Well, that would still leave the problem of me having no idea if the things you mentioned that you found are something I already seen or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By now the only really tricky thing you might not have found would be the second hint/clue for Sarah maybe? *is guessing*
it's not what's in the profile, but the thing puts something in the game in a totally different light
If it's what I -think- it is, nice spot. The profiles can be ignored of course - but there are also a wealth of information about behaviours both present and future etc.
This is what I meant, I believe wires were crossed with my last comment.
The fucking myself line was if they ever managed to actually clone people. I'd clone me and make sweet sweet love to myself.
It was of course a joke, i'm not that egotistical.
True story.
Wut you looking at?
Also, yes, I totally want to be the female MC in this game because game is awesome, i'm awesome, it would be double awesome ... that's an actual thing .... IT IS.
My fault entirely - and I do apologise. I think the fact that there was a character design like that on the stocks rattled me a tad! My apologies for being a dizzy bitch

Although thank you for saying the game is awesome
Ooooh, hunni, hunni, hunni please don't be changing anything on account of my silliness. I'd feel awful if you started changing characters to fit us lot or we'd all want in your game.
Oh don't feel awful at all!
To be honest I was more worried that there was a character coming in later that might resemble a player (to wit, you of course in this instance!) - and that could have ended up being really weird for them. I don't mind making people feel uncomfortable by making them face the consequences of their in game actions - but would hate to make anyone feel awkward with my design decisions. With her not being fully fleshed out I can easily change her. Let me know.
I mean running her down against that checklist of attributes you gave...they were really bloody close.
Your realism continues to amaze me.
Too kind
So I had the boxing talk and then went with Annie's idea to get more Chris.
Is there anything else I'm missing, far as Chris content goes?
She's my favorite.
Glad you like her, she's a lot of fun to write. Just checking, when with Chris down the Annie decision tree for the landing, did you get the training offer from her? Would hate for you to miss out.