"Nobody sleeps?" is that your way of saying that you cannot keep up with the thread?
Nope, just a welcome in the morning context, but my way can be misinterpreted easily and i am sorry for that... my English writing is so bad as my misplaced humour most of the time.
My understanding/reading is quite good compared to my thinking/writing in English, there's a huge gap which i hope to reduce someday.
All this is to say:
Oh, i'm keeping up with the thread nicely, in fact i was reading it since... since the end of February, quite a long time now. It took me almost 4 months before i dare to say something, getting off my incognito mode.
Most of my messages are posted here, late at night or very early in the morning when i have the time but it's mostly emojis that i left here to show my reactions and appreciations. And about the emoji Woow, for me it's a Woow! not a Woow? or a Eek!.
Does this make me a aficionado of H5 and this thread? *nods nods* (taking bad habits also, it's copyrighted phrasing... sorry!)
I'm just a "pagliacco" and here is my mood right now about my lack of English speaking skill:
ps: No Sulring Durgul was aimed or harmed during the writing of this message.