"Oops! We ran into some problem!"
If I didn't know better, I'd say this is Thea's sabotage work! Her name is written all over this mess!
So now we're at a point where the dev who has been the most active with the community is second-guessing herself... So this is it? The folly of mankind.
This issue is taking way too much of our time and energy here
I'd rather talk about Amanda and Harris, as did Akamari a few pages back. Either they had a plan, and now it's foiled because Harris bailed out, or the old gal is hiding something else. The thing is, if Amanda and Harris were indeed planning some kind of shit, Harris would maybe share her mission order with Walker (we don't know how she thinks or acts). This whole "the ship thought you were dead, so it conveniently sent your secret mission order to everyone on payroll" reeks plot point anyway