is so offering herself? Most guys are all about 'any port in a storm', but even those of us with standards would find that difficult. ...unless maybe he is just
Mike is a survivor!
(I know, I know, not in your playthroughs...
I could live with that, else he better gets along well with non VR spiders
Or maybe he prefers the LGM...?
The more I think about it, you really need to start making some friends down there...
Just in case.
I never trust anyone, and always assume everything (or was that every one?) is a trap! ...That is why I am still alive!
Which is an interesting question isn't it?
If, say, you had to pick two peeps on Ophion as allies....who would you choose?
*is curious*
Probably Sarah and maybe Annie... but I am still not sure I trust them either.
...and Kelly, because family.
Are you sure?
Especially on Chris' dom path
I can't join in if it's Kelly and Chris, I mean that would be incest... and that's
Maybe not as excited as we are!
Are you SURE she is family? Three is no incest on patreon after all... I saw it on the news.
Not because of just the time required but, if - and it's a big if I know- I've done my job correctly you won't be able to see everything. Because you won't want to.
I don't mean like Sarah's good/bad path. That's an easy one to decide to replay.
I'm talking about choices that will be underpinned by who you are as a person. Even role playing the role, I want to challenge your heart and mind on some fundamental questions on love, existence and life driven in part by your relationships with the characters that you have formed.
Today's mission .......success!
Defo nothing for just shock value. You know my thoughts on that.
Nothing shocking in there? How SHOCKING!
Oh please don't get me wrong. The scenes aren't icky etc.
I just want the characters to get under your skin in such a way as to make hard choices hard. Very. For them to present their case, to convince you of what is right. To make you question yourself...
To take your investment beyond "let's see what happens if I choose x" and instead for you to see that option and reject it.
One mans icky is another man's fun...
Here's the weird thing: I can look at SP and think... well, it's just porn, it's fiction and it's all fake. I can also step back and look at H5 and think... well, it's just a game, it's fiction and it's all fake. And then I start playing Bad LT and I feel awful for treating Rah-Rah like that. Brains are weird.
I usually enjoy a bit of escapism playing the bad guy, roleplaying is a bit of a passion of mine after all, but I am just having a really hard time being mean to Sarah, I just can't bring myself to do it.