
Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Did I just have a technogasm? :oops:

I'm not even going to pretend to have any substantial knowledge about these matters and just sit here impressed. Particularly, with the gun points (and I'm not even being held at gunpoint to admit it).:)
Possibly? :)

One could argue it was a waste of time for a game for like this, but I did spend quite a bit of time working out some of the finer points of "how would that work, what makes that go, how is this structured...etc". I know it's unlikely that many who play H5 would care of course but it just felt wrong not to have an understanding of how my own universe worked, y'know?

*worries she's a bit like Sarah with the bad puns and gun lore tho!*


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Yeah, if you take the detail out it would be soulless and there are plenty of generic click fests out there.

I'd rather read a story with a bit of depth even if I don't understand most of it, at least it shows you put some thought into your world building which means you care about building it up and fleshing it out which makes me care more about that world ... does that make sense?

Even I can put together a half arsed story but it wouldn't have any depth to it nor would it be enjoyable to read.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Possibly? :)

One could argue it was a waste of time for a game for like this, but I did spend quite a bit of time working out some of the finer points of "how would that work, what makes that go, how is this structured...etc". I know it's unlikely that many who play H5 would care of course but it just felt wrong not to have an understanding of how my own universe worked, y'know?

*worries she's a bit like Sarah with the bad puns and gun lore tho!*
I would eject anyone arguing that out of an airlock. It's like the most essential thing for a good sci-fi to have. In fact, it was the lore and how everything looked well thought out that sprang an alarm bells yelling: "Hold on, this game might be something else!":)


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Yeah, if you take the detail out it would be soulless and there are plenty of generic click fests out there.

I'd rather read a story with a bit of depth even if I don't understand most of it, at least it shows you put some thought into your world building which means you care about building it up and fleshing it out which makes me care more about that world ... does that make sense?

Even I can put together a half arsed story but it wouldn't have any depth to it nor would it be enjoyable to read.
Totally. Thanks. :)

I'll confess at times I did think I might be getting carried away. The launch sequence for example I researched by getting hold of the Airbus a330 take off checklist and listening to ATC chatter for an hour or so....


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
An excellent point - and one oddly I'd considered (originally the crisis back in the day would have had the anti-grav fail too). For in game purposes, in case your curious, anti-grav is provided by nano artificial gravity creators embedded in the floors and ceilings of ships. Gravitons (no, I dunno what they are, but that's whats I call the science for artificial gravity here!) are emitted from Naggs in a hemispherical pattern that, when taken together provide a sufficient all round gravitational effect that simulates the norm. There have to be multiple strips of Naggs placed around the vessel though else you get oddities like people constantly leaning towards the walls etc. They have to be in the floors and ceilings too so that there is an equal balance between being pulled both upwards and downwards too. But anyhoo....that's just me rambling :)
I assume you mean the grav generator fails not anti-grav failing.

Gravitons are elementary particles from quantum field theory.

What they truly are, no one knows, and it is all guesswork as of now, so your interpretation is just as good as any other.

I do wonder how the nanobots are creating the gravitons but that may be going too deep.


I guess a way to make new characters without being too close to looking like players is to take a photo from the internet, celeb or not and try to replicate that person, then change things so it doesn't look like them anymore.

Nipples that can cut glass were mentioned, so do we get to do a jewelry store robbery or mission impossible?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
What significance does the number 69 hold?

I am but a dear, sweet maiden. Some may say I am innocence personified. I am afraid the meaning of such numbers happens to be lost on me.

Anyway, I much prefer the 68.

You do it to me and I owe you one.

I'm here all week folks /bow


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Notty how will you approach the elephant in the room? Will you release an incest patch or there won't be any incest?
Good question. I'm also interested to know, although from the other side of a wall as someone who doesn't like incest.

Is Kelly written (optionally I guess) in a way that doesn't imply close blood relation between them?


May 30, 2017
If we're talking science and space exploration, your argument loses it's full power. If travel beyond the solar system is possible, then nothing stops that gun from having a recoil nullifier built inside
Still, FTL-tech and artificial gravity are staples of Sci-fi, and are extremely easy to suspend your disbelief for, since the whole setting falls apart without it. It's harder to suspend that disbelief when faced with a someone firing a minigun one handed without any support.

Morning scamps,

Ooooh, I am glad you like her - thanks.

Alrighties, well if you chaps are going to start showing some thought on this the least I can do is a give a reply :)

Firstly, she was a concept test. One of the -hard- lessons I've learned is that you can't trust models to behave. So it's all well and good making a nice model but unless you test them by throwing them into scenes you can find out far too late that in motion...they can look terrible (RIP Nina of the big boobies). So the test you saw was literally that. Just a pose with rough lighting and props to see how she would look. :)

As to the minigun itself, I semi-agree. Remember it was a test pose so, although all your points are valid, they weren't a consideration for the purpose of the render. That said, the current smallest variation of the XM556 minigun weighs in at some 16lbs. Compare that to the XM214 made twenty years before, which came in at a rocking 25lbs and it isn't inconceivable that the carry weight could well fall. Now I appreciate that we have the recoil to deal with of course, and I would never advocate firing anything larger than a pistol one handed (even if only for aiming purposes), but again, should we so wish, we can point to the reduction in calibre amongst modern firearms. NATO standard round has dropped from when I was a lass from 7.62mm to 5.56mm now. Again, of course, this is for a variety of reasons but this also has the added advantage of reducing recoil and improving accuracy with the dynamics of the 5.56, although having less penetrating power, gaining the trade off of increased accuracy due to having to re-sight less frequently.'s not that implausible that, at a stretch, we could in my little world has a mini that rocked in at say 10lbs and used either a smaller calibre round or a round that had improved physical attributes, or even was more efficient in its gas re-cycling on discharge.

But as I say, it really was just a test pose :)
Yeah, that is completely understandable. I had a feeling that it was only a test or example of some sort, but I mostly just felt like throwing my weight into the debate just because people were already discussing it.

An excellent point - and one oddly I'd considered (originally the crisis back in the day would have had the anti-grav fail too). For in game purposes, in case your curious, anti-grav is provided by nano artificial gravity creators embedded in the floors and ceilings of ships. Gravitons (no, I dunno what they are, but that's whats I call the science for artificial gravity here!) are emitted from Naggs in a hemispherical pattern that, when taken together provide a sufficient all round gravitational effect that simulates the norm. There have to be multiple strips of Naggs placed around the vessel though else you get oddities like people constantly leaning towards the walls etc. They have to be in the floors and ceilings too so that there is an equal balance between being pulled both upwards and downwards too. But anyhoo....that's just me rambling :)
Possibly? :)

One could argue it was a waste of time for a game for like this, but I did spend quite a bit of time working out some of the finer points of "how would that work, what makes that go, how is this structured...etc". I know it's unlikely that many who play H5 would care of course but it just felt wrong not to have an understanding of how my own universe worked, y'know?

*worries she's a bit like Sarah with the bad puns and gun lore tho!*
Like I joked about in my meme a while ago, fleshed out lore is what makes any sci-fi fan interested in a universe. And for those not as interested in the minute details of everything, their existence still very much help with making the world seem living and real. So yeah, I definitely care and am really quite exited for more of those juicy information/lore notes in the device in the next update.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
I assume you mean the grav generator fails not anti-grav failing.
Let's say the anti-grav system fails because of the grav generators failing :)

Gravitons are elementary particles from quantum field theory.

What they truly are, no one knows, and it is all guesswork as of now, so your interpretation is just as good as any other.
So, we're saying that I'm inventing a theory on particle physics as well as writing smut? *wonders if she submit a paper somewhere?* ;)

I guess a way to make new characters without being too close to looking like players is to take a photo from the internet, celeb or not and try to replicate that person, then change things so it doesn't look like them anymore.
*still hasn't decided what she's going to do with McGruder yet...*

Nipples that can cut glass were mentioned, so do we get to do a jewelry store robbery or mission impossible?
*wiggles eyebrows and wonders why she had the MC bring a box of tools on board...* ;)
What significance does the number 69 hold?

I am but a dear, sweet maiden. Some may say I am innocence personified. I am afraid the meaning of such numbers happens to be lost on me.

Anyway, I much prefer the 68.

You do it to me and I owe you one.

I'm here all week folks /bow
*laughs* But're going to love some of Chris's lines at the start of Chapt Two...

Notty how will you approach the elephant in the room? Will you release an incest patch or there won't be any incest?
Good question. I'm also interested to know, although from the other side of a wall as someone who doesn't like incest.

Is Kelly written (optionally I guess) in a way that doesn't imply blood relation between them?
I'll talk a -little- bit about this whilst renders are chugging away as I can appreciate the curiosity.

So let's start with the basics. Kelly is, and will always be, your sister. No renaming patches here.

I'll also confess I'm not a fan of the standard incest tropes at all either. The variations on a theme of your sister being so sexually inexperience she's never seen a penis, or for some reason she lets you go on a stairway to heaven with her because you help her with her homework, or you blackmail her by threatening to tell mum that she hasn't done the washing up so she gives you a blowjob...blah, blah, blah. Yetch. Not, to quote Austin Powers, my bag baby.

But what is, is this SL.

Fans of incest will be in for a new turn of events as we knock down the usual tropes (hopefully) with a sledgehammer. Non-fans of incest can take it or leave it, but *pause to tap chin* may find themselves sufficiently intrigued to give it a whirl. Largely as the SL can be stopped at any point and, although I confess my sense of humour is somewhat debatable, I found it hugely funny...

Oh! Plus...nah, that's saying too much. You'll find out! :) That is if the story line even opens up for you. Choices matter ....

So make of that what you will!

Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
I'll talk a -little- bit about this whilst renders are chugging away as I can appreciate the curiosity.

So let's start with the basics. Kelly is, and will always be, your sister. No renaming patches here.

I'll alsol confess I'm not a fan of the standard incest tropes at all either. The variations on a theme of your sister being so sexually inexperience she's never seen a penis, or for some reason she lets you go on a stairway to heaven with her because you help her with her homework, or you blackmail her by threatening to tell mum that she hasn't done the washing up so she gives you a blowjob...blah, blah, blah. Yetch. Not, to quote Austin Powers, my bag baby.

But what is, is this SL.

Fans of incest will be in for a new turn of events as we knock down the usual tropes (hopefully) with a sledgehammer. Non-fans of incest can take it or leave it, but *pause to tap chin* may find themselves sufficiently intrigued to give it a whirl. Largely as the SL can be stopped at any point and, although I confess my sense of humour is somewhat debatable, I found it hugely funny...

So make of that what you will!
I know you wouldn't go with the ridiculous premise of the current incest discourse, and your answer doesn't surprise me


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Let's say the anti-grav system fails because of the grav generators failing :)

So, we're saying that I'm inventing a theory on particle physics as well as writing smut? *wonders if she submit a paper somewhere?* ;)

*still hasn't decided what she's going to do with McGruder yet...*

*wiggles eyebrows and wonders why she had the MC bring a box of tools on board...* ;)

*laughs* But're going to love some of Chris's lines at the start of Chapt Two...

I'll talk a -little- bit about this whilst renders are chugging away as I can appreciate the curiosity.

So let's start with the basics. Kelly is, and will always be, your sister. No renaming patches here.

I'll also confess I'm not a fan of the standard incest tropes at all either. The variations on a theme of your sister being so sexually inexperience she's never seen a penis, or for some reason she lets you go on a stairway to heaven with her because you help her with her homework, or you blackmail her by threatening to tell mum that she hasn't done the washing up so she gives you a blowjob...blah, blah, blah. Yetch. Not, to quote Austin Powers, my bag baby.

But what is, is this SL.

Fans of incest will be in for a new turn of events as we knock down the usual tropes (hopefully) with a sledgehammer. Non-fans of incest can take it or leave it, but *pause to tap chin* may find themselves sufficiently intrigued to give it a whirl. Largely as the SL can be stopped at any point and, although I confess my sense of humour is somewhat debatable, I found it hugely funny...

Oh! Plus...nah, that's saying too much. You'll find out! :) That is if the story line even opens up for you. Choices matter ....

So make of that what you will!
Glad to hear the story won't be that cliche, though it seems more like the old last-(human)man-'alive' trope, but hey, it is a lot less used. Though, I would not be surprised there is more too it, something required by the 'so called' doctor! :unsure: Or even a turn in the 'holodeck'.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
I'll talk a -little- bit about this whilst renders are chugging away as I can appreciate the curiosity.

So let's start with the basics. Kelly is, and will always be, your sister. No renaming patches here.

I'll also confess I'm not a fan of the standard incest tropes at all either. The variations on a theme of your sister being so sexually inexperience she's never seen a penis, or for some reason she lets you go on a stairway to heaven with her because you help her with her homework, or you blackmail her by threatening to tell mum that she hasn't done the washing up so she gives you a blowjob...blah, blah, blah. Yetch. Not, to quote Austin Powers, my bag baby.

But what is, is this SL.

Fans of incest will be in for a new turn of events as we knock down the usual tropes (hopefully) with a sledgehammer. Non-fans of incest can take it or leave it, but *pause to tap chin* may find themselves sufficiently intrigued to give it a whirl. Largely as the SL can be stopped at any point and, although I confess my sense of humour is somewhat debatable, I found it hugely funny...

Oh! Plus...nah, that's saying too much. You'll find out! :) That is if the story line even opens up for you. Choices matter ....

So make of that what you will!
OK, good enough for me. Just for the premise of hammering the tropes I'm totally in for following this as far as I can be comfortable with.:D

One more thing though, since you're (thankfully) not doing the ridiculous renaming. Aren't you concerned about some uncultured fool reporting the game once it crosses certain barriers? At least, I would be worried about being forced to rewrite the whole thing.

EDIT: 69! Don't anyone post anything for 30 mins!
Holding breath!:censored:
4.10 star(s) 68 Votes