2.50 star(s) 25 Votes


Jan 16, 2019
There was a game called Bully on this forum ... the creator i think got banned and thread removed (long story) ... this game is similar to that game and if continue on racism side i wont be surprised this game would be removed as well ... ( Are some chances the Bully creator to be same with this game) I like NTR games but this is not NTR this is bullying game and you have to be really crazy to enjoy something like this .
yup same problem with Angelica's temptation the new version by developer saruh the game makes the best friend into a complete scumbag and yet in game all women seem to think he is great but the other thing it deliberately makes the MC's husband into an utter coward loser with no redeeming quality and the Intro story of the game is borderline cruelty. i can tolerate ntr but not bullying or borderline cruelty. and that is exactly what these ntr devs have to get right.
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May 11, 2017
I like NTR, but... MC in a family of psychopaths, his girlfriend being a total slut. Not sure this is a good start.

Ob Nixillis

Aug 1, 2017
So Bully was done by Jobeo and the game was taken down but he got with F95 staff and mods to figure out what specifically got the game banned (spoiler, it was forcing an abortion and keeping it in a glass jar, yuck) and has ANOTHER game out in .2 right now called Reparations, same vein less... bannable content. The more you know!


Jun 21, 2018
Maybe a little revenge in the story,,Like the son pays the whole football team to screw them all night log. turn them into mind less dolls..


Dec 3, 2019
I like your game, but... The story seems to be too short. I think you should fill in Chapter 1 + 5 more. The dialog boxes of mom and girl can be more rich to express their thoughts.

I think the quarterback should be a strong bully rather than a bad bastard. He will take over all the girls instead of hurting them. The quarterback should take the love of all the girls, make them pregnant and build their own family, rather than be ruthless like livestock. In this process, it does not conflict with humiliating MC.

Mom, sisters and girlfriends should focus on the quarterback rather than be gang raped by many people in the process. Maybe we can add some female members of her, let the quarterback occupy aunt, or girlfriend's mother and other women related to MC.

Chapters 1-5 look a lot but the story is too little... But I like it very much.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2018
The story itself continous, i hope the game does to, part 6 & 7 should be out if i read correctly
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Active Member
May 2, 2017
DEV's last post is saying he/she is done with this forum and wont be coming back, grats you people on shitting on someones work to the point where they dont even want to share it anymore.

If you dont like NTR then piss off, we dont need to see you post about it on a clearly NTR based game/thread.
I get what you say and that happen a lot in NTR threads but this is not the case, this game lack a lot of things and people say it, someones with constructives comments and other just with hate comments. I like NTR and to me this game started really bad, the ratings show that, a lot of them are from people who love NTR and they gave him really constructives advices and the Dev just desappered because he don't like it people talking "bad" about his game. Thats happen a lot and to all the devs, if you can take well the criticism that means this is not the work for you.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2018
Im a fan of Ntr but this game is trash.. the pacing sucks ass, and just straight cuckold is boring as fuck. and no offence to my black brothers but why does it always have to be a black guy its so cliche now. meh.
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Sep 29, 2017
I don't mind NTR and can even enjoy it when the corruption makes sense and the character's fall from grace is something I can see happening because the inaction of the MC or because of circumstance beyond your control.

But the whole: "Chad shows up and fucks anything with a pulse as he is so manly and such a physical specimen that every woman within a one mile radius turns into a cock zombie" deal that some of these games adapt-- you might as well not have the MC or a story at all.

My advice is either make the Quarterback have more to him and the way he gets these women more plausible. Make him cunning. Have him trick the MC in some way. Anything other than being Chad Bigdickerson.

Good luck!


May 20, 2017
I wouldn't mind the NTR if it would lead to MC trying to get rid of the black guy and win his family over. Are you planning something like that in the future? And what is the opinion of the MC? Does he like watching or is he angry about this happening?
2.50 star(s) 25 Votes