Ren'Py Abandoned HSS -HighSchool Shenanigans- [v0.1.1 (bugfix)] [Studio Errilhl]

1.30 star(s) 3 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2019
maybe when i download v1.0 can play now i can`t game is full of ghost for now i see only my sister but mom miss Novak and others are ghosts !!!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2019
image not found ! image not found !!! ........ thank you maybe in 2020. try again deleted !!!


Aug 6, 2017
i also have the bug were it always dark and the bug were charterers do not show up when talking to them most of the time .
had the same problem, then i checked the game files. there are no images that could appear.

there are three scenes as far as i can tell

- disturb roommate masturbating & her walking into the corridor pantieless
- find landlady kneeling in the kitchen
- put sunscreen on roommate. this one has topless pictures, but you probably need to cheat your relationship to see them


God of Death
Apr 30, 2017
This game has potential a lot of framework has been put in rooms, menus, items, but there's fuck all story and its buggy as all hell right now.

I would not even consider this as 0.1 but more a POC for now atleast.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
No need to cheat to see her topless while sunbathing - you only need to make the right choices in the right order... ;)
The ghostly voices of people you are talking but cannot be seen are indeed a bit frightening... ;)
The crash during repairing the bike can be avoided if you do not work on the bike at the early morning. At every other time I did not experiance the problem.
The game design so far is interesting, even though the open world concept bears the danger for the player to miss certain things of you aren't at the right place to the right time. That can make the game frustrating and give the impression of no content, even though you are simply missing it. And the movent in the house is irritating. Some areas for moving to other rooms are too hidden or seem implausibly placed. But at least there is a navigation map.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2018
I don´t understand how to navigate essentials. (right click no funktion?)
Some questions:
How to save?
How to load?
How to use an item out of the backpack? (keys on car?)


Sep 15, 2018
"Open world", search for quests, clumsy movements (entering the room, you can go back either through the map or through the street, there is no door back), the save system via phone ... why? If the unit is a necessity, then here it is an inconvenience and nothing more. While it looks sad.


Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Bug soup. Not playable at the moment.
Also must ask, what's the point of "choices"? We have "talk" or "not talk" to roomie. If we "choose" not to talk, game "suggest" us to "pick another option" which actually even happens if we click 3 times on "no talk" option. Game automatically pick other option for us. WTF?! Is it maybe gives us some hidden stat or variable for future updates or dev is just trying to make illusion of choices in his game?
If you're going to make illustrated book, than do exactly that, don't put illusion of "open wold" BS and fake choices, if player will not have actual freedom to choose which things he wants to do and which he don't want to do. If you're going to make us play game in only one way, than don't make us to walk around for nothing. Just make classic VN and that's it.
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Oct 27, 2018
Seriously, this guy dont test his games? the bike one is a killer. Im interested but bud, if you cant solve problems, ask for help, dont just rush games with bugs for whatever reason. That said.... do your job, money cames as you prove yourself. Point.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
I do like sandboxes, but this one is just too empty. Empty rooms 95% of the time, no clue what to do except work the bike, shower, earn money, "go to school". I have found no way to just advance time except "sleep the day off".

Some goals or writing the schedules of the npcs into the stats screen would help.

Many dialogs are happening in front of one static image (for example school) or black screen (for example karen in bedroom).

So this seems to be a solid framework, but no content and not really playable right now.
You can advance time incrementally by clicking on the clock in the calendar (1 hour for hours, and 30 minutes for minutes)

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
"Open world", search for quests, clumsy movements (entering the room, you can go back either through the map or through the street, there is no door back), the save system via phone ... why? If the unit is a necessity, then here it is an inconvenience and nothing more. While it looks sad.
Not 100% sure which room doesn't have a "step back" arrow? If you would be as kind as to tell me which room, I would be happy to fix. It is true there might not be a door back to where you were, given that "turning around" in the same room hasn't been implemented (or perhaps won't be) - hence there are navigation arrows if there are places to go that isn't obviously visible in the current location.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
same and most of those functions like right click are built into the renpy game engine by default maybe this game was started on another engine and ported over but as it is its in a completely unplayable state quite frankly the worst UI in a visual novel i have ever seen along with it being buggy as hell
It is not. It's a distinct choice made, that the right-click is disabled. You can enable the quick-menu if you want, via the options in the phone.

As for all of the mentioned Save, Load, Inventory and the like, you need to pick up the items - phone, wallet (for money), backpack etc. Currently, all of these can be found in your room. There are even hints showing up for most of these things if you try to go outside, or carry stuff without having them.

You can also enable cheats via the phone's option's menu, if you like.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
I will go through and update and fix the most egregious bugs, and upload a new version sometime later today. I apologize for the bathroom lock door bug, that was a remnant from a previous choice you had in the bathroom, which has since been removed. Unfortunately, there was a secondary call to that label, in the event after you work on the bike in the morning, that wasn't caught when removing the rest of the calls to that label.

As for the missing images, that's something I'm currently working on, getting the scenes in place first, then I'll finish up redoing the speech-images and such.

As stated on the OP, this is a rebuild, and while there are some bugs and missing images, hopefully it'll be decently playable within a month or so.

Plans for the October release is at least 100% more content (as in actual playable events), most of which is already created, just need to do the art for it. Also, filling the currently missing renders, ofc, and getting all of those things down.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
but how do you bring up the phone i tried the Esc key along with nearly every other button on my keyboard i only managed to bring it up once and that was from pressing F11 to get out of full screen mode a main menu options to explain game mechanics would be helpful or even a text file
You need to actually pick up the phone, first - there is an empty UI frame/border showing it. As I've stated, you can pick up the phone (and other items) from your room.

I feel that most people here haven't played many adventure games in the 90s :D

Explore, click on/ pick up everything you find, read the hints.

There is supposed to be an intro-text, but I've seen it only pop up when you chose NOT to view the intro, I will fix that before the next release, and include a bit more information about the game-mechanics.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
Bugfix uploaded (for the bug that caused the issue with crashing after working on the bike in the morning). There has been a few small things added to the game, among removing some of the "missing images" messages (instead they're replaced by a background-image - more jarring, perhaps, but at least easier to remove when I add renders).

As for the comment some made asking about the doorlock / breaking it - this is currently not fully implemented, but will be part of the next release.

Studio Errilhl

Game Developer
Oct 16, 2017
sorry i was wrong about the game it's not perfect but not nearly as bad as i originally said i jumped the gun quite a bit im used to the features just being there didn't expect to have to actually pick up the phone quite immersive
Thanks for the revised statement. I'm hoping to build an adventure game, a little bit more like the old-fashioned ones, not just a click-click-click **oh porn** click-click-click... there's gonna be porn, ofc, but I'm hoping I will be able to actually have people play the game as well.

I am aware that there are issues, and I'm working on fixing them as we speak.
1.30 star(s) 3 Votes