
Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
*settles in and starts reading*

Looks like quite a lot to respond so I won't be able to reply to every post I suspect - besides a lot of it appears to be "where the deuce has she gone?" to which we've already dealt with. However, I'll do my best with regards to the rest.

In short, just in case I miss your post:

"I liked your game!" Awe..thanks. I hope you stick around for the rest of it. If you liked it so far you'll enjoy the rest of it even more.

"Your game sucks!" Well, you're entitled to your opinion of course but we should probs both agree my game isn't for you. I'm having fun making it as it is and I'm not really going to change anything story/character wise. There are plenty of other games around for you to play. At the end of the day this is about us all having fun and if you're not having fun playing H5 then, like any game, it's a rationale decision for you not to play it.

"I don't think your characters would do/action...(something)" Thank you but yes they would ;) Any behavioural oddities are probably due to you not knowing everything you need to know yet... *wiggles eyebrows*. Having said that, I'm grateful to you for raising it as I might need to drop hints or expand on some dialogue a bit to make things a bit clearer.

"I found a technical problem..." Oh! Sorry about that. I 'll resolve it and try to ensure it doesn't happen again. I hope it didn't spoil anything for you too much.

"I think you could improve it if you did..." Noted. Thanks for the feedback and you might well have a point. This sort of response is really valuable to me as I'm a one-gal band and so am in a bit of a vacuum in making judgements on what works and what doesn't.

"When is the next chapter out?" Start of June. I refunded all my patrons everything from March to May so opening up the patron account and releasing it in June makes everything nice and neat from a financial perspective. Besides I haven't looked at Chapter Three in months and it will be good to play through it again to see if I spot any errors etc I didn't pick up in March. Please note however that Chapter Three is essentially what I did in March. The time gap doesn't mean this will represent three months work - having said that Three is considerably larger than the earlier chapters.

If I've still missed any of your points guys, please do feel free to drop me a DM. I can't promise an instant response at the moment but I will get back to you as soon as I can.

And with that out of the way....*starts responding to posts*
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd here we go.
*begs the mods forgiveness for doing lots of posts and hope they understand why as I have a lot to try to respond to...*

Chris is going through a dry spell. as she can't put the noodles in the water?
for those new to the game, like @Mytez , Chris believes that every woman is like noodles, straight till gets wet
Well...she might have a valid point...*coughs...*:whistle:

Glad that you seem to be doing better, Notti. You said you still need to take it easy, so please be sure to do so. People with what seems to be your personality (very active and hardworking) have a tendency to push themselves way too hard too quickly after a major physical challenge. My own father once fell, cracking his head open, but was back to working hard again after only a few days' rest. He started getting headaches and finally listened to my mom and rested more. Don't overexert yourself just as you're on the mend.
Damn... you're bang on the nose with this one. Which is worrying in a way as obviously my character flaws are somewhat too obvious! :) But...sensible words and I've taken them to heart. Honest. With me handing all the patrons their cash back I'm not releasing Chapter Three until June now anyway which, not only makes things tidy from a financial cut off perspective, but also gives me a bit more time to recover. I promise I'll be good.

My money's on you ...well if I had any to bet.
What that fool Martin doesn't know is Chapter Three is already finished! Mwahahahahhahah!

Sorry, couldn't resist.
The weather girl is a knockout, btw.
Thankees! And the clip made me smile :)

You mean deciding between checking the hardware of the power plant or the system software? Imho, there's no difference, since both operations result in telling Annie that nothing came out of it...
There was a difference in her response... ;) annnnnnnnnnd..........

I'm pomdering.... what will be the consequences of working on the wrong part in episode 2?
Different branches open up :)
There was also originally a mini-game in there (hence why that scene seems really short) but I didn't like it and so took it out. Mini-games are a bugger to do well it seems! (i.e. not to make a pointless frustration)

There are so many things that could fuck everything up. I like your theory, but I can't dismiss the possibility that telling Marcus that Ophion natives should be shot on sight for the good of humanity will soon bites MC's ass as well (and not the good kind of biting :D)
There are a lot of ways to fuck things up in Three. It really is where the game (for those who want the complicated plots) starts getting its act together....

Hmm, I wouldn't put it past Notty to do something like that, but I still think this is still just a red herring for now. It would be really interesting, though, that just THE thing you didn't have time to check on your arrival happens to be the very issue that everyone's looking for.

I hereby thrice curse the name of F95zone for failing to uphold to my stated wishes of receiving notifications for this thread, for withholding critical knowledge of Notty's return, and for sustaining my worry needlessly over what became of these events.

I realise that I'm 17 days late by now, but welcome back @Nottravis :D! I'm really glad that you are alive and mostly (or hopefully fully or at least partly by this point) well, despite everything you have been through. I kinda feel like I should say something more, but I can't really come up with something that isn't just a overly wordy way of saying the previous sentence. Hope things are going well for you IRL and that things are getting back to a comfortable normal.
Thank you and I am sooo sorry for any concern caused.
Believe me when I say I was equally fretting about my lack of comms. We've all seen vanishing Devs before and so it wasn't terribly hard to imagine what was being said/thought. I'm also aware it's no doubt done a shit-ton of reputational damage to me but square root of sod-all I can do about it sadly other than give everyone their cash back and try to start again.

*goes to do another post*
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
@Nottravis get well and don't worry about the haters. They are paper tigers
Thankees. Will do. *promises normal service will be resumed shortly*

First she should take care of her health after
She is felling well and good then she can start developing so no rush I have seen her post so I just asked for it that's all
Thank you :) This place is like having a whole bunch of dads at times. You all the say the same thing as he does :) But I swear I'll look after myself first. Having handed everyone their cash back I feel I can take the rest of the month easy now and focus on getting better then start again in June.

N-no no , she shouldn't be back so soon. I'm not yet finished with the glor- :censored: ..uh.. the renovation of the showers :oops:
*laughs!* God I've missed this place!

Oh no I hope you get things sorted, I just found this game the other day and have really enjoyed it, can't wait for that boxing match with Chris!
Thank you. On the mend, promise. I'm really glad you enjoyed my little world and I hope you enjoy Chapter Three too. The boxing match*wiggles eyebrows*.

Sadly, this type of thing — not exactly, of course — happens often. Perhaps the universe conspires against adult game creators? It's great to know you're on the mend. Definitely do focus on your health above all else. We all want naughtiness, but we want healthy Nottiness as well.

Your game and vision are amazing. All the haters can piss off. Do yourself justice with your vision of the work, not anyone else's. Much love!
Bless you - and thank you for your kind words.

*checks savings*
*checks exchange rate*

I can afford $66.

Glad you're back at... what lets be generous and say 65% of normal? Hope you get better soon. I have no one to private message shitpost at if you're not around for long.

We can talk about the 50 stirling exchange when you're better.

My DM's always open!

Very happy to hear from you! I am sincerely glad that it was nothing more serious. Take care of yourself first- actually, strike that, throw out the fridge and replace it, then take care of yourself.

Welcome back, Notty!
Thank you. In the end I did what any sensible girl would do about the fridge...

"Daaaaaaaaad? Halp!"

It worked!

Welcome back @Nottravis , sorry on you being sick. Damn the antivaxxers getting notty ill (shakes fist).

Hopefully you feel or are getting better.

About the BJ, I don't think I know 50 people named sterling, and I don't think I want to know what you would do with them.

On cleaning the fridge/freezer the activated charcoal is probably your best bet.

On the game and people liking/disliking, there are always going to be those, some will come in for the new content, others will drop out because they think it has changed. You just need to keep making the game you see in your head and want. Even if in the end the game is a futa T-rex dating sim in spaaaaace. Sure accept some critique, mark it down and if you can in the future fix it, like bad renders, bugs, typos, etc, but the people came to see your story unfold as you imagined it. Keep being the Notty we know.

I agree on WatlS recommendation of a burner phone, plus you can feel like a spy or drug dealer.
Ah @somebodynobody, always so practical! Oddly enough we don't tend to get vaccinated in the UK for what I had. (you can, but it's not common to do so) as it's regarded as a mild childhood illness. Which it is. Trouble is if you don't get it when you're a kid and get it as an adult....anyhoo! Enough of that as it's all frightfully dull and not something you come here to read about I'm sure!

And yep, totes with you on the game thoughts. H5 isn't for everyone and so I should (and have) just accepted that.

Well, if you miss Becca, just know that the naughty girl has been seen lurking around the Delta Iota Kappas dorms :p
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*lofts brow* She's not called Becca is she?

Besides her boobs are far too small... ;)

Thanks for the post and - get well soon!

As for not taking your personal phone w/ you on that trip, allow me to make a recommendation ;-)

Whenever I need to go places I cannot take my personal phone (for whatever reasons, being it for fear of it being searched, tampered w/ or whatever) I get a simple one-use / throwaway device (you can get those at Walmart (or Tesco for the Brits) for about 15 bucks, Motorola or some such) and a pre-paid SIM - that way you're safe and once you're on the way to the plane into the trashcan it goes - voilà :)
Thank you :)

Actually it was more that I just don't use it abroad. Roaming charges etc are vicious on international and since when I'm with work I can use their phone I'd just got into the habit of not taking it, especially as overseas jaunts are only for a few days typically. So when I used to take my own phone with me it just lurked in the handbag getting scratched by all the other junk in there. Of course, that was before I had a secret smutty life....*has learned her lesson!*

*takes a break prior to posting again!*
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Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
Huitieme said:
Well, if you miss Becca, just know that the naughty girl has been seen lurking around the Delta Iota Kappas dorms :p

Becca is defo chestier (and probs a tad old to be dressing as a schoolgirl tbh...)
View attachment 310506
Chestier and saucier :D
Also, I've heard from unknown but trusted sources that she wiggles eyebrows like nobody (among other things ;))!


Dec 26, 2018
Huitieme said:
Well, if you miss Becca, just know that the naughty girl has been seen lurking around the Delta Iota Kappas dorms :p

Becca is defo chestier (and probs a tad old to be dressing as a schoolgirl tbh...)
View attachment 310506
Yay! Finally a new addition to my Becca folder. Damn thing was getting dusty from disuse.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Chestier and saucier :D
Also, I've heard from unknown but trusted sources that she wiggles eyebrows like nobody (among other things ;))!

Yay! Finally a new addition to my Becca folder. Damn thing was getting dusty from disuse.
I liked the idea so much I'm dropping daily pin-ups on the Patreon. Well, I could do with the rendering practice after so long tbh plus it's a nice way to say thanks to the guys for sticking around. :)

*gets back to replying to posts*


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Notty... it's probably the old uniform constricting Becca, but I do recall her naked renders and her bossom wasn't this ample
Oh she hasn't changed, honest. I suspect it's the uniform. She's always been quite hefty up top.

Although on that note the half dozen renders I was making as daily pin-ups has somehow (so far) become 25 with little sign of stopping. I'd forgot how much fun being smutty was! :)

I'll answer remaining posts tomorrow now I'm afraid, I got carried away on the smut-fun train!


Jul 2, 2017
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd here we go.
*begs the mods forgiveness for doing lots of posts and hope they understand why as I have a lot to try to respond to...*

Well...she might have a valid point...*coughs...*:whistle:

Damn... you're bang on the nose with this one. Which is worrying in a way as obviously my character flaws are somewhat too obvious! :) But...sensible words and I've taken them to heart. Honest. With me handing all the patrons their cash back I'm not releasing Chapter Three until June now anyway which, not only makes things tidy from a financial cut off perspective, but also gives me a bit more time to recover. I promise I'll be good.

What that fool Martin doesn't know is Chapter Three is already finished! Mwahahahahhahah!

Thankees! And the clip made me smile :)

There was a difference in her response... ;) annnnnnnnnnd..........

Different branches open up :)
There was also originally a mini-game in there (hence why that scene seems really short) but I didn't like it and so took it out. Mini-games are a bugger to do well it seems! (i.e. not to make a pointless frustration)

There are a lot of ways to fuck things up in Three. It really is where the game (for those who want the complicated plots) starts getting its act together....

View attachment 310433

Thank you and I am sooo sorry for any concern caused.
Believe me when I say I was equally fretting about my lack of comms. We've all seen vanishing Devs before and so it wasn't terribly hard to imagine what was being said/thought. I'm also aware it's no doubt done a shit-ton of reputational damage to me but square root of sod-all I can do about it sadly other than give everyone their cash back and try to start again.

*goes to do another post*
is that malena morgan in the gif ? that girl was amazing and she was probably my favorite pornstar at that time. almost went into depression when she retired without doing and b/g contet. there was something about her that made her so damn hot. RIP malena lmao


Jul 13, 2017
her retirement was funny b/c she called about a bunch of other girls for not washing themselves before scenes


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
While it's not 'Sexual Harassment /Assault' (an Article 120 infraction) it might either be seen as a violation of Article 120c ('Other sexual misconduct'), Article 130 ('Housebreaking') or combination of both (Art. 130 with the intent of Art. 120c).

I won't elaborate to not clog this thread but if you're interested: GIYF

Although I would go after her for an Art. 89 ('Disrespectful behavior') violation if I absolutely had to. But as it's not me I guess the MC will find other ways to handle her / the situation ;)
Oh there a lots of ways to take what happened forward....

It might be worth pointing out that the "bad end" in chapter Two isn't. It merely opens new branches *wiggles eyebrows*

The author is the typing this up and there were other ways to go about 'want to wait for a sex scene until more character devolpment' or 'add tension between the three characters'

As it is now it doesn't make sense.

As to the other quote: Yeah WHEN IT'S A HIGH PRIORITY MISSION. This isn't, according to the orders. Obviously more is going on, but from what's presented to Chris, us and Ann, she lacks authority here to disrupt us. It's her duty to report, sure, but I mentioned that. But why would anyone care what a suspected sex pest who has been bumped down to shit duty thinks? As far as command knows, it might have been the opposite way around.

I get what the creator was doing btw: It's too early in the game for a sex scene in a plot heavy game and she needs a wrench to throw between the three characters; that would have happened during the actual drinking session or he could have had Ann fall alseep or a dozen combintions. As it is now, it's weird the characters wouldn't flex on Chris or that would she even attempt what she did with her record, even if it's bullshit.
Thank you for your thoughts - and I apologise it's taken me a while to get back to you on this due to illness on my part.

Obviously we have different views of whether the scene hangs together - and that's fine. Neither of us will convince each other of the others position on this of course as it's somewhat subjective. It helps of course that I have insider knowledge on all the characters motivations :)

But as to points in question, the mission is ranked as a high level security one which would to my mind make it a high priority mission. Given the context of sorting out the mess on an isolated station (repairs and supplies etc) would lend weight to that, but I could have made this clearer in retrospect, so thank you for that. I'll be more careful on that sort of thing going forward.

As to Chadwick's record, of course she's still in post so it would seem no cases were proven. Which could mean nothing or could indeed mean a lot. Far too early for me to say on that one for plot reasons of course.

But the reactions of Annie and Chris to that scene are rational for them I assure you. The MC has only known these people for less than a day and there is a lot about both of them that aren't yet known. Although, Chris did drop two remarks in two seperate scenes that perhaps Annie isn't as reliable as one would like...

Clearly, Annie needs a field promotion so everyone can bone whoever they want.
Trouble is Annie keeps getting busted down in rank...

I could not agree more. We should completely forget about all the naughty content in this game, take a hard right turn and make it an exciting "Sexual Harassment" Court Room Drama instead.

View attachment 286834
"Lieutenant, i am reminding you that you are under Oath. So did you or did you not order the "CODE BOOB"? ANSWER THE GOD-DAMNED QUESTION!"

*giggles despite herself*

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That was a lovely tangent. *approves*

I saw the Patreon post when she made it - 18 days ago on April 1. I have two daughters - when one contacts me more than once every couple months I worry, and when the other doesn't contact me for more than a week I worry. I don't doubt they can take care of themselves, it's just a change in their communication pattern that worries me. Which is why I'm worried about Notty now.

It's not rational, and having only her online comms via Patreon and here to go by, not overly indicative of her true, IRL communication style. Still, I worry.

Sorry, Notty, for cyber-parenting.
*sighs* :(

Obviously there are a whole load of posts like this, and so for brevity just picked one but...

...I really am very sorry for the silence. I expected to come back to lots of "Dev has done a runner" type things, I didn't expect I would have caused you all so much concern. I feel awful about it and I wish I'd had the wit to come up with a way of dropping you all a line.

*indulges in small guilt trip before doing another block of posts*
4.10 star(s) 68 Votes