Just to clarify the reactions (at least how I see them)

: I agree with what you said or find it funny/interesting in a neuter way

: I totally agree with what you said, love it or show my passion for an image/character you posted

: You made me laugh, you cheeky bastard.

: Hmm, that's interesting and makes me ponder about the subject of your post. I might agree or disagree but in no aggressive way.
facepalm : That was moronic, and I'm either ashamed to be a member of the same species or, more likely, just facepalming at your really corny joke and a little jealous you beat me to it

: What you just said completely wrecked the foundations of my mind and I'm left speechless at the absurdity of this world.

: What you just said makes me sad, either because you attacked me in a totally unprovoked way (I'm almost as innocent as a certain person who is not Travis) or because you imply doing something bad to a character I like, such as withdrawing water and stuff like that.
None of these are inherently bad, except maybe the facepalm in some rare occasions. As
TheDevian said, if someone really deserves my scorn, I'd let them know with a comment, not a reaction (and more often than not, I'll just let them go on being morons, no time for this shit)
Hope it clarifies it