Man am I upset.... Snowy update finally released... and I couldn't play it because I injured one of my eyes over the weekend. I finally played some of it today though as my eye is feeling a bit better and I'm not screaming in agony by trying to look at the computer screen. The "updates" to your methods are paying off. The animation clipping is much better now, all around improvement in general. Thank you Komi, I appreciate what you are doing despite the hell some people are putting you through. My only advice is to get someone to help you with the wording. There are many instances where the English is a bit off. Not criticizing or anything, English is a pain in the ass to get right considering sentence structure and word tense etc. For instance, for the fishing reel, it should not be "stucked", it is just "stuck". Honestly, that's all I really have to say that may be considered negative. I've loved your game since I first played it and I am happy to see some activity. I had hope that more was to come and just waited. Thank you.
To those of you that are still complaining, here's my advice. Just unwatch this thread and go find another game. You will never be happy with anything. You are miserable and wallow in it. A person can fix one problem so you feel you need to find another thing to harp on. Over and over. Find something else in life that you enjoy so you can stop being an eyesore to society. Letting it be known that you are unhappy with something is fine, but the vitriolic BS that's been posted in here is entirely unnecessary.
To those of you having errors. Either scan through the thread or learn how to use the search function. I think it's been mentioned about a dozen times to get the patch and the problem should be fixed. Stop being lazy and waiting for a notification that someone replied to you.
To those of you who are harping on "I waited 2/3 years for THIS!?!". Seriously, you are just lazy and don't actually follow the forum discussion. The Snowy update didn't take 2/3 years. It took 5/6 months. Komi took a break from chapter 1 to try and give us all at least a little bit to do. Yes, it took Komi longer than he expected. No, no one specifically ASKED for a holiday event. I sincerely believe he just wanted to get at least something out for those of us patiently waiting as a way of thanks. Personally, I appreciate it.
To people who are having problems with the fishing game or any of the other cheats. Search the forum for "universal ren'py mod". It is an in-game mod system that lets you change variables and such. No, I'm not going to give you the link. Learn to search the forum. Also for the fishing game if you do not want to use a cheat mod, you could try using a macro editor (AutoHotKey) to create a script to auto reel the fishing pole for you. I've done that in the past due to the fact I broke my wrist a while back and some motions are painful.
Komi started this game from ground zero. He's been learning how to do all of this as he goes. Programming, custom Koikatsu animation, procedural dungeons and such. Instead of taking the easy route and just finishing the game in the original version of Renpy it started with, he's updating to the new version and learning how to change his code which throws a wrench in the works. Having to relearn processes and syntax. It's not the average cookie cutter VN that is all the rage. It's different with new mechanics. Show some appreciation.
In the end, Komi has straight up admitted the errors he has made in this process. He's not hiding anything. He's taking in the advice that people are offering him. Changing the small delays, deciding to release chapter 1 in chunks instead of whole etc. No one is perfect people. I'm not putting him on a pedestal either. I'm just understanding of the process and that not everyone is as quick as others. I'd rather play a game that is released more slowly and shows improvement in graphics and methods over time than a game that is released and updated quickly with all the same errors being made over and over with no attempt to fix them.
P.S. If you think it can be done better/quicker? Put up or shut up. Don't compare him to other devs. Put your effort into making a game of equal or better quality then MAYBE I'll consider something you have to complain about.