Only 4-5 pages, not too bad.
Oh. I see.
Is this a situation you feel an Engineer officer can't handle?
*smiles sweetly*
That depends, does it require ...a spanner?
It was indeed Jade.
There's a long history of jade dildos, hence my choice for a pre industrial setting. But if it's requiring rather obscure knowledge for it to look "right" then I probs should change it.
Ivory might be common in some parts of the world. Marble maybe...? Polished crystal? Or maybe ...blown glass.

Couldn't resist. 'not sorry'.
I don't know about the navy but the army doesn't like more than one disaster a day.
Then they should be glad I did not join!
Not likely - it's a stone with a hardness of 6 - 6.5 on the Mohs scale - just shy of quartz. The lower-quality slabs of jade (that are not good enough for jewelry/carving/etc) are sold as pavers, counter-tops and exterior wall tiles - all wet applications. (I wouldn't have jade counter-tops. They can be scratched by steel, and you know some idiot is going to cut something on the counter without using a cutting board, damaging the counter-top and my best knife, Mike!)
Or use the blade side of a good knife to slide across the cutting board to push the food into the pan/pot!

Right got to run. Have you any idea what it's like to make soup for 100 men in this heat?
Actually, I do (usually starting from a carcass to make my own broth), as well as a number of other items, like pizza.
In fact, you inspired me, I started a pot of turkey and rice soup for the family's dinner tonight.
Tell me about it. Started my new job today, feels like I've missed all the fun D:
That is how I feel every day, you people start having fun when I am going to bed.
But 'grats on the new job! Hope it's a good one!
Hey! Don't call the only guy that congratulates me a perv! D: Because all of them are!
Holy Notty, why dost thou suffer so fo us?
I just told you that I miss everything!!!
You identify with Annie?
Quite a bit, but then I identify with pretty much all of them ...even Mike the button pusher.
...Trapped. Unable to move. With the air supply running out and the heat rising...
She made my bits ache! She was horrid to me!
FOUR bloody times I had to play that to get the ...result.. I wanted! And I know the code! And even then the things I promised that utter utter cow of a woman....
*is just glad she doesn't have to face any of the consequences!*
Do you need someone to rub lotion on those bits?
I really don't envy you play-testing that. XD
According to the Ophion Prophecy, it should mean All Content Is Optional. Guess that's why we only see it uttered in this here thread

But I have another theory. In reality, I think it's code for
Ava's Coochie is Overflowing!

Actually, I made 2 emoji for it over on at least one of my discords... XD
You were teased and denied. Isn't that what you expect from Chris?
Pretty much, and while I like being teased, I was never fond of being denied.
That's a good point, was that her maiden name, or will we learn that later?
What if it's Chris

Or what if it's ...