
Jul 29, 2018
The dev already had a progress tracker which he posted on Discord called the roadmap. It was last updated on September 14th 2021 then he stopped stating:

So Trello isn't going to help here.

Here is the last progress update made on September 14th 2021 if you are interested:
thats no bad at all, why are people even bitching?
Ah... I know, internet is being internet, alright


Aug 31, 2018
I guess the hope/point of a trello is the actual visual representation of "this event is in this state" so that it can be used to see where sticking points are, especially for the dev if events have a definition of done... why won't Event #10 move to a completed state? What's the blocker? Why are you adding more new events when there are a lot that are just stuck?

It can help with accountability but also giving a different viewpoint for the dev. You can determine priority and help push through blockages if you require a certain "state" for column transitions
And what difference would it make if it's visual or a percentage if as the dev puts it: there's no a real estimate FOR ME of how much events and content I have left to do. I keep adding content and that makes the percentages be... well... not accurate!

You think an inaccurate visual is somehow better than an inaccurate percentage?
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Oct 3, 2017
And what difference would it make if it's visual or a percentage if as the dev puts it: there's no a real estimate FOR ME of how much events and content I have left to do. I keep adding content and that makes the percentages be... well... not accurate!

You think an inaccurate visual is somehow better than an inaccurate percentage?
I think the difference will be that percentage is too abstract and he can keep adding more more stuff so percentage will be pretty inaccurate. but with visiual cards he will be limited. for example he planned 5 events for the update and he can work within these 5 events and can't add more because that would be inefficient and it will break the whole plan and all new stuff and events should be postponed till the next updates. With that you will have clearer picture of what you need to do next
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New Member
Jun 2, 2021
So the idea of using a Trello is supposed to also be for addressing the "there's no a real estimate FOR ME" bit. Using a Trello *properly* forces a degree of storyboarding and planning. And to take that approach and run with it means setting out a realistic roadmap of events to tell the story that is intended.

That's all to say, if you properly storyboard, you can actually say to yourself, "ok, I know now that I want to have 10 events with Lucy, 10 events with Ari, and this leads to major event with ..." so on and so forth all the way to the end of the chapter. I'm going to get critical here, but quite frankly that should have been done in November of 2020, as of wrapping up the prologue. That would have prevented the feature creep hell you've been stuck in Komi.

However, Komisari , it's not too late to do that storyboarding. You can and should take a step back from things, and look at the events you NEED to add in order to finish the story of chapter 1. Focus on just those and any CRUCIAL mechanics needed (even if this means removing fun extra stuff for now), and get the release out. Once you've done that, look at fun things to add. Until then though, just focus on story and important mechanics.


Aug 31, 2018
I think the difference will be that percentage is too abstract and he can keep adding more more stuff so percentage will be pretty inaccurate. but with visiual cards he will be limited. for example he planned 5 events for the update and he can work within these 5 events and can't add more because that would be inefficient and it will break the whole plan and all new stuff and events should be postponed till the next updates. With that you will have clearer picture of what you need to do next
You are missing the point of what is being said. We are not arguing about the difference between Trello and Percentages in general, but with respect to what the dev said...

If you read his quote that I posted, he is in effect saying that he has no clearly defined plan for each event, he has a general idea of what it would be and works on it until he feels it's done...

So the question is... how would representing something one way or the other help if you don't have that which you need to represent? In his qoute the dev makes it clear he has no intention of working with a strict plan. That is what I meant when I said Trello won't help here.
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Oct 3, 2017
You are missing the point of what is being said. We are not arguing about the difference between Trello and Percentages in general, but with respect to what the dev said...

If you read his quote that I posted, he is in effect saying that he has no clearly defined plan for each event, he has a general idea of what it would be and works on it until he feels it's done...

So the question is... how would representing something one way or the other help if you don't have that which you need to represent? In his qoute the dev makes it clear he has no intention of working with a strict plan. That is what I meant when I said Trello won't help here.
Yeah I got what you were saying. I was saying that visuals are better. But for this dev, and most devs here actually, management is just a funny word. So yeah it's a problem that cant be solved with Trello or anything.


Aug 31, 2018
Yeah I got what you were saying. I was saying that visuals are better. But for this dev, and most devs here actually, management is just a funny word. So yeah it's a problem that cant be solved with Trello or anything.
Yep, those people that were pushing for Trello should probably first convince the dev to make a clear plan and stick with it, otherwise no form of representation would make any difference if it's simply abandoned later (percentages or otherwise).
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Game Developer
Dec 17, 2019
I support the idea of using a Trello. Hell, use two. One public with vague names of tasks completed, just to show that you are making progress is ok, so long as you have the tasks representing the actual remaining work, and a second that is private just to keep yourself on your plan. Then, **stick to that plan**.

As for the remaining work: I think it's time to cut the "extras" you've promised from Chapter 1 for a "1.0" release. Instead, start leaning more towards the Hello Games approach, and release enough of a "1.0" that you can call it such. From there, prepare "1.0.x" through "1.1" with the extras. (here I'm referring to "Chapter 1" as your effective "1.0", so that you can give yourself "version bandwidth" in the minor releases for the extras you've promised, and just plan chapter 2 as 2.0, 3 as 3.0, etc.) Otherwise, you're just pissing in the wind.
I will start using Trello right after the Christmas event.
And I will also --> PROBABLY <-- cut down Chapter 1 in parts. Let's say it has 3 parts, then, all of the events of part 1 and part 2 are basically done. After the Christmas events I would just have to reorganize the events a little bit, polish the gameplay (so it works well in the first part alone), and release at least something as fast as possible.

Btw, the "first part" may sound "yeah 1 or 2 events haha", but is basically another HHG. As I said, Chapter 1 triplicates the content of the game, with the first part, will duplicate it. Probably 7 levels per girl or so. (Prologue has 10 levels per girl, but there are 3 girls who appear later and have less content.)
I just want to release something as soon as possible, and stop being a bitch and nitpicking by trying to release a nuke bomb of content. It definitely didn't work, as I'm seeing.

The Trello will be used for me to be organized and for people to have public access to see what I'm working on daily, and what I've finished... Etc. I will even probably add an image or so every day to show what I've done.
Trello will definitely solve problems, but it will make clearer what I'm working on. A user from this forum told me how to use it, and I tried it. It's really nice both for people to see the progress and to have an overall % of how much is done. I will, of course, add and remove things at will, it won't be a fixed % like a roadmap.

I made mistakes, the Christmas event was a mistake, giving ETA was also probably a mistake, and trying to create a nuke bomb of content was also a mistake, I will try to be more organized, I'm trying to be clear as water with the community but I think I have to understand that the only way for them to be okay with this is if I release SOMETHING.

Remember that I also tried to add a literal explorable dungeon system that, I'm really sure, needs a lot of polish. So in the first part of the Chapter, the dungeon won't be accessible the normal ways, but I will leave the code and maybe a cheat code for accessing a random dungeon, so people can maybe see what I've been working on and don't come here saying that it was fake.

Also, Chapter 1 already has a clear plan, and I'm sticking with it. The problem is that IT'S A LOT OF CONTENT that has to be done. Making the parts will also make me, to at least, have some relaxation and take a week or so. People may think that, because there is no content uploaded then I'm not doing anything, but it's not the reality, I also need a rest.

These are my actual ideas, they may change, I'm not specifically answering the guy to that I replied, but to everyone who is discussing right now on this thread, and to leave my opinion about Trello and how I'm planning on doing stuff. I'm of course not good at this, but I will try to be better and more organized.


New Member
Jun 2, 2021
I'm elated to hear that you're taking the advice offered by folks here, and I truly hope that this all helps you to get the game out in more organized and approachable chunks. It's the feature creep and "this small thing would be neat to also add" things that led to the position the game's currently in, so it'll be awesome to see you get back out of it and into a healthy development cycle so that you and HHG can thrive.


Jun 14, 2020
I will start using Trello right after the Christmas event.
And I will also --> PROBABLY <-- cut down Chapter 1 in parts. Let's say it has 3 parts, then, all of the events of part 1 and part 2 are basically done. After the Christmas events I would just have to reorganize the events a little bit, polish the gameplay (so it works well in the first part alone), and release at least something as fast as possible.

Btw, the "first part" may sound "yeah 1 or 2 events haha", but is basically another HHG. As I said, Chapter 1 triplicates the content of the game, with the first part, will duplicate it. Probably 7 levels per girl or so. (Prologue has 10 levels per girl, but there are 3 girls who appear later and have less content.)
I just want to release something as soon as possible, and stop being a bitch and nitpicking by trying to release a nuke bomb of content. It definitely didn't work, as I'm seeing.

The Trello will be used for me to be organized and for people to have public access to see what I'm working on daily, and what I've finished... Etc. I will even probably add an image or so every day to show what I've done.
Trello will definitely solve problems, but it will make clearer what I'm working on. A user from this forum told me how to use it, and I tried it. It's really nice both for people to see the progress and to have an overall % of how much is done. I will, of course, add and remove things at will, it won't be a fixed % like a roadmap.

I made mistakes, the Christmas event was a mistake, giving ETA was also probably a mistake, and trying to create a nuke bomb of content was also a mistake, I will try to be more organized, I'm trying to be clear as water with the community but I think I have to understand that the only way for them to be okay with this is if I release SOMETHING.

Remember that I also tried to add a literal explorable dungeon system that, I'm really sure, needs a lot of polish. So in the first part of the Chapter, the dungeon won't be accessible the normal ways, but I will leave the code and maybe a cheat code for accessing a random dungeon, so people can maybe see what I've been working on and don't come here saying that it was fake.

Also, Chapter 1 already has a clear plan, and I'm sticking with it. The problem is that IT'S A LOT OF CONTENT that has to be done. Making the parts will also make me, to at least, have some relaxation and take a week or so. People may think that, because there is no content uploaded then I'm not doing anything, but it's not the reality, I also need a rest.

These are my actual ideas, they may change, I'm not specifically answering the guy to that I replied, but to everyone who is discussing right now on this thread, and to leave my opinion about Trello and how I'm planning on doing stuff. I'm of course not good at this, but I will try to be better and more organized.
"Here's how I can still release my game"
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Active Member
Jul 25, 2018
I will start using Trello right after the Christmas event.
And I will also --> PROBABLY <-- cut down Chapter 1 in parts. Let's say it has 3 parts, then, all of the events of part 1 and part 2 are basically done.


Also, Chapter 1 already has a clear plan, and I'm sticking with it. The problem is that IT'S A LOT OF CONTENT that has to be done. Making the parts will also make me, to at least, have some relaxation and take a week or so. People may think that, because there is no content uploaded then I'm not doing anything, but it's not the reality, I also need a rest.
Do I read correctly here that the "part 1" that you planned to have done in 2022 is now done about 2/3 of the way? If you cut it in parts and 1 and 2 are "basically done" (which, let's be honest, does not mean done) that would mean that part 3 is not done. So, you spent all this time creating nearly 2/3 of what you had planned?

Oof, that's quite a bad estimation if you spent 2 years on it and only got around 65%.

Well, hope your change provides some good workflow and hope you can get a lot of joy out of making the game.

I always felt really patient and still thrilled about the game. Slowly my passion for it has burnt out though, and I've started to not care that much. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry, and I understand the how and what of it, I'm just saying that as someone who enjoyed the first releases (I still have all the iterations on my hard drive), I feel I don't care that much.

Still, if it comes out I'll play it and judge then if it was worth the wait. Afraid the game needs to win me back though.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2018
Are you just going by the tag or did you actually read the posts? The creator has been posting constantly in here saying that they will be putting out a release ASAP. Follow the messages.
You know that ASAP is entirely relative right? For me to get up ASAP takes a few seconds. For me to get to the moon ASAP probably takes more than my lifetime. This release will come out when it comes out, if it comes out.

Until then, the only thing we can conclude is that it's not out. We'll just have to see.


Dec 28, 2018
You know that ASAP is entirely relative right? For me to get up ASAP takes a few seconds. For me to get to the moon ASAP
I, of course, was talking in terms of Komi's ASAP since it's his game that is under discussion. Why would I refer to a hypothetical person's hypothetical actions? In other words: More time than you are apparently willing to wait, but less time than it takes nature to make a volcano. Is that a nebulous enough answer for you or were you just being snarky?
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