
Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Which is delib. I never saw why your interactions with characters in a game had to be purely based on sex. Why couldn't, even if you didn't fancy them, just like them? Or even if you didn't like them still want to work with them given the story? I loathe games whereby if you don't try to shag a character they just vanish - or worse where you have to try and shag X to progress with Y. Utter nonsense.

Chris is an interesting one in this respect. Whereby your paths with her are probs the largest ranging from her being outright hostile, a professional colleague, a buddy, a domme to an actual romance path. All down to you and what you want/feel. Some adore her, some hate her and some just respect her. Just as we do with people IRL...
Well I guess for many it will be a little bit of all, but at least she is a damn sight nicer to look at as most buddies in those movies. :p But yeah that friendly rivalry is definitely there. Edit: Besides did I already say she is completely adorable when flustered?


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
This, this right here is why I love this game and the writing in it. In all the years I've been working and had different crews, it's very rare that I want to bone all the females that I've worked with. I've worked with my wife so that's a given, but still, it just doesn't happen in real life. I know it's an adult game, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have at least some relation or ground to the real world.
*curstsies* I do wonder what you'll all make of Amanda as you get to know her...


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017

Becca is all kind and caring, providing players with good advice, consoling them in the event of their untimely demise and entertaining patrons in a mini-game for their support. Becca hasn't done anything wrong. Her punishment was unjust.:cool:

Cabbee, however? What has she ever done good? Nothing. All she does is torment good Becca. Even her secret profile states her profession as "Pain in the ass..." Let's not forget the bottle has disappeared!

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I really should tidy away those old files!


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Oddly, I recall what her forfeit is if we win the second bet, but not what her forfeit is if we win the first (the fight.) Our forfeit is to be "opened to new experiences." And then some oddly specific talk about pounding men in the ring. :unsure: But I don't recall what happens if we win. If we're expected to open Chris to new experiences we may be hard-pressed to come up with anything that she hasn't already experienced.
The thing to remember, now you know Chris a bit better, is that she has quite an odd sense of humour...*leaves it at that*


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
This, this right here is why I love this game and the writing in it. In all the years I've been working and had different crews, it's very rare that I want to bone all the females that I've worked with. I've worked with my wife so that's a given, but still, it just doesn't happen in real life. I know it's an adult game, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have at least some relation or ground to the real world.
Are you trying to make an offshoot of the ACIO cult? ALAO (All Love interests Are Optional)?
But yes, Love Interests are part of the content, so yeah, ACIO.
*curstsies* I do wonder what you'll all make of Amanda as you get to know her...
I can't say yet, but I can't wait to find out.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
*curstsies* I do wonder what you'll all make of Amanda as you get to know her...
Well we get a warning that Amanda can be pretty ruthless from Marcus and the fact she kept Ophion open and her position and questions during the talk also tells us she is both polite and fwightfully competent. So I guess your mileage may vary whether she is an ally, enemy or something in-between and that likely depends on our choices. Well for safety I told her she was in elder sister range. :p


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Addition to DA22, post:2272439, member: 372390

Page 466 till 500
Disclaimer: Writer of this resembles any accusations of willful twisting of the truth or putting words in other people's mouths View attachment 378439

Banner competition is still open, see sig of Notty.

TLDR: Chapter three bug fixed is still being played by everyone and hype starts to increase for chapter 4 leading to more speculations, spoilers, Thea silliness and various mayhem, memes and Notty remains very chatty, kicking puppy's and digs at lazy people, SP to wordy with all those lewd bits? still hot *beams*, Akira and anime and a clueless dev, critics, *is a good girl* while tempting us with water and Huitieme falls headlong for the bait (bad Frenchman, he should know you give a girl some good wine instead:p) on bad girls wasting time rendering or not For science! *puts Huitieme (and likely a lot of other players) in the non-lovely person category!* *secretly cackles* Bob's a bastard *is pureness and light personified but feels she has to give peeps options!* (on a dev that doth protest too much) lack of boundaries Uranus, On the kinkiness of Sarah and Amanda paths best interests, Unusable Sarah safe words to long tongtwister or breaker? I resemble that accusation! and does she remember them amount of save games needed for VR and extra hard drives needed, CCD (Completionist Compulsive Disorder) rears its ugly head again and determined perverts with quite a few hours played already, horsing around and accents or lack thereof, *glares!* of a supposedly quite innocent dev black lights and stains *sends out for more glares!* What isn't innocent about smut?, impossibles accepted challenge, Chris is from our heart! planes and autobots and on a dodgy American accent they seem normal but would shag anything with a pulse (someone is hopeful about Welsh lasses it seems:p but not everyone agrees) lippy her love for mounting (mounty) and being a beaver trapper, understanding the English, Ava Harem jealousy resurfaces Muff Mansion and standards, politics, RahRah being cheesey, more dancing in the stocks, ACIO, shutting down Mike taunts (as Akamari gets slowly tortured for his disgraceful remarks) switching, on writing those you do not like (poisonous letters come to mind, just a suggestion write Mike all:p), Eric returns, unreadable shirts staring and expensive demanding dates *concedes this was her goal - is adorable like that* (we agree with the adorable part) Bio rebel scum Thea to the rescue *is (not) sure Becca is joking...* Jane in those lewds after dinner and a movie, You call it glares I just call it you taking a determined interest in me, ten pages of not wholesome goodness, *is to blame*, marmite, lovers and haters, Frogette is love I shall not look at my sister with your lecherous eyes!, Gloria is love, Well, I hope for a girl...:p Maybe it will be Becca, the Prophet and Avatar of Her Holiness Here in The Web, Lust Be Upon Her, "Hello lovely people" = "Hi pervs" just wait till she does a straightforward McGruder on you add a Notty dictionary to the fan page, fiddles with Kelly* *must do a bewb off between Sarah and Kells* and some innocent remarks of PPF (Perverted Pirates Front) members catfight even if only a wet T-shirt contest Jaffa Cakes and Silk Cut offered beads of water gently rolling down cleavage - that sort of thing *laughs*, not a very good brother (from the guy who is so obsessed with not giving his lil sis what she needs he would even let her spend time with mike:p the cruelty) STOP MY POOR HEART CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH *is here to torment you all!* (most sincere truth she ever spoke in the thread likely:p) Bored Pilot Summer Spread Edition "you met a princess... almost", *is of course doing something completely fresh and different as far as she is aware*, broken legged mike left at the entrance of a cave and other good suggestions don't share my breakfast, backgrounds, OK that does not sound like someone who murdered her own brother and 3 lovers (or does it?) but don't think you're off the hook yet! on more Thea aspersions being cast, Squeaking lab assistants and payment in renders, "Dear eye in the sky" (questions can be sent by DM to Notty still for future episodes), Dance to my tune, bitches! ;P, *chuckles as she makes their life a misery*, Chris orders and best interest creepy female writers?, Smutress Inc job openings, Where's the drool reaction when you need it?, That's why they need the extra OOMPH on Ophion! It's Philly!, Becca *sighs and despairs!*, exchange of power, middle names like Innocence and Patience *is rather poetic today it seems!* and in denial scapegoats, playing with the furniture, Mistakes were made, let's leave it at that on some Deviant Art page, Brave but foolish tries, Amanda and Trisha want a cut? *giggles and poofs* LGM's, Schoolgirl Becca for RPS and lots of Becca as your guide when your crawling? *does some pretty pervy things with Becca at times*, Trisha might get some love, more Notty teasing But I thought you guys liked being teased? *bats eyelashes* (thinks that makes my point:p) deviancy *gasps* and perverted sick pride content and not gonna scare subversive lollies for nuns limits, username convo's with the wife and sympathetic fellow pirates *is a caring pervy dev* (the screenshot is kept safe in a vault 20 miles below the Sea and heavily guarded:p) fangirling, romantic spots on Ophion? (where is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and your towel when you need your copy:p), Ava planning to add to her harem as usual, More Thea suspicions is she a Welsh rarebit monster? Spiderman or even a Miss Notty Innocentus? BP test? and on creating a monster *beams!* and memory-wipes and internet famous, *is too lazy to do that!* on why she outsources spying on us to ceiling Becca who is only fancied by oddballs anyway, Mike in trouble again for turning safesearch on besides switching, School girl Becca for RPS is popular under pervs as a certain innocent flower nodding sagely predicted a few 100 pages ago:p *likes to give choices!* on the limitation of choices provided while *looks innocent* after a test drive while *enjoys being mean to Sarah*, cave for Sarah to explore, a writers poll starts, talking about Chris or bigger boobs preferred "which asleep princess did she meet?, good girls go to heaven bad girls go to Ophion, Save pages needed for Sarah routes, Do Babe Bobe and the Princess have a safeword? more innocents and the purity of evil and wonderings of consequences of actions in VR game "Nottravis, the dev you can trust!" (Totally!!!) Is there a Thea behind every bush, tree and rock? *looks sincere* *eyes...* Meanies *pouts* upset sorry pirates will Sarah see your reaction when she poofs out of game?, good and bad boy tropes, burps at *looks at a render of a happy Sarah*, *is just shocked at the depravity levels in this place!* created by a monster:whistles :Much Sarah love both for good and bad paths (and then think we have not even seen the start of her Romance path yet, seems Sarah will rule), The number you have dialed cannot be reached at the moment, please try again later (water oh so sweet water), snakes, pity for akamari NOT, Confusion about Sarah one person thinks small bag other overdressed stuff and water crisps, Notty teasing about happy Sarah *isn't entirely sure why she's rendering this scene as she suspects no one will let this happen* (does our delicate little flowery dev have a slight preference for another Sarah path? Heavens forbid:p) *wiggles eyebrows*, Huitieme is a lovely person and his dedication as one with CCD should be praised, How do you think I feel in a morning! ( Is that before or after a ciggie and a strong coffee? just asking for scientific purposes?:p), Thea Lundgren appreciation society, Becca everywhere , *returns vaguely pale* Crikey... and more internet famous congrats on the blossoming fame hunni Make Mass Effect Sexy Again! *laughs and curtsies* we all love Becca too! (who could ever hate her?) moremoremore (Just to strengthen this request :p), 10k posts passed, schoolgirl teasing, resembling accusations, On the logic of Thea being innocent: Well if Thea is innocent and we are all Thea since she is Legion then that should mean we are all innocent (except for Notty of course the temptress :p), The Ava-Notty teasing wars start (these should deserve their own dedicated TLDR thread:p), syrup in the bedsheets, brekkie habits on idiots buying and I love you all really *flutters eyelashes* and chicken-fried steak pancakes rooms and cameras, pub fun and driving or crawling home, we've proved there are no innocents in this thread, depravity, crumbs and sleeping, *is helpful* and confusing as hell:p, Chris talk and gropes Kelly mood killers having a word with Kelly (or maybe a little spanking?), Wait...just wait...., "Hey sis, remember where I saw you get a thrashing by Chris and then subsequently lose your shirt, your pants and your dignity? Yeah... Good times. Good times..." (Finally some revenge at family parties for that space Hamster story we have endured a million times :p), An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if you aim well..., *adds to her naughty notty stack* some serious teasing, page 500 musings and begging, posters and liquid metal terminators, Is adorable, yes. Yes you are, you're so adorable... who's a good dev, huh? Who's a good dev? :p Me! *dances*, caffeine works better without sugar, SCHOOL GIRL BECCA IS LOVE and of course as you would expect the usual eyebrows wiggling, eyes, boobs, legs, teasing, tempting, bad jokes, silliness, lasciviousness and lewdness.

Since TLDR is on a short hiatus until chapter 4 releases two songs dedicated to Notty, who is the reason for this thread. :p
and an oldie

More Notty renders not to be missed :love: None of these might ever get into the game though:
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2204562 Also a bit on game play if anything has the concentration to read that:p
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2205153 We snigger harder:p

A few fun collections from page sexsexsex (I know I know my German sucks:p)

More Notty remarks about the game, do be aware though she is purely and totes an adorable innocent saint she sometimes also is very talkative, misbehaves, plays devilish puppet master, glares, cackles, tempts, teases, manipulates, is underhanded, full of innuendoes, conniving, smutty and will take some liberties with the truth if she thinks it is warranted :p
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2198266 Rejoice Huitieme
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2201187 You still really have not been there yet?
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2202710 on mini game

More (non)sensical sleuthing or Sherlocking (foiled by dastardly Notriarty again) by members of this thread ( or should this be called theories of tin foil maniacs:p)and even some serious posts this time (sorry it did happen again even if I said will not happen again:p)and banner attempts:
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2196767 Having her hair down def puts her in a better light
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2197955 On the meaning of English
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/reply?quote=2198999 want that shirt with model please:p
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2204529 Yeah true sleuthing and looking for clues :p
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2204879 some fanfiction from someone that did not take the purest path:p
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2205155 Lollies
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2207065 On how hard it is to deal reasonably with Notty :p (just teasing back innocently)
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2207829 New emoji

Some small extracts from the Ava-Notty teasing wars, read at your own discretion:
https://f95zone.to/threads/heavy-five-ch-3-v1-2-nottravis.23184/post-2206273 shouldnt that have been busty?

Will in the Next TLDR:
-there be more delicious renders?
-the Ava-Notty Teasing war heating up further and will any of them take a decisive lead?
-there be more about the dangers of rendering in the heat and suitable apparel?
-Thea finally be unmasked?
-Chris Rock your world?
-more on fwightful Amanda and her horsies?
-Miss Notty Inncentus finally win or lose the battle for her supposed innocence?
-there be more ACIO and choices?
-Gloria be Glorious?
-Sarah get her water?
-Trisha get her man?
-Mike switch?
-Marcus provide some more vitamins?
-Kelly receive some brotherly love?
-Annie sing a high note while applying some lube (to her vocal cords pervs:p)
-Becca tease the poor players even further?
-more eyebrows wiggling, eyes, boobs, legs, teasing, tempting, bad jokes, silliness, lasciviousness and lewdness?

For the answers to these and many more questions log in to the next update of the TLDR.
Holy shit....*laughs*

I must stick the link to all of these on the front page *will do when she finishes Four*. I doubt a Mod would do it, they'd be too busy going "Wtf is going on in this thread!" :)

"Hey sis, remember where I saw you get a thrashing by Chris and then subsequently lose your shirt, your pants and your dignity? Yeah... Good times. Good times..." (Finally some revenge at family parties for that space Hamster story we have endured a million times :p)



Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Good the render hamster released you from your bondage for a little bit, hope you do not get too much denial treatment from it. :p
It's a slog for sure. This weekend is rather make or break for the end of the month, hence why I've been quieter than usual. The naughty scenes are taking much longer to do than I anticipated tbh - largely as they take longer to pose and render than usual, and with five different sets of sex scenes in this chapter it's soaking up the time.

I was hoping to avoid upgrading again until I could "big bang" it y'know. Get something really top of the range, but I think I'm going to have to get a new PC rig before doing Five. Some of the renders are taking nearly two hours which is just bonkers.

Anyhoo! Boring, boring! Will crack on! Laters :)


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
It's a slog for sure. This weekend is rather make or break for the end of the month, hence why I've been quieter than usual. The naughty scenes are taking much longer to do than I anticipated tbh - largely as they take longer to pose and render than usual, and with five different sets of sex scenes in this chapter it's soaking up the time.

I was hoping to avoid upgrading again until I could "big bang" it y'know. Get something really top of the range, but I think I'm going to have to get a new PC rig before doing Five. Some of the renders are taking nearly two hours which is just bonkers.

Anyhoo! Boring, boring! Will crack on! Laters :)
Personally, what I do is upgrade one piece (or so) at a time. The only exception is the CPU, Motherboard, and RAM, since those need to match (though buying more ram is another story). Just get what you can, when you can, it all adds up.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
It's a slog for sure. This weekend is rather make or break for the end of the month, hence why I've been quieter than usual. The naughty scenes are taking much longer to do than I anticipated tbh - largely as they take longer to pose and render than usual, and with five different sets of sex scenes in this chapter it's soaking up the time.

I was hoping to avoid upgrading again until I could "big bang" it y'know. Get something really top of the range, but I think I'm going to have to get a new PC rig before doing Five. Some of the renders are taking nearly two hours which is just bonkers.

Anyhoo! Boring, boring! Will crack on! Laters :)
Well you know I will say take the time you need and also know you do not wish to, :p So good luck and godspeed.

Well if you want to upgrade early look at least for motherboards that will not change architecture for a while, think AMD promised their current series will support the processors for the next 5 years and talk to people here that know what you need for a render rig.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Personally, what I do is upgrade one piece (or so) at a time. The only exception is the CPU, Motherboard, and RAM, since those need to match (though buying more ram is another story). Just get what you can, when you can, it all adds up.
Sadly that's the probs. The pc is really basic and won't carry a heavier card than the 1060. So I have to make a leap in the rig if I want a bigger card - which I feel I need.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Well you know I will say take the time you need and also know you do not wish to, :p So good luck and godspeed.

Well if you want to upgrade early look at least for motherboards that will not change architecture for a while, think AMD promised their current series will support the processors for the next 5 years and talk to people here that know what you need for a render rig.
Thanks. Will look into :)
4.10 star(s) 68 Votes