You misunderstand, Notty. If you provide enough content for months, or even a year, I'll keep charging away it until I've seen it all. This is not a bad thing, unless the game sucks. There have been (more than) a few that I played through to one ending (or even not that far) and then deleted due to any of:
- Boring or non-existent plot
- Ridiculous renders
- "18-year-old" characters that could walk into any middle school and not seem out of place
- Sloppy writing (by the way, folks, "could've" or "could have," not "could of" - "I saw" not "I seen" - there's more, of course)*
* I DO make exceptions for writers whose first language is not English, and I further make exceptions for things said in character voice,
as long as it fits the character. For instance: dumb-as-a-post character says "I seen 'er over there." Okay. Lawyer character says "The first time I seen it I..." not okay.
One thing I will add here - Notty's characters all have their own voice, and I expect that will only amplify as time goes on. No cookie-cutter universe where everyone's speech patterns and diction are identical here.