How can one who dislikes NTR, who also has three women loyal to them, enjoy a game with brothels, strip clubs, gloryholes & sex clubs?


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 2, 2020
I'm not .
Damn it... And I considered myself a seasoned degenerate. Never occurred to me to lewd the map-painting game, despite having almost 3k hours in it. I'm just a pathetic poser after all :cry:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
Damn it... And I considered myself a seasoned degenerate. Never occurred to me to lewd the map-painting game, despite having almost 3k hours in it. I'm just a pathetic poser after all :cry:
I... i assume you have not visited the loverslab website these past few months?


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 2, 2020
I... i assume you have not visited the loverslab website these past few months?
It's worse. I've only played like 3 porn games since I've started making my own the last year.
If the game's bad, I feel bad that I'm wasting my time instead of doing stuff for my players.
If the game's good, I'm depressed that I'm a useless potato who can never be at that level of awesome.
The last time I visited loverslab was in ~2015 when I had a few-week-long hardcore sex with trying to modify Skyrim and play it without crashing every 20 minutes.
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Devoted Member
Jul 29, 2017
It worse. I've only played like 3 porn games since I've started making my own the last year.
If the game's bad, I feel bad that I'm wasting my time instead of doing stuff for my players.
If the game's good, I'm depressed that I'm a useless potato who can never be at that level of awesome.
The last time I visited loverslab was in ~2015 when I had a few-week-long hardcore sex with trying to modify Skyrim and play it without crashing every 20 minutes.
Shouldn't u be working on ur game right now, i want more.
This thread has gone so off-topic, i forgot what it was about.
Get ur ass back in the dungeon slave.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2018
I'll be honest. Judging by the direction in which the author is going, I will not play this game, at most, I will download it and look at the images, and then write in the topic that all the girls are whores, since they hypothetically can have sex with other guys, and that there is NTR. I just can't understand this obsession with the idea that a sister, a mother and a girlfriend should also work in a brothel, that without this the game will not work. Justifying it by saying that this is what the city is like? You can go to another one, no? You can work as a webcam model. you can eat burgers on camera and lick your fingers, you can whisper and tap your fingers on the microphone, you can work in macdonalds! You don't have to go straight to work in a brothel. And I would never sympathize with a girl who would agree to work in a brothel. Moreover, given how brothels work, the hero will be at the very bottom of this "food chain" of sex and power. I doubt that at his age (I think it will be 19-24 years), he will be able to be a high-ranking politician or police officer. So, I'm not even sure that he would hypothetically be able to treat some girls as his own toys. He will have to share them with those who really have the power. And this is a direct NTR.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I'll be honest. Judging by the direction in which the author is going, I will not play this game, at most, I will download it and look at the images, and then write in the topic that all the girls are whores, since they hypothetically can have sex with other guys, and that there is NTR. I just can't understand this obsession with the idea that a sister, a mother and a girlfriend should also work in a brothel, that without this the game will not work. Justifying it by saying that this is what the city is like? You can go to another one, no? You can work as a webcam model. you can eat burgers on camera and lick your fingers, you can whisper and tap your fingers on the microphone, you can work in macdonalds! You don't have to go straight to work in a brothel. And I would never sympathize with a girl who would agree to work in a brothel. Moreover, given how brothels work, the hero will be at the very bottom of this "food chain" of sex and power. I doubt that at his age (I think it will be 19-24 years), he will be able to be a high-ranking politician or police officer. So, I'm not even sure that he would hypothetically be able to treat some girls as his own toys. He will have to share them with those who really have the power. And this is a direct NTR.
This theory is in regards to real life:

"Parallel universes. .........Going back to the idea that space-time is flat, the number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would be limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities, to be exact............"

With that said, my game is not real life. It's a fictional, artificial simulation of an alternate universe; in which only 5-6 parallel universes exist.

If you believe that all the women in my game are whores, just because the renders exist in an alternate reality.

That means in our reality; in real life, your future wife would've fucked around 60,500,000,000,000,000,000 guys. That means my wife fucked abuot that many guys too. The only difference is I wish I could've seen her get fucked 60,500,000,000,000,000,000 times. *SIGH*
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Dec 23, 2019
Most of the NTR haters hate seeing their woman with another guy not with other females. If i have 3 women loyal to me i wouldn't mind other women in the institution (even after i get to know them well) have intimacy with other men. Also i kinda find the idea of the thee women loyal to me expect me to be loyal to them only(i mean 3 is good enough the pussibilites are large) hot.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Like others before I think the easiest way for a brothel game to avoid NTR, is to make the relationship purely professional, with the MC being no closer to the prostitutes than any other boss to his or her employees, most likely not even appearing on screen. Of course this would be more business simulation than porn game, but it would avoid NTR, cuck, sharing or similar repulsive stuff.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Like others before I think the easiest way for a brothel game to avoid NTR, is to make the relationship purely professional, with the MC being no closer to the prostitutes than any other boss to his or her employees, most likely not even appearing on screen. Of course this would be more business simulation than porn game, but it would avoid NTR, cuck, sharing or similar repulsive stuff.
Let's say you shut the brothel down completely.

Now you have the following:

- An empty building with six different kinds of rooms.
- Three super hot women who are loyal to you.

You go inside the building with three hot, sexy women at your side. You look around and say, "Hmm, I'm gonna turn this place into a ...... " [[Insert erotic idea here from the perspective of an NTR Hater. It can be a private building that only you and your women are allowed to go, if you want.]]

I have multiple ideas already, but I'm curious what's the first thing that enters your mind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Ok, first, I'm not a hater of NTR I just hate poorly written stuff.
Second, most people that claim to hate NTR primarily hate it when it happens to them and not when they are doing it to someone else.
Being dumped into a shit character isn't most people's cup of tea.
NTR without them realizing it.

What I mean by poor writing
. Don't half ass shit. If you use something like blackmail to get a woman to do something make sure you covered all the alternative ways she could respond. Don't do some half ass lazy shit and have her say, "But I have no choice".
Forcing a woman to do something in real life she doesn't want to do isn't easy. So don't cheapen the effort make the reader feel this could actually be real. 99.999% of games that include NTR fail on that issue alone. In fact I challenge you to find a single NTR game listed on this site that I can't find some sort of issue similar to that. Short answer don't be lazy and half ass shit.

Most guys / people don't like it when they are in the role and the shit happens to them. Most people want to feel they are in power. The number of people that like negative stuff happening to them in that regard and a very small number compared to the rest. Hell most the rest of the people won't even consider if it is them doing the stealing that it is NTR.
When the reader or player isn't the character but an 3D party outside view but the character is one they control the same rule generally applies as if they are the character. It's the responsibility connection. They are responsible for the character actions thus what happens to the character is happening to them.

Having a woman taken from you is one thing. Being cast into a shit role is entirely another. You are a moron and abusive to your woman, you work to much, you can't see she is unhappy.... Then not giving the person to actually act on their own behalf and just saying basically your woman is taken from you. It's blatant crap.

Relationships are the key issue. People form different types of relationships. People they care about those they do business with and so on.
Sorry, the next part is a bit difficult to describe.
There are still people in this world who have slaves, trade slaves and so on. A lot of those people have families and while they want to protect their families and get highly agitated if you mention something like their own family members ending up as slaves they don't seem to actually connect that the very people they are trading in are anything more than property.

While that is an extreme case you can see similar personality issues with pimps here in the US and other countries. Not all but some are very much that way.

So if the person has 3 women loyal to him it probably won't go well if they get stolen away for most readers. However, if he runs say a brothel and steals women from other men and then tricks them out and other stuff, most readers are going to see that as simply part of the challenge of getting those women.

It doesn't just need to be a woman stolen also. Even if the main character is male he could use some of his workers to lure males to work for him and give up other lives and cheat an so on.

I sat in a lot of family court case over the years. 20 years ago I wouldn't have said what I am going to say now. Women these days in the US are probably more at fault when it comes to breakups. They say men cheat and scheme yea some do but by far women these days are seriously fucked up. Listen to them talk to their lawyers after there spouse left they can't wait to run their mouths about shit stuff. It's almost like they are fucking proud of the shit they do. I've heard more than one woman invite a lawyer to their up coming gangbang. Speaking of which, if you want a realist way to blackmail a woman. Have someone record what they say in the court house hall way. They can't risk having the person arrested if they do the recording gets entered as evidence. Which the spouse could then use in court. Those women who are after money aren't going to risk loosing it. Depending on how much it is they may however try to get away with killing the person. You still need to be a bit smart about it. Such as she has the evidence after you make the deal then she takes it to the cops. That would be bad. Eliminate the proof you had anything to do with it other than she gets a password to the file and can delete it. No proof left you blackmailed her.
Just you had consensual sex. If she does go to the cops and they ask why she would be willing to have sex with you. Easy she's a slut she's going through a divorce check out if she has some gangbangs planned... She runs her mouth invited her lawyer right hear in this hall. Anyway the person doing the blackmail can easily explain anything she does past that will only back fire on her. That she can tell he doesn't have any more evidence because there is no more blackmail.

Most blackmails situations aren't easy to write well because they are fairly hard to actually pull off. That one above is a rarity caused because the characters personality type and the situation combined together just make it that way.

Whatever, you do don't use the big dick she fell in love with so left her husband. Sure as hell don't use the he raped her and she liked it and left. That type of shit is a perfect way to get one star rating.

NTR them without them realizing it.

Yea, right you probably are thinking. Well it actually can be done to some extent. It can't be done by someone who is a lazy writer or bad at writing in general. This is the pro hour here no amateurs need apply. You are either going to do it write or fail spectacularly.
The way it works is gradual incremental disconnection. Lets say the player has his three special girls. Each has their own personality one spoiled one, really helpful and one an utter attention whore.

So you are short staff in the bar or waiting area one evening the helpful young lady offers to help out. It's not like she is providing sex she is just delivering drinks and the most that can happen is a guy occasionally will get handsy and if that happens hell you can have the security toss him out on his rear or straiten him out yourself. So a week goes past she keeps helping for longer than expected but you keeping having to deal with guys putting their hands on her and you are loosing a percentage of your customers. The spoiled one runs her mouth the attention whore snaps the last nerve and you point out how helpful the one has been. Still customer issues and the helpful one sees what's going on and offers to help if she can so you delegate her to deal with the customers the best way they can. You promise to try and get new talent in. you do but they don't seem to work as well as the three girls and or get along with them or take instructions. Before long the player is looking at the girls as more or less employees because they are having less and less time together and it is more about work. So the relationship has been demoted in that way. Maybe after you finally get the front straitened out you have to find a replacement for the girl in the bath or massage area. They got sick so its only temporary right....
Add in distractions such as he the player needs to test out and train new girls, handle outside deals, open another locations eventually.
They have so much stuff going on they don't realize till to late what has happened.
The smarter players will still realize it but not hate it so much if they actually had chances to say no to everything that led there.
Such as they could say no to helping out in the waiting area, the baths, the massage area, ...
If they feel the rest of the time was enjoyable and some what of a good trade it isn't minded that much at all.
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Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
just find this thread...

see the title is a question....

chicken answer the question....

question :

How can one who dislikes NTR, who also has three women loyal to them, enjoy a game with brothels, strip clubs, gloryholes & sex clubs?

Answer from chiclen :

simple as fuck. if a game have a brothel, a strip club, a sex club and glory holes all around the places. you are still free toc hoose if ya want to use it or go there. that's not NTR at all.

the whole concept of NTR is based on 2 simple rule : "you can't choose." and "someone try to steal your girls"

to give a small exemple:

- if the game have a brothel and you can go there, it's fine. (no NTR)
- if the game have a brothel and the story push you (female mc) to play the cumbucket, it's fine. (no NTR)
- if the game have a brothel and your wife work there, it's fine (no NTR because it's her proper job, deal with it.)
- if any LI/waifus/harem girls get fucked in a brothel because MC is the owner or something, it's fine. (no NTr as MC is okay with it.)


- if the game force your wife/mother or any LI to go in a brothel and you dont agree, it's not fine. (it's NTr because you dont agree on it.)
- if MC (female MC) is forced to work as a cumbucket in ab rothel because blackmail and shit, it's not okay (not NTR, but still no choices)
- if a LI work in a brothel and the brothel owner force the LI to fuck him, it's not okay. (It's NTR because it's forced)


- if MC (female) goes in a room and a dick pop out of glory hole and MC is (kind of.. i can'tsee how, unless it's some fucking SAW circus) forced to suck that dick, it's fine. (Even if you don't have choice, it is NOT NTR as there is no proper sex/penetration vaginal/oral.)

so basically, AKABUR game is NOT NTR (even if girls fuck more others dude than actual Genie) because it's part of the game as "trainer" for them. we are forced, but it's smooth and usually girls didn't get too much away from Genie (and no men actually STEAL girls from Genie.)

game like Big Brother have NTR, as we can't avoid Erik to fuck the mother, wich is a LI. so we dont have choices to avoid that, we dont agree, mother dont agree much and Erik is a douchebag who try to STEAL the girls from MC.

so yeah. NTR is not about fact girls have sexual thing with others men. it's about fact we can't CHOOSE for it to happen and the others guys want to STEAL your girls from you.

with exception of people who enjoy free sex , gang bang shit and all. every single man (and woman) will never ever like to see someone else stealing his lover one.
And even the people who actually enjoy free sex and sharing, i m prettysure they will absolutly break everything around if the guy who they share their wife decide to steal and take your wife breaking your couple.

(message to all devs. if you put a sexy attractive LI in your game and volontary make her acting arousingly with MC. that's where you choice will go. make her fuck someone else by force or another guy take her away from MC and get your game NTR tagged. Or keep her only for MC and get your game not tagged NTR.)

now, i m out. i put another thousand millions big wall of engrish about this shit named NTR. :WutFace:


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Let's say you shut the brothel down completely.

Now you have the following:

- An empty building with six different kinds of rooms.
- Three super hot women who are loyal to you.

You go inside the building with three hot, sexy women at your side. You look around and say, "Hmm, I'm gonna turn this place into a ...... " [[Insert erotic idea here from the perspective of an NTR Hater. It can be a private building that only you and your women are allowed to go, if you want.]]

I have multiple ideas already, but I'm curious what's the first thing that enters your mind.
basically the story behind that game with the dude taking a serum and taking control over a house selling market thing and take control of the mansion to put as much girl as he want in it for him alone istead of selling it.

game title ? eeeeh... The Gift Reloaded.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2018
Let's say you shut the brothel down completely.

Now you have the following:

- An empty building with six different kinds of rooms.
- Three super hot women who are loyal to you.

You go inside the building with three hot, sexy women at your side. You look around and say, "Hmm, I'm gonna turn this place into a ...... " [[Insert erotic idea here from the perspective of an NTR Hater. It can be a private building that only you and your women are allowed to go, if you want.]]

I have multiple ideas already, but I'm curious what's the first thing that enters your mind.
I'll say it this way - Fuck all this dystopia. I would redecorate these rooms and rent them out to hot girls, letting them pay with sex, cleaning, and cooking if they don't have the money, and become a landlord.


Jun 19, 2017
Netori is in the game. What you described is the fun stuff I have planned for the alpha male MC.

I need to ask you more questions if you don't mind, since the game is focused on catering to your playstyle.

When you seduce the wife away from her husband, would you ever:
a) fuck her in front of her husband to crush his soul and destroy him
b) adhere to the husbands request to fuck his wife; he literally asks you to, because he knows you're the better man and you've cucked him cuz he's such a loser, so you guys setup a deal once a week where you fuck her in front of him
c) fuck his wife and daughter in front of him while he jerks off
d) fuck his wife and daughter, record it and send him a video
e) host a party, invite the husband and wife, then have all your buddies fuck her, while you fuck her too, while the husband watches?

Are any of these things appealing? Be brutally honest.
Hi, since i have similar answer as the person you replied to, i'll also answer the question

It depends on how you write the husband's character

if he's an asshole and likes to abuse her wife physically or mentally, i'd love to pick A, the example is from
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where the MC cucking the husband because he thinks the wife is old. ugly and unfuckable, and he also cheats on his wife

If you write the husband as a pathetic loser, i'd pick either B and C, B is okay but i prefer C

BUT, if the husband is a good man and loyal, i'd prefer to hide the relation. I feel bad for the husband when he find out his wife is cheating, i even might to skip the route by fast forwarding the text or even avoid the route
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Jun 19, 2017
It's worse. I've only played like 3 porn games since I've started making my own the last year.
If the game's bad, I feel bad that I'm wasting my time instead of doing stuff for my players.
If the game's good, I'm depressed that I'm a useless potato who can never be at that level of awesome.
The last time I visited loverslab was in ~2015 when I had a few-week-long hardcore sex with trying to modify Skyrim and play it without crashing every 20 minutes.
you missing out lewd mod for CK2 and Stellaris, if you like those game of course


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Let's say you shut the brothel down completely.

Now you have the following:

- An empty building with six different kinds of rooms.
- Three super hot women who are loyal to you.

You go inside the building with three hot, sexy women at your side. You look around and say, "Hmm, I'm gonna turn this place into a ...... " [[Insert erotic idea here from the perspective of an NTR Hater. It can be a private building that only you and your women are allowed to go, if you want.]]

I have multiple ideas already, but I'm curious what's the first thing that enters your mind.
The MC could use the building to start a porn movie production or found a sect dedicated to a (real or made up) deity of sex. The MC could even start a career in politics and train to them to seduce and blackmail political rivals. The most important thing IMO would be that there is no personal relationship between the MC and the sex workers. This doesn't mean he or she treats them badly, just that there relationship is 100% professional with zero emotions attached. I'm not an expert either, as I prefer lesbian only games and view every male character as one too many. But as NTR is mostly about emotional abuse through cheating, the best way to avoid it, would be to remove any emotional ties.

If you still wanted emotional bindings you could most easily accomplish them by making the MC and the women a dysfunctional yet not incestous family - so the MC becomes the the mistress/pimp of his/her mother and sisters. Of course this would make the MC thoroughly evil, but it would not be NTR or cuck.
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Dec 8, 2019
I've only read the first and last page of this thread so I don't know if this has been said before but I'll give it a shot to give you my opinion.
First of all, to answer this:
Guys, if you don't mind, I need to know if NTR haters would consider the following NTR:
  • You and your girlfriend are in a fight.
  • You raise your girlfriends top to reveal her breasts. (an optional tactic)
  • The two enemies drop their guard and begin to fondle their crotch (it doesn't actually show this), because they're in awe of your gf's breasts.
  • Because they're distracted, you easily knock one enemy out in the next turn.
  • Your girlfriend easily knocks out the other.
  • You're victorious.
So, in order to win, the MC chose to show his girlfriends incredible breasts to distract the enemy (wow, a tactile genius). The enemies didn't touch her. Would you guys consider this NTR?
I would not consider this NTR but I would indeed consider this silly. Unless your game would be written as a parody I would clearly dislike the scene. Not because of the revealing breasts part which would be hot with a proper scenario but because I think distracting enemies with breasts in an environment like the one you describe is ridiculous. If there were more than a few scenes like this, I would continue to play the game skipping almost all dialogue if the renders are good or stop playing the game if the renders don't do it for me.
Now going to the topic of NTR. I don't hate NTR content to the point of: this game has NTR I don't even try it but I dislike to a strong degree.
If I had the option to have one of the three women work in the brothel for example, or sleep with someone for some gain, I would not consider it NTR (because it is not, according to the definition). Depending on my attachment to the LI I could choose any of the routes for her and our relationship.
If I make bad choices and I get NTRed (one or all of my LIs get fucked/stolen) I wouldn't mind the game as long as the NTR choices are obvious (you can even have warnings placed on some of the choices to make it completely obvious). I would just not play those routes and all would be well. Being bothered by what a parallel universe MC goes through is just ridiculous and I don't think you need to worry about the small percentage of people that are indeed bothered by that (and not just trolls).
If whatever choices I make in the game, NTR happens, I would not like it. Depending on how hardcore the scene is (I mean in terms of the NTR itself, not the sex scene, for example, the NPC that fucked the LI rubs it it) I might get annoyed. If the writing is done well enough, it would have to be pretty hardcore to stop playing the game, if not I would probably just skip the scene and pretend it didn't happen. If this happens more than once, I would probably stop playing the game as it wouldn't be for me.
I think if you are trying to please both sides of the coin (NTR and non NTR lovers) you will never be able to please the extremes. The ones that absolutely hate the idea of it and the ones that want hardcore unavoidable NTR to happen regardless of what you do. Everything in between should be fine.
Hope this helps.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I've got to be sure, so I need to bring up this point one more time.

If you hate NTR, I need you to help me out and answer VERY honestly.

In the NTR playthrough, the women are gonna have the most FUCKED up things happen to them. It's so hardcore, so nasty, so insane; completely devoid of morality; just pure degeneracy of the worst kind; nothing illegal though and everything is consensual, but they get corrupted hard. (To be clear, there's no blood or bruises or rape, nothing like that. I'm talking about women just acting like sluts, having fun, but doing very degenerate things, VERY degenerate. They get very mean and cruel.)

If NON-NTR players look into the NTR folder, it could really upset them, because in either path you can romance the women and feel a deep attachment, there's romance music and everything; love the whole nine yards, but that was originally a conduit for CRUSHING the NTR player's soul in half and destroying him. In the NON-NTR path, the crushing of the soul never happens, it's the opposite, it's pure loving bliss and bonding.

Imagine you end up really liking the girlfriend, then you're like, "Hmm, wonder what she does in the NTR folder." THEN you go look and you're like, "omg, noooo!! I liked her so much! Why, why is she doing that? NOOOO!!! I'm so upset at the developer! He's such a f'ing asshole!" Have any of you guys who hate NTR ever had that happen? I know 1-2 in the thread might, but how common is it?

I ask because I genuinely am concerned for peoples emotional well being. I'm an older guy whose seen a lot of porn, so for me it's NOTHING but a crazy fun good time, but to someone between 18-25, it could REALLY upset them.

I do shit in the game that makes the characters feel very alive to build a strong attachment. The original purpose of the game was to make the NTR hit so hard that if you have a soul, it would destroy it completely and fuck up your mind beyond repair.

I feel like I got to password protect the NTR folder so NON-NTR doesn't get in there no matter what. Of course they could easily figure it out, but fuck. I'm not sure what to do.

I was thinking of making a folder structure like this:


-> NTR