Is there a compressed version?
I would think you can't mix compressed .3.8.0 and uncompressed .3.8.1, no?
Let me she some light on the topic of compression.
There wasn't an uncompressed version of Holiday island since years.
In uncompressed (png) format, the game would be between 40 and 60 GB.
The game is just so big compared to most other games, that the file size might suggest that it is not compressed.
The PC/MACLinux release has a webp compression setting between 80 and 87, with 87 beeing very rare. The average is somehere around 82. With the way I post work the images, this gives an average image size for a 2560x1440 image of around 200Kb or a little less. Without the post work, the images would be 50% or 60% bigger.
The android version uses the PC version as a base and I use RenCruncher to compress it further.
In that case, the webp compression setting is 70.
This comes with a clearly visible quality loss. You get a lot of compression artifacts.
You won't notice the quality loss that much (if at all) on the small screen of a phone.
On a regular 24" monitor (or even a bigger one), the images do have clearly visible artifacts and quality loss. That's why I always advice against compressing the images further or using the phone quality on a big screen.
Now what does the RenCruncher do?
It doesn't change the image extension. So a png stays png, jpg stays jpg, etc. It also doesn't change the image resolution.
The new image content is a webp image format affter the compression. Ren'py doesn't care about the file extension, so there are no problems loading the files.
That means you can mix any compression settings version with any other version. Since the update inlcudes all necessary new images and all script files, you could use any compressed 0.3.8 and apply the patch to
There is one exception. If the person who did the compression also changed stuff in the code and used is/her own renpy version and not the one provided by me, the update will not work, since it requires a couple of changes to the renpy base code.